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Source:Grim Grams

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This is a complete transcription of "Grim Grams", as printed in Marvel UK's The Transformers between issues 75 and 183. All spelling, grammatical, and formatting errors are left as originally published. Transcriptions by TheLastGherkin, with invaluable assistance from Stuart Webb of The Solar Pool.

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The content of this page is considered a primary source (probably a Japanese or German translation) used as the basis of other articles that may;

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This page is not a 'live' article. It should not be altered or added to except to correct spelling, grammar or translation issues.


TFUK src Grim Grams logo.jpg
Marvel UK letters page archives

Issue 74

As part of the comic's new look, the Transformation page of issue 74 advertised an all-new letters page alongside the following column:

This issue's Robo-Capers Special will decide who rules the letters page. There's a certain Transformer who's decided it should be he who answers all readers' letters from now on. What does our resident answerer, Soundwave, have to say about all this? Find out on page 15, along with the identity of that 'certain Transformer'!

The full-page Robo-Capers strip this issue depicted Grimlock's takeover as host from Soundwave. The comic ended with the Dinobot leader up to his neck in Soundwave's unopened mail. A companion illustration, of Grimlock's robot mode head swamped by letters, appeared on the inside back cover, alongside a solicitation for letters:


I'll get Soundwave for this! He's left me with over two days' worth of your letters to sort through. Still, at least now you'll get some decent answers. I'll be presenting a selection of the remainder of Soundwave's mail on my Grim Grams page over the next few weeks. While I'm doing that, start sending your letters, drawings (black and white line drawings in ink – pen or ballpoint – please), 'Your Choice' lists and Stock Exchanges to ME at:

Now – at last – you'll see some unbiased and polite letter answers. Not like those you puny humans have been used to from that incompetent, half-functional junk pile, Soundwave, So what are you waiting for? Get writing!

Issue 75

The following column appeared on the Transformation page:

So, after more than fifty issues, our regular letter answerer, Soundwave, has smuggled himself back to Oregon, leaving a nasty surprise behind him – in the shape of about six tons of unopened mail – for our new letters page host, Grimlock (see last issue's Robo-Capers Special for details)! Until he starts getting the first of the mail addressed to him personally, Grimlock will be answering some of the mail Soundwave left behind. If you'd like to write to Grimlock with your comments, suggestions, questions or drawings (or all four), the address is: GRIM GRAMS, MARVEL COMICS, 23 REDAN PLACE, BAYSWATER, LONDON W2 4SA. You can find the first Grim Grams on page 15 of this issue.

The Grim Grams page itself is as follows:

Well, Kiddoes – this is it! The first decent letters page to grace this comic's pages has at last arrived. 'Case you've forgotten, I'm GRIMLOCK – Dinobot commander – and I'll be answering your correspondence for many-a-week to come. The more observant amongst you will notice that – for the moment – I'm answering letters addressed to that dirtwad Soundwave. Fear not, this will cease just as soon as I get the first of the mail addressed to me. So get writing!

Dear Soundwave,
I think you are the most stupid Decepticon, even dumber than Devastator. Now for some questions: 1) Who is Lord Straxus and what does he transform into? 2) What did you and Megatron transform into on Cybertron? In the cartoon series it shows you transforming into a post outside the Autobot base, but as the cartoon series seems to get everything wrong, I assume this is also incorrect.
Mark Proctor,

Ah yes, now that's the way to start off a letter. I agree totally, kid. Lord Straxus when last seen, evidently possessed the ability to transform into small pieces of burnt wreckage... with a little help from Blaster, that is. On Cybertron, Megatron transformed into a handheld laser gun, and Soundwave into the Cybertronic equivalent of his Earthen form. As you correctly say, the cartoon series gets everything wrong. This is most clearly shown in their depiction of the Dinobots... "Me Grimlock! Me not speak too good!" Do me a favour...

Dear Soundwave,
I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading The Transformers comic. I have been reading them from the very beginning and my old issues are starting to get a little tatty. I now try to get all the Collected Comics Specials, so that my vintage issues need not be disturbed. I have all four so far. My favourite is The Enemy Within.
Simon Gemine,

Other long time Transformers readers pay heed. Save wear and tear on your precious early issues of Transformers by following the advice of this kid. The Transformers Collected Comics editions are not just for new readers, they also offer old timers the chance to have their favourite stories in an easy, accessible form (not to mention in full colour)!

Dear Soundwave,
I would like to congratualte all concerned on a really 1st class comic. Transformers is definitely the best buy around. The best features are Matt And The Cat and your Soundwaves page.
John Reynolds,

Oops! Well, I'm sure you'll still be able to enjoy the issue without Matt And The Cat. Certainly Soundwaves will prove no loss at all given the quality of the page that's replaced it. By the way, kid, me and the Dumb Stubbies in the office (you know, the ones who make the mistakes) all enjoyed the cartoon strip you enclosed with your letter. Sorry there wasn't room to print it here.
Unusually, Grimlock commented on the Stock Exchange section: when young Steven Parry of Cheshire wanted to get a Kickback (with all weapons) in exchange for Transformers issues 31-45, Grimlock added:

If you ask me, this kid's making a big mistake, but...)

The last page featured the debut of a new version of the supplemental coupon for reserving a weekly copy of Transformers with your chosen newsagent, written in character as Grimlock.

STOP RIGHT THERE! I understand that some of you puny humans are having difficulty in finding your copy of Transformers each week. Plainly this situation must be remedied. So be brash, be forceful, read the instructions and take the coupon to your newsagents. AND DO IT NOW!

FIRSTLY, fill in the coupon with your name and address, specifying whether your copy is to be delivered to your door or held back at the newsagents for collection.

SECONDLY, check with your parents that it is alright for you to order Transformers and get them to sign the coupon.

THIRDLY, cut out the coupon and take it to your local newsagent. He'll then know you want a copy of Transformers and you'll know there's one waiting for you.


Issue 76

Dear Shovel Brain,
Enough! I am sick and tired of hearing disgustingly reverse gear comments about the Transformers cartoon series. It is full of excitement despite MINOR inaccuracies. Besides, I notice it is produced by Marvel Comics Group, so stick that through your loudspeaker. Any more comments from you, you over-sized walkman and I'll pull out your data sensors!
Farhan Khan,
London N20.

I'd just like to point out that the 'shovel-brain' this kid is referring to is not my wonderful self, but that half-functional junk-heap who used to answer the letters on this page. In other words, Soundwave. I anticipate only a couple more weeks of having to answer his mail, before I get some addressed to me. Still, for once I agree with Soundwave (Dirtwad though he may be) that the cartoon series accounts for a fair share of letter complaints. Mistakes apart, though, it is quite superbly animated and very exciting. Who says I don't know how to be tactful?!

Dear Soundwave,
I have three questions to ask you: 1) I have heard that Swoop got killed, so why did you do his fact-file in issue 69? 2) When will there be another RAT-CHAT? 3) Will Lord Straxus be featured in any more issues, or is he dead?
Christopher Stanley,

A quick round of answers: 1) Swoop was feared dead way back in issue 32, but reappeared damaged, and alive in issue 45. See this issue's Dinobot feature (P.16) for details. 2) Not while I'm in charge, that's for sure. 3) At a guess I'd say he's pretty dead. Then again, I thought Swoop was dead back in issue 32 ...

Dear Soundwave,
In issue 69 (Swoop's fact-file) you said that Swoop was a pterodactyl in his dinosaur mode. Well, I have a correction for you. Swoop is, in fact, a Pteranodon in dinosaur mode ... so there!
Peter Boyle,

Though you are correct, kid – Swoop is modelled on the now extinct Pteranodon – we weren't wrong either. These days, Pterodactyl describes any large winged reptile of that period. A sort of general term, like "Dinobot", or "Dirtwad Decepticon". Let's call it a draw, eh?

Dear Soundwave,
Who is Ultra Magnus? My Mum's mail order catalogue says he is the new Autobot commanding officer, arriving from Cybertron to take over from Optimus Prime. Is this a ploy by Hasbro to get us to pay out for the latest Autobot, or a devious ploy by the Decepticons to upset Optimus Prime's many fans? One more thing; how does Ultra Magnus get to Earth after the space bridge is destroyed?
Vincent Quadling (on behalf of Timothy Quadling),

All your questions concerning Ultra Magnus will be answered over the coming weeks. Both he and his Decepticon counterpart, Galvatron, start in the next Transformers story epic – _target 2006. It begins in two weeks – and I for one can't wait!

Issue 77

Dear Soundwave,
OH NO – NOT ANOTHER ONE! What am I referring to, you may ask? Well, I mean Decepticon leaders ... they're all guns! You've got Shockwave (space gun), Megatron (Walther P-38), Galvatron (Laser Cannon) and now, in Transformers 69, we've got Lord Straxus (FLYING CANNON!!). Where will it all end?
Martin Moir,

With a bang, perhaps.

Dear Soundwave,
Soundwave – you cheat! I see you've been making a bit of extra money behind everyone's back. Yes, I know you'll deny it, but it's definitely you. 'What is this Carbon-Based Unit talking about?', you are probably saying innocently to your human helpers. Here it comes – you are in the hit single by Lovebug Starski called 'Amityville'. No? Well who's the one with the funny voice that keeps saying Amityville then?!
Jonathan Stevens,

I ran a recording of this weird human music through the Ark's vocal comparison computers and they came up with a 92.5% possibility that this kid is right! If nothing else, it explains why Soundwave (dirtwad!) quite the country so quickly!

