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Reunification: Part 2

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Transformers: Shattered Glass
"Reunification: Part 2"
Publisher Fun Publications
Published in Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club #26
Writer Forest Lee
Pencils by Robby Musso
Inks by Robby Musso
Colors by Josh Perez
Letters by Jesse Wittenrich
Editor Pete Sinclair
Continuity Shattered Glass
Chronology Current era (2009)

Landquake and company escape their captors, but where can they possibly go?



Topspin cannot comprehend why Alpha Trion has taken him prisoner, after being his most loyal follower for so long. Landquake, meanwhile, wonders why Alpha Trion hasn't killed them along with Skyfall; the old Autobot explains that he can still make "reunification" happen with one dead, but not all. Landquake whispers to Breakaway to get ready, and asks an confused Topspin if he's with them. Dirge butts in, and Landquake explains his abilities; he can shape energon into various shapes, and gives a demonstration by killing Perceptor with a spike formed from some nearby containers. Blasting Dirge, Landquake throws some smoke bombs as he and Breakaway escape with Skyfall's body. Topspin is still unsure what to do, but when he realizes he's been betrayed, rips the ember from Kickback and joins the others. Topspin demands for revenge; Landquake tells him that for now, they must survive, but for Skyfall, revenge will be had. The three roll out, before Trion's other troops arrive. The Technobots offer to go after them, but Alpha Trion lets them run, needing to head to another lab before they are detected.

Weeks later, Landquake and the others return to their current home, an abandoned facility where derelicts reside. The three are unsure what to do; Breakaway suggests going to Megatron, the derelicts having told him of his heroic nature, but Landquake refuses. Topspin, still clinging to his beliefs, wants to go back to Alpha Trion. Landquake is frustrated at his new position as leader of the group; he thought they could bring back Skyfall with their abilities, his friend being the only one of them with any real direction. Breakaway comforts Landquake, knowing that destiny is calling them, and they have to move on before they are swalloed by the future. Suddenly, Topspin interrupts the two conversation, as everything around them freezes...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"And what are we discoursing about in such low tones, eh old boy? Put on a happy face! You've been chosen to serve the master!"

—In his own way, Dirge is just as creepy as his mirror counterpart.


  • Characters mentioned include: Computron and Megatron.
  • The club magazine comics have always felt like they were written in one go. with them subsequently split into 6 parts; it becomes heavily evident here, with Topspin continuing a conversation from last issue. Additionally, see "Errors" below.

Transformers references

  • Cypher and his group appear to be empties.


  • The storytelling on the last page is dreadfully unclear as to what is supposed to be going on; it's not until next issue we actually learn that time is frozen.

Other trivia

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