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Search and Destroy Robot

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The Search and Destroy Robot is a Decepticon drone-unit from the Unicron Trilogy continuity family (via the 2003 Universe toyline).

The Decepticon Oil Slick employs the tiny but speedy Search and Destroy Robots in his missions of destruction.



Ask Vector Prime

The Oil Slick of Aurex 203.26 Zeta constructed the Search and Destroy Robots based on full-body scans of the Mini-Con Nightbeat. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/25 The Robots served their master in the Universe War by acting as suicide bombers. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/04


Universe (2003)

  • Crystal Widow vs Oil Slick (Multi-pack, 2004)
The Search and Destroy Robot is almost completely identical to the Armada Mini-Con Nightbeat, transforming into a motorcycle of indeterminate model. The only differences between the two are slight differences in the shades of plastic used, and also that Search and Destroy Robot's rear wheel assembly was installed upside-down (the "B"-shaped joint bolted to the main body is arranged so the indent faces towards the body on the Robot, where Nightbeat has it pointing away).
It was only available only as part of a Kmart exclusive set, along with his larger partner Oil Slick (who has a compartment to store the Robot in vehicle mode) and Crystal Widow.
This mold was also used to make the also-nigh-identical Universe Nightbeat (who shares the rear wheel assembly error), and the Galaxy Force Micron Booster Mini-Con Gauge.


  • Although the toy has a Mini-Con insignia, the Search and Destroy Robot(s) has been established in-universe to not be a Mini-Con.
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