Dear Marvel (oh, what the heck...)
Dear Soundwave,
I must confess that I've never been one for funny animal stories, mainly because I've always found them to be more annoying than funny. Bearing this in mind, I approached the tale of Rocket Raccoon with caution, and made up my mind that it would not make me laugh. I was right, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy it.
From issue 55 through to the tale's climax in issue 69 I was enthralled; fascinated by the weirdness of Half-World and captivated by an incredible cast of characters. All in all it's been great stuff and I'm pleased that a funny animal story CAN be done seriously.
As for the new stip, I'm putting my money on Rom, but won't really mind if issue 70 proves me to be completely... Rom! Sorry, couldn't resist it.
Steve Tanner,
Llantwit Major.

I wish you had, kid! By now you'll have seen that you were indeed Rom, and that the new back-up strip was Hercules. If you've a sense of humour (extremely unlikely considering your closing remark), you can't fail to enjoy the adventures of the Prince Of Power!

Issue 78

Dear Soundwave,
I have just got the second Transformers Annual and it is even better than the first (which was Marvel-ous!). The two best things were In The Beginning..., which told the whole story of the Transformers so far, and the Threeplay Quiz, in which I got top marks. By the way, is there going to be a Cybertron Who's Who?
Craig Simmons,

Hmmph – still answering letters addressed to that dirtwad, Soundwave I see. Still, it shouldn't be long now before the Grim Grams mail starts flooding in. However, enough of the moans (for the moment, anyway) – let's get on with it. You are quite correct, kid – the latest Transformers Annual (on sale now) is even better than the first. But – good as such features as the Threeplay Quiz and In The Beginning... are – there is still one that is clearly better. It is, quite naturally, the story - "Victory!" The fact that this story features yours truly has absolutely nothing to do with this choice, of course! A Cybertron Who's Who – of sorts – will occur naturally in the course of our current story – _target: 2006, as we meet many new Cybertron-based Autobots and Decepticons.

Dear Soundwave,
I've just read the Collected Comics 4, and it was magnificent. I really liked the ay the Autobots tricked the Decepticons in the final chapter. I also saw the Arrival From Cybertron video recently and – even though the facts were a little wrong – it made a very interesting night's viewing.
In a Hasbro catalogue recently I saw a new Transformer toy called Ultra Magnus. It said he comes from Cybertron after Optimus Prime is fatally wounded. Is this true? And is Galvatron the new Decepticon leader? It seems that both the Autobots and the Decepticons are being gradually replaced by bigger and more expensive toys. I think the originals are still the best. Even my dad wants Prime and Megatron!
Simon Parker,

You can meet Ultra Magnus in next issue's Transformers story, kid, as he makes his debut appearance. With Prime's disappearance this issue, you may begin to see why he's needed! Rest assured that Megatron will be playing a big role in the Ultra Magnus/Galvatron saga, though. Despite the changes in the toy range available here in Britain, one thing remains constant... you can still buy ME!

(Not so) Dear Soundwave,
Why do all the letters you receive begin with 'dear'? Surely as Decepticon you would not presume friendship with mere humans. Yet still you accept this blatant cameraderie! Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? It is your task to show no mercy or feelings. If Megatron ever found out you harboured such feelings towards humans, your tenure on the letters page would be very short indeed!
Eric Dunstan,

Aha! Perhaps here is another reason why Soundwave quit the letters page so quickly. Mind you, I won't be objecting to any letters addressed to 'Dear Grimlock'!

Issue 79

Dear Soundwave,
On the subject of Andrew Hayton's letter in 71, I agree with him that Optimus Prime should be covered up on the front cover box. You said that from issue 74 Prime's face would be replaced by a new star. I suggest that they put your glorious self in the rectangle. That would please three beings – myself, Andrew Hayton, and you (I hope).
David Pritchard,

As you will have seen by now, kid, that Dirtwad Soundwave was only half right in saying that Prime's face would forever depart from the front cover box. Now, he and Megatron alternate in that coveted spot!

Dear Soundwave,
The return to Cybertron story was excellent! I loved the new characters (especially Blaster) and I think the idea of a Decepticon victory was good, if a little unrealistic. In a nutshell, I thoroughly enjoyed the whole episode. I'm hoping to see more of the Cybertron crew again in the near future. However, I do feel that the killing of Straxus was a little premature. Although I realise that the prospect of having three Decepticon leaders running around at the same time is a little daunting! By the way, thanks for the fact-file on Devastator. How about some for Shockwave and Jetfire?
Nic Cooper,

Cybertron will be playing a big role in all upcoming Transformers stories, kid, although you won't learn the fate of Blaster and his fellow ex-Cybertron-based Autobots until issue 90. I agree with you that a Decepticon victory seems improbably, but that's the way it is. It won't last long.

Dear Soundwave,
I have just had a battle between my Decepticons and Autobots. Superion, Inferno, Red Alert, Grimlock, Huffer, Gears, and Optimus Prime versus Megatron, all the Decepticon jets, The Insecticons and Astrotrain. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that the Decepticons won, and the battle ended with Megatron throwing Prime out of my window. By the way, will you be featuring more adventures with The Special Teams? Also, how about some fact-files on the various characters that comprise The Special Teams?
Richard Stevens,

I'm sure it was merely an oversight on your part, kid, omitting to mention the subsequent stage in your battle where Grimlock, having completely fooled the dirtwad Decepticons into thinking he had been defeated, rose up and crushed all of them, throwing them out of the window after Prime for good measure. When I last saw The Ark, work was underway on the Aerialbots. They should be ready by about issue 89, I reckon. Special Team fact-files are a definite possibility.

Issue 80

Dear Grimlock,
I cannot thank you enough for taking over the letters page. I've had more than enough of that raving lunatic Soundwave and his ridiculous babblings. I just wish that you'd caught the coward as he sneaked out of the Marvel offices and..! Well, I'm sure I don't need to tell you what to do with someone like Soundwave! I think that the Transformers story at the moment is brilliant. The back-up stories have all been impeccable (with the exception of Machine Man). Good luck for the future and keep up the good work (destroying Decepticons!).
Karl Burns,

At last – letters addressed to me, rather than that dirtwad, Soundwave. It was so demeaning having to answer his mail! Anyway, that's now all in the past, and we're off and running with Grim Grams proper. And what a good start it is – this kid's obviously got his head screwed on right (an expression I've never really understood when applied to you humans). Don't despair – eventually Soundwave and I will clash, and I'll do all the things you 'didn't need to tell me' to him!

Dear Grimlock,
I'm glad you got rid of Soundwave (puttup!) and took over the letters page. Grim Grams is a really great title! How come you aren't in charge of the Autobots as well as the Dinobots? You would be a much better leader than Optimus Prime – you may not be as clever as he is, but you're definitely a better fighter. By the way, next time you see Soundwave, blast him out of the universe for me, will you?
Sammy Sewoke,
London SE8.

Aha! So that's what Karl Burns didn't need to tell me. I've got to blast Soundwave out of the universe. Consider it done. What's all this 'may not be as clever as he is'? I know the cartoon series depicts me as a complete ignoramus, but believe me, kid, within this cerebral casing rests a mind capable of vast mental agility. See below for further proof...

Dear Grimlock,
I have sent a letter to Soundwave before and didn't have it printed. I suppose it's typical of a Decepticon not to answer a person's letters. But now to why I've written to you – in the cartoon series they say you are really stupid (as in dumb), but on your tech-specs your intelligence is given as 7. Why is this?
Ben Coffer,

The cartoon series has got it wrong – it's as simple as that!

Dear Grimlock,
You are undoubtedly the best thing to happen to this comic for some time. At last we have an Autobot, sorry – Dinobot answering the letters. You can't imagine how awful it is for an Autobot fan to have to listen to that bucket head of a Decepticon puttuping all over the place. Things will be different now because Grim Grams is here! Autobot fans all over the nation will be at last able to speak aloud without Soundwave puttuping on them. Long Live Grimlock! Long Live Grim Grams!
Kevin Wootton,

I think you've summed it all up there, kid.Rest assured that I'll be around for some while yet. A fact that obviously doesn't inspire great happiness in the next kid...

Dear Grimlock,
Boo! Hiss! Gerroff! Bring back good old Soundwave. Why did you have to kick him out just as I had discovered the meaning of the word puttup?! I was shocked and dismayed at this turn of events. Yours disapprovingly,
Kristian Nairn,

I suppose there had to be one!

Issue 81

Dear Grimlock,
First of all, well done for kicking out the warbling walkman that used to ru(i)n this letters page. Tough luck about having to cope with his remaining mail. Secondly, I'm glad to see the Dinobots back in the lead story. Oh, and please treat Sludge a little better, even if he is daft and pathetically sentimental! Now come the moans: When are you really going to feature the Special Teams? We were promised this way back in issue 63 and all we got was a dream from that moaning Witwicky person. And, on the subject of Witwicky, I think that sometimes you feature too much of the humans. That said, In The National Interest seems to be a winner. By the way, I'm getting fed up (bored, bored, bored) with there being two different accounts of the Transformers story. Please try and reconcile this difference between the comic and cartoon series as soon as possible!
Mark Clowes,

You'll be pleased to learn, kid, that the upcoming Transformers film has got things pretty much in line with the correct story (ie: the one seen in this comic). Okay, they still call their 'moaning Witwicky' person Spike, and they still portray us Dinobots as dumb animals, but they're getting there. Special Teams will really feature in issue 89. As for Sludge, I despair... I really despair!

