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Recordicons issue 2

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Publisher Fun Publications
Published in Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #35
First published October/November2010
Script David Willis
Art David Willis
Continuity Shattered Glass

Ravage meets a celebrity, one that broods in the night...



Slamdance from ABN interviews Ravage about a crime he witnessed. The excitable jaguar explains that he saw a drunken Ratbat in the alleyway, and attempted to ask him for autographs. Suddenly, the pair were accosted by two criminals, who knocked Ravage out. Slamdance explains that when Ravage came to, the criminals were strung up for the police, while Ratbat was nowhere to be seen. Slamdance remarks on Ratbat's supposed lack of courage as Ravage attempts to plug himself, while on the top of a tower, a brooding figure watches the night. A streak of lightning flashes, revealing him to be Ratbat's alter-ego; Batbot!

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


Continuity notes

  • Ratbat's public image as a former celebrity who tended to drink was established in his mini-profile in the club magazine.
  • ABN appeared in the Shattered Glass version of fellow club magazine strip, "Around Cybertron".

Real-world references

  • Ratbat's whole "Batbot" shtick is, of course, based on Batman. His public appearance is based on the outfit worn by Batman's alter-ego, Bruce Wayne, in Batman: The Animated Series. The final two panels homage the famous opening from the show, with Batman's silhouetted figure being revealed by lightning.
  • Slamdance's personality is modeled on Stephen Colbert, while his coloration is based on Myron Reducto from Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, who Colbert voiced.

External links

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