Dear Grimlock,
I felt I had to write and say how good I thought the new-look Transformers comic was. Firstly, the cover was fantastic, a real eye-catcher. The art-work in the lead story – In The National Interest – was excellent. Keep up the good work!
Russell Hewlett,
Isle of Man.

We intend to, kid, we intend to!

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing mainly to congratulate you on your takeover of the letters page, but also to point out a few mistakes made by your human helpers in issue 74's Robo-Capers special. In the third frame the receptionist said 'yis, sir'. What is that supposed to mean? Then, in the seventh frame they gave you a white neck! And finally, some while ago Soundwave said that he couldn't play music, but the end of the story showed musical notes emanating from him. By the way, was it the boy or Soundwave who said 'America, here I come!'?
Gavin Fearnley,
Leighton Buzzard.

Let's see now... 'yis, sir' is 'yes, sir', only in one of the many weird dialects to be found on this planet. I think, kid, that if you check back, Soundwave didn't say that he couldn't play music, rather he wouldn't play music. And given some of the things I hear on your airwaves, I have to agree with him (much as it pains me to admit it!). It was the kid who said "America, here I come!', Soundwave (cheapskate dirtwad that he is) was just hitching a free ride back to the US. As for the white neck in the seventh frame, I could explain this away by saying I was so shocked by what I saw that all the colour drained from my neck... but I won't! It's time those dumb stubbies who put this comic together learnt what the 'wrath of Grimlock' really means!

Dear Grimlock,
I'm just writing to say that your letters page is great. Keep up the good work. I think that Transformers is brilliant, the only trouble is I have to fight off two inferior beings (parents) in my household to get to it first!
Ian Hanratty,

I have heard tell of these parent creatures. Nasty pieces of work by all accounts!

Issue 82

Dear Grimlock,
This is the first time I've written to Transformers. Could you please tell me what to do with the Robot-Points from the back of Transformers toy packs.
Jamie Cartwright,

Okay – rather than dodge the issue (as my dirtwad predecessor, Soundwave did), I shall now tell all kids exactly what to do with their Robot Points. First of all, check the box of the toy you've just bought for a leaflet advertising Robot Point offers. There should be one in with each toy. If not, check with the toy shop you bought the toy from and see if they have any leaflets concerning Robot Point offers. Many will have. Hasbro's current Robot Point offer is a Special Teams Adventure cassette – a 30 minute action story with music, giving the full run down on the Special Teams. It's available until the 31st March, 1987. All you need to get your cassette are three Robot Points plus £1.99 (cheque or postal order, not cash). Send them to: Transformers Cassette Offer, 17 Thame Park Road, Thame, Oxon, OX9 3PG. We'll keep you up to date on any future Robot Point offers either on this page or on the Transformers page. This information has been brought to you courtesy of the 'Grimlock better answers to letters' service.

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing with reference to your comic – The Transformers. Recently, in issue 71, you killed off six Decepticons. Did you have Hasbro's permission to perform this action? I think not, because I wrote to them concerning this matter and they said they knew nothing about it. They suggested I wrote to you.
I have been collecting Transformers toys and the comic since they first came out, and I have all the Decepticons that were killed. As they were the first characters to be featuring in this comic, this action seems a little thoughtless. Maybe I am wrong – perhaps they are not dead after all. Maybe you'll bring them back, as you did with Skids. Please let me know what will become of them now.
Sean Stafford,

I think, kid, you'll be very interested in next issue's story!

Dear Grimlock,
After reading a letter in Soundwaves (puttup!) from someone who stated that he had counted up 89 Transformers, I took up the challenge. Using the toys, comics and cartoon series I counted up 116 Transformers altogether. Is this the highest number you've received so far? By the way, I'm glad you're in charge of the letters page instead of that rusty scrap heap Soundwave (puttup!).
Stuart Oddy,

I've added up this kid's tally of Transformers (I don't reckon we can count the cartoon series character Reflector as three Transformers) and he has a grand total of 114 Transformers. Can anyone out there do better? A full list must be included with your submission.

Issue 83

Dear Grimlock,
I was sitting down watching the popular TV quiz show, Blockbusters, when the presenter said – "What A is an Optimus Prime?" I was surprised that none of the contestants knew the answer. When the presenter revealed the answer to be 'Autobot', no-one seemed to know what he was talking about. It just goes to show that quiz program contestants don't read the excellent Transformers comic. No class at all.
James Warner,

Too true, kid. Mind you, I'm sure they'd have known the answer if the question had been – "What D is Grimlock?"

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to say how much I enjoy the Transformers comic and hope it runs for many years to come. I have just bought the Transformers Annual and think it is the best annual I have ever seen! The stores are all great and the In The Beginning... story was the best of all. However, I can hardly believe that someone can break into the Decepticons' computer using a Sinclair computer, even by accident. By the way, I am glad to see a Dinobot running this page instead of that rust bucket, Soundwave.
A. Parkinson,

Stranger things have happened, kid. The Decepticons are notoriously sloppy when it comes to security (what else can you expect from those complete dirtwads?!) and it is possible that Adam Reynolds could have penetrated their system with his Sinclair. A chance in a million, maybe, but possible!

Dear Grimlock,
You know the Special Teams? Well, what are their strengths individually and when they combined to form one giant robot? Why not have a monthly Transformers magazine as well as the comic? It can feature news, information and fact files. Also written stories by both readers and human helpers. I just love the Transformers comic and your page. How about making the picture of your glorious self on the Grim Grams page a little smaller? That way you could get a few more letters in.
Stephen Gardener,

A magazine featuring just about everything you ever wanted to know about every Transformer you've met (and a few you haven't) is already in the works. The Transformers Universe is all this and more. Spread over two giant-sized Specials, you'll find it contains the facts, profiles and powers of every Transformer. The first part of The Transformers Universe will be on sale in late November. All this I can do for you... but reduce the size of my picture on the Grim Grams page? Never!

Dear Grimlock,
Yippee! After a colossal fifty issues and more, a certain page near the centre of the comic comes under proper management. I refer, of course, to the letters page! I have collected Transformers since the big issue 27 itself, and my brother and I have Optimus Prime, Snarl, Powerglide, Outback and a few others, including that big baddie, Megatron.
A few questions:I have noticed that the mobile hunk of junk, Soundwave has been sent letters in the past concerning which Transformers can fly. On the back of the boxes that contain Transformers toys there is a picture that shows several Transformers flying about in space. Could it be that the picture is fictional? Please explain. Also, why did you Dinobots chicken out of the attack on the Decepticons' base in issue 70? As well as bringing back the secret of Devastator you could have brought back several cartloads of crumpled Decepticon badges!
David Ruddick,

The picture on the back of Transformers toys packs is indeed a fictional scene. For instance, if you look closely you will see that many characters are duplicated once or twice. We didn't 'chicken out' as you put it! We'd like to have come along, but who'd want to follow that dirtwad, Optimus Prime into battle!?

Issue 84

— — Grimlock,
(I didn't consider the term 'dear' to be very appropriate!) Does anyone realise that we parents wait till our sons are safely at school, and then read our favourite comic – Transformers?! And does anyone realise the despair that has gripped some of us after reading that Optimus Prime has disappeared, and is presumed dead? Oh no – you can't do this to us... you just can't get rid of Prime like that! What will we do? The comic just don't be the same without him! Yours desparately, a very worried mum.
Mrs. Linda Bastable (mother of Andrew), Portsmouth.

Oh, I don't know... could be a refreshing change for the better without that dirtwad, Optimus Prime. Anyway, uncrease that worried brow, kidult... the following kid thinks he's worked out what's happened to Optimus Prime...

Dear Grimlock,
In the first part of _target: 2006, Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Prowl looked to be destroyed. Are they dead? If not, could the explanation be that when Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge moved back in time to 1986, something was needed to take their place, and that 'something' was Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Prowl? Therefore they are not dead, but in 2006.
Andrew Parkinson,

Is this kid right? You'll find out for sure next issue.

Dear Grimlock,
I think your human helpers (dumb stubbies) have messed up. In a recent Dinobot fact-file (issue 76) it states that four million years ago the Ark reconstructed five Autobots in the image of Earth's dominant life-form – the dinosaur. But the last dinosaurs on Earth died out well over fifty million years ago! Please explain. By the way, your letters page is miles better than Soundwave's!
Christian Haywood,

The dinosaurs recorded by the Ark's sensors were those that still lived in an area known as The Savage Land, region where time had stood still for many millions of years.

Dear Grimlock,
Congratulations on succeeding that pathetic imitation of a tape recorder. I think you'll manage the letters page much better than Soundwave ever did. You Dinobots must be very popular, because I've only managed to find one of you in the shops. That was sludge. One question: Who was the human seen carrying Soundwave out of the Marvel offices in issue 74?
Adam Harvey,

This was one of Soundwave's former human helpers called 'snitch' Alan. He is currently on my 'most wanted' list!

Issue 85

Dear Grimlock,
Brilliant, fabulous, amazing, and – of course – Marvelous! I refer to the first part of the excellent 'New Leaders' poster in issue 79 of Transformers. I can't wait for part two – I am biting my fingernails right down in anticipation!
Gregory Alam,

It's quite natural, kid. Transformers comic tends to produce this reaction in humans – and not just when there's a FREE poster! By now you'll have seen the second part, and hopefully the whole poster is now happily united on your wall. Glad you liked it! However, it seems that once more you can't please all of the people all of the time. This next kid wasn't so wowed with the free gift...

Dear Grimlock,
"Glorious full colour" are hardly the words I'd use to describe the free poster half in issue 79! The Autobot insignia was completely white apart from a few pink patches here and there. Galvatron's laser blast was reduced to a faint yellow-pink blotch, and all Ultra Magnus could manage was a feeble light blue and pink. Robin Smith must be redder than that with rage after his excellent drawing as coloured this way. I think a few well chosen words are in order for your 'dumb stubbies', such as "sacked" and "fired"!
Graham Rogers,

Now, now... can't blame the dumb stubbies this time. And, for that matter, you can't say that Robin Smith (the human who rendered the magnificent poster) will dislike the colouring – Robin hand paints his own work! It could be that some of his more subtle colouring hasn't reproduced too well on the finished poster, but you can't blame him for trying!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just finished reading issue 79 and I already think the new story – _target:2006 – is destined to be the best yet. How do you guys keep turning out such spectacular stories? I have one or two questions for you: 1) You say that the Transformers Universe book will soon be available. When will we be able to buy it in the shops? 2) How long do Transformers live? 3) Is there any more news on the Transformers film?
Andrew Page,

Spectacular stories come naturally to this comic, kid. Still, it's always nice to hear that you readers think so too. Onto your questions. 1) The Transformers Universe (volume 1) goes on sale on November 20th, a little under a month from now. 2) Theoretically, Transformers can live for many million years. But, to be honest, very few live long enough to die of natural causes! 3) The Transformers movie goes on general release from December 12th. Not, as previously reported, on November 28th. Sorry 'bout that!

Issue 86

Dear Grimlock,
Right! That's enough! I can't stand it any longer. What are you doing to this, the ULTIMATE Decepticon comic? You don't seriously believe that you've got rid of Soundwave for long, do you? I think your micro-scramblers have blown a fuse somewhere along the line. Don't worry about the bomb Soundwave has probably planted in one of the letters you're about to open, it'll only blow your big head off. By the way, this letter will self-destruct in ten seconds unless printed.
Jeremy Sholfield,

Phew, just made it!

Dear Grimlock,
You don't know me. In fact no Transformer or human knows me. I am Futuretron, the ultimate robot creation. I am able to tell the future of any organic or metallic lifeform in the Universe. I aim now to do so with Transformers.
So as not to spoil the story for your carbon-based readers I shall not say too much. I am now sending my circuits into a time warp... a... the picture is coming clear. I sense a huge dam. On it stands a human (male) holding a gun of unimaginable power. He is causing a disturbance. The Aerialbots are sent to stop him. I sense danger... oh no, the picture is fading... it's gone.
But wait! My cerebro circuitry has just linked into another time warp. A different picture is forming. It is of the new arrivals from Cybertron – Blaster and Co. It appears they have been captured by the very powerful carbon-based unit known as... sorry, it's gone again. This all happens, by the way, after your _target: 2006 story, which – I must say – is really good. That's all for now, but heed my warnings.
Futuretron will return!
Star system Alpha.

Incredible! I was going to write an answer to this Futuretron, but there seems to be little point – no doubt he already knows what I was going to say!!

Dear Grimlock,
I'll get straight to the point. Why don't any superheroes appear in your comic? I know spider-Man has appeared once, way back in issue 6, but isn't it about time another superhero or band of superheroes, appeared on the scene to investigate the presence of giant robots rampaging around the countryside! You could bring in Spider-Man again, or maybe the X-Men. Perhaps the local group – the West Coast Avengers – could look into the problem. Please include some superheroes, eh?
Iain Chaffey,

It's always possible that more of these weird carbon-based creatures with odd powers will find their way to Oregon. Keep watching, kid, you never know what the future will hold... unless, of course, you're Futuretron!

Dear Grimlock,
Although the cartoon series gets things wrong, it is very good. The video made a really great present. I've some questions for you: 1) Who on Cybertron, or Earth maybe, is Unicron? We have heard a lot about him, but never actually seen him. 2) When will you be featuring the Triple-changers and the Jumpstarters? 3) Where can I buy Smokescreen? P.S. – I hope you stay on the letters page.,
Andrew Marshall,

No question about it, kid. I'd like to point out that – though I, and my predecessor, that dirtwad, Soundwave – have been known on occasion to criticise the accuracy of the cartoon, series, we fully acknowledge that it's great, entertaining stuff nevertheless. Now onto your questions. By now you've seen Unicron (and can see more of him in the Transformers movie), the Triple-changers, and the Jumpstarters. Smokescreen should be available in your local toyshop. If it's not there, have a word with them and see if they can order one for you.

Issue 87

Dear Grimlock,
I have recently purchased an American comic that tells you 'everything you want to know about the various characters in the Transformers story'. In the issue I bought there is a character called Predaking, who is the result of the five Predacons – Razorclaw, Rampage, Tantrum, Divebomb and Headstrong – joining together with each other. Who are these characters, and will they be appearing in the comic?
Now back to Britain. Galvatron is a pathetic roller skate. On his tech-spaces he has the same strength as you. How could he have defeated all the Autobots and Megatron?
Simon Turpin,

To the best of my knowledge the Predacons are still on Cybertron. It's always possible that they will be coming to Earth – and into the comic – in the near future. If so, sparks are gonna' fly between my fellow Dinobot, Swoop and the Predacon known as Divebomb. You see, Divebomb was the name Swoop used back when he was on Cybertron – four million or so years ago, and he's very possessive about anyone else using it. Should be some fight if those two airborne hotshots tangle! Galvatron's actually a lot tougher than his tech-specs indicate. You can find out all about Galvatron's powers in his New Leaders fact file on the previous page.

Dear Grimlock,
What happened in issue 81? Why weren't any of the Dinobots in the big fight against Galvatron? Was it because you needed repairs after your battle in issue 77? Oh yes, the comic has improved greatly since you came into it even more!
Dean Kenway,

What do you mean, 'needed repairs'?! Listen, kid – the only ones who were in need of repairs after our battle in issue 77 were that butt-head Megatron and his dirtwad Decepticons! We Dinobots are built to take a few knocks you know! Actually, we were away from the Ark when Galvatron was around. The Autobots thought they could handle him without our assistance. Perhaps next time they'll realise that once the Dinobots are involved, the battle's as good as won. If Galvatron ever comes back, we'll sort him out!

Dear Grimlock,
I'd just like to complain about the letters that have been moaning about Ultra Magnus. I think he is the best news for the Autobots since their victory at Iacon (in the first Transformers Annual). I also like the idea of the _target:2006 story, with Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge. What has happened to Shockwave? Has he shared the same fate as Optimus Prime?
My favourite Decepticons are: 1) Galvatron; 2) Cyclonus; 3) Scourge. My favourite Autobots are: 1) Jazz; 2) Smokescreen; 3) Ultra Magnus. And, of course, my favourite Dinobots are: 1) Grimlock; 2) Slag; 3) Sludge.
Ian Ray,

Glad to see that your good taste extends to the ranks of the Dinobots, Kid. Mind you, I feel I should have been number one in your list of Autobots as well. As you will by now have seen, Shockwave did indeed share the fate of Optimus Prime. Where did the trio of Autobots and trio of Decepticons disappear to? Well, it could be that you'll find out in the not too distant future! Look out for it!

Issue 88

Dear Grimlock,
I have taken up the challenge begun by Stuart Oddy in issue 82's Grim Grams page. Using the toys, comic and TV series he found 114 different Transformers. I have counted 145 different Transformers (list enclosed). While I was counting them I noticed a Decepticon by the name of Divebomb. He was one of a group called the Predacons. I thought Divebomb was Swoop's name on Cybertron? Please explain.
Paul Darby,

Right, first things first. I have checked this kid's list of Transformers and verified 143 of them. Two of the names you submitted – Tellus and Gnaw are not known to me. If you can write in and explain who they are, I will up your total to the full 145. Even so, out of the many (and I do mean many!) lists and totals submitted, Paul Darby's was by far the highest. But I noticed a few names missing from his list, so this total can be bettered. Anyone out there care to try? Don't forget, you must submit a list with your total! As for the Divebomb/Swoop name contest, I explained in last issue's Grim Grams page that sparks are gonna fly when Swoop finds out this Predacon punk is using his old name. Can't wait!

Dear Grimlock,
I felt I had to write and say how brilliant issue 81 was. At first it seemed strange reading Ironhide's events in the past, but after the first couple of pages I did get used to it. I especially enjoyed the part where the Autobots took their revenge on Scourge. The article on Ultra Magnus was very helpful, and I now realise how important he is to the Autobots. There are a couple of points about 81's story that I'd like you to clear up, if you would. Why, for starters, couldn't four heavily armed Autobots destroy Galvatron with all their firepower? I don't see how anyone could laugh through that. Finally, how long will it be before we see Rodimus Prime and Wreck-Gar?
Philip Turner,
Great Yarmouth.

Glad you enjoyed issue 81's story, kid. Even though the Autobots botched their revenge on Scourge in that one, they made up for it in issue 83 – even if they did have to rely to a great extent on that bucket-head Megatron! As to your questions, Galvatron is simply a lot tougher than anyone they have encountered before, and their weapons weren't even enough to hurt him. Or if they did, he didn't show it. Though Rodimus Prime and Wreck-Gar are featured in the Transformers movie, there are no plans – as yet – to feature them in the comic.

Dear Grimlock,
I must congratulate you on the gripping storyline featured in your last few issues of Transformers. _target:2006 is a definite winner! Your comic is so popular in North London, that these last couple of issues are the only ones I've been able to get my hands on!
Charles Johnpulle,
London N9.

Obviously citizens of this place called North London have great taste!

Issue 89

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing in to say that I think the Autobots are getting it too rough. I mean, now we've got Cyclonus, Scourge, and their leader – Galvatron (who seems to be a lot better at getting things done than Ultra Magnus) – the Autobots don't stand a chance. These three Decepticons just think they can boss the Autobots around. Well, I think the Autobots shouldn't stand for it! If Optimus Prime was around, he'd soon sort Galvatron out. Not that I'm criticising Ultra Magnus, its just that I and other Autobot fans are losing faith in our heroes.
Warren McCullins,
Northern Ireland.

Don't despair, kid. If you've read last issue's story you'll know that Galvatron has been sent packing, and Optimus Prime's back (more's the pity). It all goes to show how much the Autobots depend on ol' Oppy. I wonder what would happen if he ever disappeared permanently? Could be a cure for someone to step in as the new Autobot leader. Someone like me!

Dear Grimlock,
First off all, thanks for taking over the letters page ... Soundwaves had run for far too long. Your new storyline – _target:2006 is the best yet (I have collected the comic since issue 1). I suspected Galvatron was Megatron ever since issue 79, when Galvatron insisted that Megatron was not to be killed and he commented to Laserbeak about appearances being deceiving. I'd always thought that the 'mega' in Megatron referred to his power, so perhaps when that power was increased (by the mysterious Unicron) he changed it to Galvatron to let everyone know that his power exceeded the levels he once possessed.
Also, when Galvatron and his two henchmen travelled back through time, perhaps the method they used required that three other robots had to be pulled into the future to replace them, thus equalling the time imbalance and accounting for Prime, Jazz and Ratchet's disappearance.
Anyway, bring Prime back. Maybe you could send him to Cybertron to lead the resistance movement!
James Binns,

Optimus Prime on Cybertron? Nah, couldn't possibly happen ... could it? Anyway, some interesting theories there, kid. You were almost right about Prime and the others, but rather than being zapped into the future, they were whizzed into another dimension. Interested to find out what sort of dimension? Then I suggest you check out our issue 100 when it hits the stands in a few months time. As for the explanation of Galvatron's name ... well, it's possible, I suppose. Glad to see you spotted the clues to Galvatron's identity!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just finished reading this year's Transformers Annual, and I reckon it is the best thing I have ever read. It was simply great in the "Victory" story when you cut Megatron in two with your energo sword! Anyway, on to the weekly comic. I reckon Ultra Magnus is really stupid – Galvatron too. Why not bring back Optimus Prime and Megatron? they were far superior.
Tony Nash,

Any of you kids out there slightly confused by Tony Nash's reference to me cutting ol' Mega-chops in half in this years Transformers Annual? To find out more, you have simply to check out the aforementioned Transformers Annual. It's on sale now – price £3.25. It's not to be missed!

Issue 90

Dear Grimlock,
This letter is in reply to your request back in issue 82, for people to try and top Stuart Oddy's total of 114 Transformers – using characters from the toys, the comic and the TV series. I have sent in a list of 154 Transformers. Is this the best you've received?
Paul French,
Sutton Coldfield.

Let's see now... our previous best was Paul Darby's total of 143 (now 145, as I have identified the characters Telus and Gnaw he listed), which I printed last issue. Of your 154, kid, I've had to disqualify Guardian (because he's not a Transformer), Scamper and Time Warrior (because I don't know who they are, and the dumb stubbies in the office can't track them down!). That leaves you with 151 Transformers – the best total so far! However, if you can identify Scamper and Time Warrior for me (with some evidence of their existence), I'll up your total accordingly. Anyone out there got more than 151? Please note: As with Guardian, Centurion is not a Transformer. Also, remember to send a ful list with any total you submit!

Dear Grimlock,
Not long ago I read Collected Comics No. 4. I thought it was very good apart from one thing – the Dinobots were not in it! The Dinobots are the best part of Transformers and should always be in the story. Even without them, Transformers is still by far the best comic around. Anyone who doesn't read this comic must be totally stupid! A question. In issue 69, Blaster fought a duel with Lord Straxus which resulted in Straxus getting zapped and Blaster (together with six other Autobots) ending up on Earth. Ever since then, the Transformers artists and writers seem to have forgotten about them. Where are they?
Michael Fox,
Kendray South.

I agree, kid. Every story should feature the Dinobots. However, the first story you mention – The Enemy Within, from Collected Comics 4 – was set before we Dinobots were dug out of our makeshift prison (a tar pit, in actual fact). So, much as we would have wished to be there, it just wasn't possible. As you will have seen this issue, the Cybertron seven sort of 'lost their heads' when they arrived here (snigger!).

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 82's story we meet Shrapnel, Kickback, Thrust and Blitzwing. As you go through the story ALL of these Decepticons get killed (hurrah!), but then – on the last page – they are all alive again! Could you please explain this to me. By the way, your comic is Fab with a capital F!
Stewart McGregor,
A.A.A. (Autobots Are Ace!)

The Decepticons seen being splatted at the start of issue 82's story are – in fact – facsimilie contructs. Known in the trade as F.C.s, these are artificial Transformers, normally designed to stand in for existing characters. So all the Wreckers were doing was practising on these, in preparation for the real event – which, as you saw last issue, never came about. Maybe next time!

Issue 91

The following appeared on the Transformation page this issue:

Not content with just answering our letters, this issue Grimlock forsakes his Grim Grams page to present a review of Transformers: The Movie – our resident robots' first foray onto the big screen, which opens across the country from December 12th. Were we upset about our letter answerer turning film critic for one issue? Nah, of course not! It's what we want him to be doing. It's quite possible you'll see him page-hopping in the future as well. You can find his review of the movie on page 16, and then the return of Grim Grams in our next issue! In the meantime, don't forget to keep those letters coming in to: Grim Grams, Marvel Comics, 23 Redan Place, Bayswater, London W2 4SA.

And so: "Film 2006, With Grimlock"...

The movie event of the year opens this coming weekend (December 12th) at cinemas across the country. Transformers: The Movie is the biggest thing to happen to our warring mechanoids since the launch of this comic. It's ninety minutes of the very best in big screen animated action and adventure, featuring all the characters you've met in the comic and many more besides. But don't take our word for it! See what our resident letter answerer thought of the film as we present Grimlock's review of ...


Okay, kids – let's not mince words ... this movie's utterly, utterly brilliant, so go and see it! I (not being someone who's easily impressed) was totally knocked for six by Transformers: The Movie. Why is it so good? Well, to find out, I suggest you not only study the great pics from the film I've printed here, but also read my step by step review. It's almost as good as the film itself!

The Story: Set in the year 2006, the film reveals that those dirtwad Decepticons have been driven off Earth (probably by the Dinobots), but are still in control of Cybertron. Just as the Dinobots prepare to re-take Cybertron (from secret bases on Cybertron's moons), probably with minimal assistance from the Autobots, this giant planet-sized dirtwad called Unicron turns up and starts munching Cybertron's moons. Well, the Dinobots aren't about to stand for that, and – after successfully defending Autobot City: Earth from Megatron and the Decepticons – they turn their attentions to sorting out Unicron. The Autobots get in their way every now and then, and generally slow up the process of the Dinobots' battles. Oh yeah, along the way there's some pretty shocking developments for Optimus Prime and Megatron, the Creation matrix pops up everywhere, and there's lots and lots of terrific Transformers action! Basically though, the Dinobots are in it ... so what more need be said?

Characters: You'll meet many of the new characters you saw during out _target: 2006 story – Galvatron, Ultra Magnus, Cyclonus, Scourge, Hot Rod, Kup, Blurr and Springer, to mention a few – plust lots of others you haven't seen. Fore example, you can see Arcee (the first female Transformer), the new Decepticon cassette – Ratbat – and Blaster's cassettes – Ramhorn, Rewind, Eject and Steeljaw. There's plenty of your old favourites in there as well. Most importantly, of course, there's the Dinobots!

Animation: I found this quite breathtaking! (if I had breath to take, that is!) It flows with such speed and so smoothly, that you almost forget it is animation. The scale of some of the things you'll see is just beyond description! In the final analysis, however, the way they animate the Dinobots is what really makes it great!

Inaccuracies: After some of the goofs in the T.V. cartoon series, we were never gonna' get away with a totally flawless script. They still call Buster Spike, which is forgivable, BUT they also depict the Dinobots as slow-witted and semi-literate! It's just too much! I'm off to bust some heads over this!

To sum up, then, the thing – above all else – that makes this movie probably the greatest cinematic treat this century is, quite naturally, the Dinobots!*

*Editor's note: We would like to point out that the views expressed in this extremely unbiased review are not necessarily the views of the dumb stub – er, the editorial team.

This issue's Robo-Capers is also centred around Grimlock and his movie appearance.

Issue 92

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 84, Thundercracker, Frenzy and Shockwave were replaced by Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr from the year 2006. Obviously the same must have happened to Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Prowl, except in this case it was the arrival of Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge that caused it. Will Shockwave, Thundercracker and Frenzy meet Optimus Prime, Ratchet and Prowl on the new Cybertron planet in the year 2006?
Imtiaz Bemat,

They will meet, kid, but not on Cybertron, and not in the year 2006! You see, that's not where Prime and the others ended up. You can find out exactly where they met in our special issue 100 story!

Dear Grimlock,
At the end of issue 83 we were left with a big question. Are Megatron and Galvatron the same Decepticon? I think the answer is yes. Why? Well, if you go back to issue 80 it shows Cyclonus saying that once he lay battered and defeated, but this Unicron (whoever that is) took him and remade him. Well, I think that in the future Megatron will be destroyed or defeated and Unicron will make him into Galvatron.
Craig Donnachie,

Spot on, kid. As you will have seen in the subsequent issue, that is exactly what happened to that dirtwad, Megatron. If you'd like to see Megatron's transformation into Galvatron in more detail, don't forget to check out Transformers:The Movie when it opens on December 12th.

Dear Grimlock,
How come there aren't any female robots? My sister and I think that there ought to be – and that they should fight alongside the others as well! Here are some suggestions for names. Bellona – Goddess of War... Radar... and Electra – who generates and fires bolts of elcetricity. I think it is silly having all Transformers as men. C'mon, when are we going to see the first female Transformer?
Ragwan Ahmad,

You need look no further than the Transformers movie (out on December 12th, as if you didn't already know that!) to meet Arcee – the first female Transformer. And, you'll be pleased to know, she's right there in the thick of all the fighting (and believe us, there's quite a bit of that). Can't wait for the year 2006!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read issue 82, and decided that it is the best issue in the history of The Transformers. My favourite Wreckers were Whirl and Impactor. I reckon the Wreckers should travel to Earth and turn Cyclonus and Galvatron into sardine tins! I think the Wreckers are even better than the Dinobots (sorry, Grimlock!). By the way, why did Impactor have two hands on page 13 of issue 79?
Michael Blagg,

By now you'll have seen the sad fate of Impactor. But even without him, the Wreckers will undoubtedly soldier on. Impactor's right arm is (or rather, was) interchangable – allowing him to have a variety of weapon arms or a normal arm. The harpoon attachment was his favourite. And WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'EVEN BETTER THAN THE DINOBOTS'?!

Issue 93

Dear Grimlock,
On top of the box of Triple-Changer, Octane, you can see clearly that in one of his mid-Transformation poses he is propped up by a small yellow box with the word Kodak printed on it! Please explain! Alasdair Morrison, Stirling.

Hmmm, there should be a snappy answer to this posing question, but – to be honest – I can't picture what it might be. Could Hasbro have been framed? It might just be that they've been let down by their own photographic evidence! It's sorta nice to end the year with someone else's gaff for a change!

Dear (likely story) Grimlock,
Why is it always Swoop?! Whenever you Dinobots feature in the main story it's always poor old Swoop who gets into the most trouble. First of all, Swoop was the first to get buried in the tar pit, then – when Ratchet rescued him, Guardian trashed him. And when Guardian exploded it was Swoop who got caught in the blast. Just before the Dinobot Hunt began, it was Swoop's mind that was taken over by Professor Morris. And finally, in In The National Interest it's Swoop who gets beaten to within an inch of his life by Megatron. Like I said, it's just not fair!
Martyn Dunn,

Them's the breaks, kid – Swoop's had many to prove it!

Dear Grimlock,
Having just read the excellent issue 87, I felt inclined to put pen to paper. _target: 2006 (now nearing its conclusion) has hit an all-time best, with the expected showdown between Galvatron and Ultra Magnus never actually happening, and Galvatron returning to his own time after destroying 'Starscream'. I can hardly wait for issue 88, the final part, and am also looking forward to the film.
However, when are the Dinobots (including your illustrious self) next going to appear, as you are my favourite Autobot team? I'm sure other Dinobot fans have been asking the same question.
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters looks like one of your best back-up stories for a long time, as it is more true to life than Hercules or Rocket Raccoon, good as they were. Keep up the great work. By the way, how about some more fact-files?
Graham Brian,

The Dinobots (including my illustrious self) will be back in issue 101, and will be playing a major role in what follows soon after. Glad to hear you're enjoying Spitfire and the Troubleshooters, kid – positive proof that our back-up strips just keep getting better and better. What do you other kids out there think about it? Write to me – I want to know. (The Transformers A-Z should satisfy your yen for more fact-files!)

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to tell you that my family and I have Ravage's twin sister living with us. At first we thought Mittens was just an ordinary cat, until the other day when she dived, claws first, into my leg. My brother and I suspect that the time she spends in his bedroom is spent reading Transformers!
Alison Hill,

Take care, kid! If she continues to exhibit Decepticon tendencies, let me know!

Issue 94

Dear Grimlock,
I have just travelled to Canada, where I purchased a Transformer called Rodimus Prime. Will he be released over here? I also managed to see the Transformers movie while I was over there. I enjoyed it tremendously, although the story was a bit far-fetched at times. I can't wait until it's out over here. Could you answer me a couple of questions: 1) Are you going to do a fact-file on Unicron? 2) Have the Autobots won the war on Earth, as there seem to be no Decepticons left after Galvatron's little visit?
Alex Chranzcy,

By now, kid, you will have had your chance for a second viewing of the film, along with many other Transformers fans across the country. The Rodimus Prime toy makes an appearance in Hasbro's 1987 range. At present a Unicron fact-file is unlikely, because even we know so little about his origins and the extent of his powers. If we learn more, then we'll include his entry in the Transformers A-Z. Dunno where you got the idea that there are no Decepticons left, kid. There are still a few of the dirtwads knocking around, and – thanks to their space bridge – there are more arriving every day!

Dear Grimlock,
Upon looking at your list of the Transformers toy range from Hasbro in issues 85 and 86, I noticed that six Autobots were missing from the car range, including Prowl, Wheeljack, Hound and Sunstreaker. Could Hasbro be trying to get even with the comic's growing rate of disappearances?
The other day I was lucky enough to see the Transformers movie, where Optimus Prime... nah, I won't tell you what happens. I have also seen the creation of Galvatron and his henchmen.
Derek Scanlon,

How come all these people got to see the Transformers movie before it was even released? (this was written before December 12th, kids) Must be a mole somewhere in the Transformers industry, leaking secret copies of the film to kids. Investigations are underway! The gradual phasing out of some of Hasbro's toy range is being done to make space for new characters, rather than to keep pace with our story. Obviously they're choosing the less popular ones to phase out. This must be true, because we Dinobots are still in there!

Dear Grimlock,
Could you please tell me how much Ultra Magnus weighs?
Timothy Haynes,

Don't ask personal questions! Some Autobots are very touchy about their weight. Well okay, between you and me, Ultra Magnus weighs in at a little over 90 tons, and could stand to lose a little around the fuel storage system, if you ask me!

Issue 95

Dear Grimlock,
After reading issue 88 and the letter from Paul Darby, you asked if anyone would like to try and better his total of 143 Transformers (taken from the comic, the toy range and the TV series). Well, I have found a total of 164 Transformers (list enclosed).
Also, I can tell you that TELUS appeared in "Meanwhile on Cybertron" (issue 66), but only for a few pictures. He was destroyed by FERAK. As for GNAW, he is a Decepticon Sharkticon. I have collected 64 Transformers so far and the first was you, Grimlock. Included in these are many Autobots and all the Dinobots except Swoop. Even though I've been abroad several times (and seen many Transformers toys that are not available here) I've never found a Swoop toy. Will he ever be available here?
Stuart Hudson,

Oh no – not more lists! I should have known that as soon as Transformers 88 and subsequently 90 went on sale, there'd be another batch of readers competing for the top spot. Well, kid – I am pleased to tell you that of all the totals I received this time around, yours was the highest. Of your 164, I've discounted Roller (he's not a Transformer, rather one part of Optimus Prime), Staker, Slamer, Six-gun and Nightstalker (as neither I nor the dumb stubbies can track these ones down). If you can tell me where any of those last four come from, I will elevate your total accordingly. That said, your accepted total of 159 Transformers is the best so far. Award yourself an honorary part on the back, kid. I almost hate to say this, but can any of you readers do better? Don't forget to enclose a full list with your submission. It doesn't look as though Swoop will be available here, kid. Maybe your globe-trotting will eventually turn one up! Good luck.

Dear Grimlock,
That's it! I can tolerate no more! I shall come straight to the point – why was the story _target: 2006 described as the 'New Leaders saga'? Neither Galvatron nor Ultra Magnus became the leader of either the Autobots or the Decepticons. If they don't become leaders until 2006, was it worth HASBRO bringing them into the shops this year? It would seem you've made a hash of things, wouldn't it? Bring back Galvatron and Ultra Magnus. They are far too good to be wasted in this manner!
Sean Stafford,

Hmmm... I can't work out whether this kid's complaining, and if he is, what exactly he's complaining about (a typical human letter in other words). _target: 2006 was called the New Leaders saga because that's exactly what it featured... Galvatron, the Decepticon leader of the year 2006, came back to our time and Ultra Magnus (though not officially titled) more or less led the Autobots in their fight against the future Decepticon. Did you not enjoy the story, kid? If so, I can only say that you are in a minority of one as far as I can tell from the many letters I've received. Oh well...

Dear Grimlock,
I don't feel very old (in fact I am only 13), but people still shake their heads in disbelief when I say I remember the good ol' days of Transformers, when fact files were a fairly regular occurrence. What happened to this brilliant feature? I mean, you're not exactly short of characters to write about, are you?!
Stuart Knowles,

We're certainly not, kid. You will, by now, have seen the first two pages from the Transformers A – Z, which should satisfy the most demanding lover of fact-files. We'd like to be able to run them as a regular features, but – sadly – we don't always have an available slot. The A – Z will gradually build into a comprehensive guide to just about every Transformer!

Issue 96

Dear Grimlock,
'Tie-in to the Transformers movie', eh? Hah! I have a suggestion to make to _target:2006's writer: read the script of the movie!! I have just finished reading the Transformers Winter Special, featuring the official comics adaptation of the film, and realised that there is no way that _target:2006 can be slotted in. After Megatron is transformed into Glavatron by Unicron the action is then non-stop all the way to the end, not giving Galvatron a chance to travel into the past. And at the end of the movie, Unicron is killed, leaving Galvatron without a motive to attempt the time-jump. Explain it if you can.
Piers Barden,

I will. But first let's see what John Dorney has to say on the matter...

Dear Grimlock,
I have just finished reading the Transformers Winter Special with its superb adaptation of Transformers: The Movie. Although the story is fine in itself, it does pose some interesting questions. 1) When did Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge time-jump? I reckon that it was between the last two panels of page 30. Am I right? 2) What happens to you, Ultra Magnus, the other Dinobots, Wreck-Gar, Wheelie, Galvatron, Bumblebee, Spike, Jazz and Cliffjumper after the end of the movie? 3) Will Hot Rod stay as Rodimus Prime forever? And if he doesn't will Ultra Magnus get the Matrix again?
John Dorney,

Okay, let's deal with the main point first. I've dragged in stubbie Furman, who wrote _target:2006 (based on the actual events, of course) to explain at what point Galvatron left the movie and headed for _target:2006. According to him, when, on page 32 of the movie adaptation, Galvatron says 'Decepticons to Earth!', he does indeed head for Earth, but not Earth of 2006. Instead, before Unicron can realise his intent, he time-jumps back to our time. Don't forget that the whole of _target:2006 took place in less than a second of 2006 time, and so when Galvatron returned he was punished by Unicron and then despatched, with the rest of the Decepticons, to attack Autobot City: Earth. So John Dorner was very close with his estimation of page 30, and I hope the other kid now has a satisfactory explanation! The fate of all the movie characters will be explored in a new TV series (now in production). We hope that once it's completed it'll be shown over here. There's a fair chance, however, that you'll learn the fate of Galvatron a lot sooner! What happens to Rodimus Prime will be explored by the TV series.

Dear Grimlock,
This is an urgent newsflash. I have just bought Breakdown, the evil DECEPTICON Stunticon. On rubbing the black square to check its authenticity I found the AUTOBOT sign. This is obviously a Decepticon plot to spy on the Autobots. Please warn them for me.
No name,

I reckon that's exactly what it is, kid. I don't think it could be a major gaff on the part of the toy company at all!

Issue 97

Dear Grimlock,
I've just finished reading the entire _target: 2006 tale in a single sitting (a good hour or so!) and quite honestly it reads better as a whole. Perhaps all 122 pages of it could be reprinted as a special. The first Marvel UK graphic novel, perhaps? All in all, _target: 2006 was up to the same high standard as other UK produced material (so much better than those reprinted from the American book). However, for me the real star of the show was Ron Smith's depiction of the Wreckers in issue 82. Trouble was, I kept expecting a certain Mega-City Judge to barge in making arrests.
However, there is a point I still can't work out. In the story, Galvatron is revealed to be the future Megatron, and seemed to have retained all the memories of his old incarnation. Despite this, he seemed to regard his old self as a different entity and was surprised when told that Megatron had joined forces with the Autobots. Surely he would have remembered battling his future self and therefore taken steps to prevent the incident before it happened. Sorry if I'm being picky, but the concepts of time travel, as well as the discrepancies and paradoxes that can arise from it, fascinate me.
Steve Tanner,
Llantwit Major.

Glad to see you enjoyed _target: 2006, kid. Once more I have dragged the dumb stubbie who wrote the story into my office to account for the points you raise. It seems – according to him – that as soon as Galvatron started mucking about in the time-stream, he created an entirely new history. The Galvatron that was once Megatron had no memory of battling himself, because in his past it simply didn't happen. If the 'now' Megatron becomes Galvatron in his future, then he will have those memories. This is what is known as the theory of parallel dimensions. The same planet, same characters – but different events. Clear? No – me neither! Good story though, wasn't it?

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to tell you that I have just started reading your Transformers comic, and I think it is really great. Although I'm only seven, I can read it quite well – with only a little help from my Mum. I like Spitfire and the Troubleshooters, and I'm hoping to see the Transformers movie when it opens. I have got Optimus Prime and hope to get some more toys for Christmas.
Stephen Proudfoot,

Welcome aboard, Stephen. You're one of a growing number of new readers who are discovering just how good Britain's number one adventure comic really is. Now all you've got to do is spread the word to your friends. They'll thank you for it, just you see. Glad to know you're enjoying Spitfire and the Troubleshooters. It looks very much like we've got another winner of a back-up strip.

Dear Grimlock,
My name is Dinocrusher – leader of the Dinobot killers. We are currently on our way to Earth. You have twenty-eight Earth days to print this letter, or we will turn you into no more than prehistoric nuts and bolts. My sensors tell me that I have ten times the power of Unicron, so get moving!
Slave of Neil Critchlow,

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha – I'm quaking, kid, quaking – Ha, Ha Ha, Ha, Ha!

Issue 98

Dear Grimlock,
I think I have conquered the 151 (153?) Transformers counted by Paul French, taken from the TV series, the toy range and the comic, with a final tally of 172 Transformers. Is this your new highest total?
The Transformers: The Movie special was brilliant, but wasn't it rather convenient that there happened to be a laser blaster near to where Megatron fell during his battle with Optimus Prime? Still, Op trashed him anyway!
Simon Turpin,

He certainly did, Kid. Nor that it did him a whole lot of good in the long run. Oh well! On to your tally of Transformers characters. Of your 172 I've discounted Roller (for the reasons I mentioned last time I discounted him), Scamper, Six Gun and Slammer (who, even though I now know them to be part of Metroplex, don't really qualify in my book as individual characters), and your entries for a Sharkticon, and Junkion 1 and Junkion 2 (you might as well put down Autobot, Decepticon, Dinobot if you're going to count those. I'm just after individual characters). Nevertheless, that still leaves you with a very healthy total of 164 Transformers, beating even Stuart Hudson's 159. I figure this total might now be hard to beat, but I'm willing – on this one occasion – to be proved wrong. Can anyone out there do it?

Dear Grimlock,
There are a few things I would like to know about issue 88 of The Transformers. To begin with, where did Macabre come from, and what does he (did he?) transform into? Secondly, Xaaron is shown speaking about someone called Lord Straxus. Who is this? Lastly, will future Cybertron-based stories feature the likes of Metroplex and the de-luxe Insecticons?
Robert Hughes,

Let's see now. Macabre – it seems – had always been hanging around, or at least waiting in the wings for a chance to prove himself. Plain batty, if you ask me. What did he transform into? You guessed it – a bat-winged air current glider. Lord Straxus is the Cybertron-based Decepticon leader introduced back in issues 66-69 and reintroduced this very issue. There are no plans – at present – to feature Metroplex or the de-luxe Insecticons, but you never know. Keep watching, kid.

Dear Grimlock,
Where were you and your fellow Dinobots in the course of the _target: 2006 story? Surely you would have seen the bits of Jazz and Jetfire whizzing through the air and immediately gone to their rescue. Don't tell me you're turning into a coward. Naw, perish the thought! The stories and artwork are continually brill. Keep up the good work. Finally, will you have a word with my baby sister? She keeps trying to chew my Transformers comics!
Daniel Howorth,

That's Transformers for you, kid – good enough to eat! Sadly, we were taking it easy some way from Oregon and Eastern Wyoming at the time Galvatron visited Earth, otherwise we'd have certainly taught him the error of his ways. After we'd finished laughing at the bits of Jazz and Jetfire flying through the air, anyway!

Issue 99

Dear Grimlock,
Recently I went into a bookshop and saw the latest Transformers Annual. In it there was a run-down on all the Autobots and Decepticons. It said that Shockwave had taken over leadership of the Decepticons after defeating Megatron in a battle, and that both Megatron and Shockwave were missing and Soundwave was in control.! Did this happen a while ago? I have only recently started reading the comic (issue 72). By the way, I have located a mistake in your run-down of Autobot cars available in Britain. You omitted to mention Skids, and I know you can get him because I am the proud owner of that particular toy!
Richard Westby,

Okay – I admit it, Skids was indeed missed off that list of the 1986 Hasbro toy range, but then what can you expect from the likes of the dumb stubbies employed on this comic! The Decepticon – and Autobot, for that matter – Who's Who from the Annual were originally published a while ago in this comic, and so some details about the characters may now be out of date. At around the issue 50 mark Shockwave had indeed defeated Megatron and both had subsequently disappeared. Soundwave took over for a while and generally made a nuisance of himself!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read the adaptation of Transformers: The Movie, and in my opinion it was really great. It's a pity about Optimus Prime, but I suppose all good things must eventually come to an end. Could you answer me a few questions about your spin-off from the movie, _target: 2006: 1) How come Hot Rod was not Rodimus Prime when he travelled back to 1986? 2) What would Galvatron's weapon have been hidden under if the Autobots hadn't succeeded in destroying it? My guess is Autobot City: Earth. Am I right? 3) If Transformers comic is still going in 2006, will you run the movie adaptation again? I hope it is still going!
Darren Purdie,

Hmmm, Transformers comic in the year 2006? Possible, I suppose ... daunting, but possible! Hot Rod journeyed to this time to take part in the _target:2006 story before his transformation to Rodimus Prime. And yes, kid – you're exactly right. It seems Galvatron did indeed plan to bury his weapon at the site of Autobot City: Earth. Well done to have picked up on the clues.

Dear Grimlock,
What will happen to Galvatron and Ultra Magnus now? They are both too good to be written off like that. Please bring them back!
Elliot Brunton,
Merton Park.

No sooner said than done. Ultra Magnus is back in the story already, and Galvatron ... well, let's just say you'd be well advised to check out issue 101!

Issue 100

There was no "Grim Grams" feature this week, likely owing to page space concerns: the main comic story was extended from the usual 11 pages to 19, and a page was given over to an anniversary-themed competition with over 100 Transformers toys as prizes.

Issue 101

Dear Grimlock,
I have just seen the new Transformers movie and I thought it was mega-brill! I advise other people to go and see it. I especially liked the way Blurr talked, and the way you got hit on the nose by Wheelie's catapult. Sorry about bringing that up, but I had to mention it because the scene was so funny.
Lee Jones,

Now listen up, everybody – let's get one thing straight here. I could have dodged Wheelie's catapult pellet any time I liked. But just to show him he was dealing with a Dinobot, I deliberately butted it! You all got that? I hit it, it didn't hit me! That's the absolute truth... it really is...

Dear Grimlock,
At the beginning of issue 90's Transformer's story, Jetfire was talking about a game he played on Cybertron called Basketrek. But Jetfire was built and raised on Earth, so this couldn't have been right. Please explain. By the way, what's happened to Centurion? He was great.
Mark McManus,

Hmmm... it could be that Jetfire had been swotting up on the Ark's Cybertron history tapes, and had come across the game of Basketrek. Safe in the knowledge that Donny Finkleberg didn't know Jetfire was created here on Earth, he felt free to use the comparison in order to unsettle him. An Earth game wouldn't have had the same impact. On the other hand... it could be that I'm going to have a word or two with the dumb stubbies! Centurion, as you can see, is back this very issue!

Dear Grimlock,
I am a great fan of The Transformers and I have many of the toys. I also have three questions to ask you. 1) On Cherry Coca Cola cans at the moment there is an offer for a Cherry Coca Cola can that transforms into a robot. Have you ever known or heard of this robot from your distant days on Cybertron? 2) Will Swoop be sold in the shops? 3) How many Transformers are there and why now show a list of all of them with their names and what they transform into?
Simon Cruise,

And the answers are... 1) Definitely not. Sounds like a Decepti-can to me, though. 2) It doesn't seem likely that my Dinobot pal Swoop will ever make it to the toy shelves. 3) We're trying to work our way through all the Transformers in the A-Z feature, but it's going to take some time. The type of list you are asking for, kid, sounds more like something you may well find in 1987's Transformers Annual. More news on that nearer the time.

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to ask if Transformers: The Movie will be coming out on video, because – would you believe it – my dad doesn't want to take mt to see it. I would also like to know if there will be another Transformers movie.
Michael Lang,

Shame on your dad, kid! Can't say for certain that it will be released on video, but the stubbies around here think it's a very strong possibility. They also tell me that rather than a second movie, there is a proposed TV mini-series to follow on directly from the movie storyline. As one Dinobot said to the other just before they began work building Autobot City: Earth – watch this space for developments!

Issue 102

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to you about issue 90. I have been reading The Transformers for some time now and have been greatly pleased with it so far. You can imagine my dismay, then, when I found a mistake! On page seven, frame five, Thrust says, "We showed them who's boss of the skies, right, Thrust?" And then Dirge replies, "Right, Ramjet!" Please could you find the person responsible and tell him to get it right next time – thank you!
Ian Wallace,

Imagine my dismay, kid, when I learned of another goof in issue 90! I've dealt with the very dumb stubbies concerned... who are now very stubbie, too, following out little 'chat'...

Dear Grimlock,
I think the comic is brilliant, and thanks for taking over the letters page. When will the comic be featuring the Protectobots and the Combaticons? Also, will you be featuring the Deluxe Insecticons and the new Mini Autobots? That's all from me – except to say keep up the good work!
David Moucka,
Downpatrick, Co. Down.

By now, kid, you'll have already seen some of the new Mini Autobots. As for the Protectobots and the Combaticons, both SPecial Teams will be making appearances very soon – in issue 105 to be precise. There are no plans as yet, though, to feature that bunch of wimps who call themselves Deluxe Insecticons. I ask you – what kind of name is that for any self-respecting Transformer?

Dear Marvel Comics Ltd.,
I would like to know what Bah Weep Graaaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong means when Hot Rod says it to Wreck-Gar in the Transformers: The Movie winter special.
Christy McKnight,
North Humberside.

As Hot Rod says at the time, kiddo, B. W. G. W. N. N. B. is the Universal Greeting, understood by most creatures throughout the galaxies... except those who live in North Humberside it seems. Roughly speaking it means, "Hello, we mean you no harm," or "We come in peace," or "Do you hate Dirtwad Decepticons as much as we do?"

Dear Grimlock,
If you had a line of Dirtwad Decepticons chained up in front of you, which one would you blast first? I would go for Starscream, Soundwave, Laserbeak and Thrust. Anyway, I'm glad that you took over this page because you don't make half as many mistakes as him!
Damien Slade,

Kid, this is a very interesting question. Maybe I'd go for whoever was their leader at the time – though I guess it would be the one occasion when not even Starscream would claim the job. Still, I think Starscream would have to be high on the list, just to keep the noise down. But really, I guess it has to be... him ... if only to fix him for the dreadful way he used to handle this page!

Issue 103

Grim Grams was absent from this issue, with a Video Gems contest printed in its place.

Issue 104

Grim Grams was absent from this issue, with a Battle Beasts contest printed in its place.

Issue 105

Once again, Grim Grams is absent, with space allotted to a comic/competition centred around Ricicles mascot Captain Rik. Grimlock's absence was made note of on the Transformation page, in reference to the controversial events of this issue's US story:

[...] The events we're discussing will inevitably provoke plenty of comment from you all, but as you can see from the contents listed below, Grimlock is still on leave from his Grim Grams duties this week. In the meantime, keep your letters coming – we want to ensure there's plenty for him to do when he gets back!

Issue 106

Dear Grimlock,
I have bought one of the new Special Team leaders called Defensor, and I have seen some of the other characters in the shops. I read quite a few books and see your comic often, but I can't find any stories about these interesting Transformers. Can you tell me where I can find some Special Team stories, or will you put some in the Transformers comic?
Stephen Holmes,

As you can see, kid, Defensor and the rest of his Protectobots are here in this issue. Fat lot of good they've done ol' Prime, though, eh?

Dear Grimlock,
We are from Australia and purchase your comic every week. Not only are we greatly interested in Transformers, we also have a local club with several members. We meet regularly to talk about Transformers and generally have a good time.
Some of your readers in England may want to copy this idea and start a club of their own. For any more details they can just simply write to us. In the meantime, keep up the good work. Wayne, Justin, and Club Members,
44 Red Gum Lane,
Swan View,
West Australia 6056.

G'Day, G'Day, G'Day – Crocodile DunDinobot here! Nice to hear from our readers down under. UK readers can hear more from you too, if they get in touch, and I've printed your full address so that they can. Who knows, this could be the start of an International Transformers Club – the IT Club, even!

Dear Grimlock,
How heavy are you?
Simon McMahon,
Co. Meath, Ireland.

Very heavy with the dumb stubbies around here when they make mistakes! Apart from that, it's a bit tricky to convert Cybertron weight to your measuring system, but I reckon I 'float like a butterfly, sting like a Dinobot' at about 70 – 75 tonnes.

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to ask a bit of a favour from your Marvel pals. When Transformers first started on television, there were two crummy Decepticons that combined and made a camera. Would you please try and find out their names for me? And is there any way they can make an appearance?
Curtis Pitt,
Queensland, Australia.

Strewth, another Aussie! A dumb stubbie here has told me not to mention the cricket, and as I've no idea what it is, I won't. I will tell you that the Dirtwad Decepticon you are thinking of is Reflector. In fact, he's three robots who combine to make the camera. No plans to feature Reflector at the moment though!

Dear Grimock,
My son, Bob, and myself are keen Transformers fans and since my spelling is marginally better than his – he's only seven – Bob has asked me to write to you to ask if you would kindly print his Stock Exchange. You see, Father Christmas was rather generous this year, or there was a mix up in the reindeer postal system (which I know could never happen on Cybertron) and Bob received two of the same kind of Transformer.
Bob and Dad Pilling,

No sooner asked than done, kidult...
Grim Grams did indeed print the Pilling family's Stock Exchange immediately afterwards. Bob had received two Cyclonuses, and wanted to swap one for Bombshell. (Funny, that.)

Issue 107

Dear Grimlock,
I've written to say just how fab I think the Transformers comic is. In my opinion, Transformers is the best comic out, but you probably know that anyway. Please can you give me a recap on how Blaster destroyed Lord Straxus' body? And can you also tell me how it is that Galvatron can hold off seven Autobots but cannot defeat Rodimus Prime?
Ranjit Badhan,

Sure, kid. Firstly, Blaster and Straxus fought a thrilling hand to hand duel on the first experimental Space Bridge as it spanned the gulf between Cybertron and Earth, back in issue 69. In the end, it looked as if Blaster had shoved Straxus into the interdimensional void at the side of the bridge, but the Decepticon's head was saved and he was kept alive in a life support glass bubble. And, in the movie, Rodimus was only able to defeat Galvatron when he took control of the Matrix. A standard Autobot leader type trick, if you ask me...

Dear Grimlock,
BRILLIANT! I have just read issue 101 and what better way to end this week's Transformers story than seeing the brill Dinobots charging into battle against Galvatron. At a recent battle in my house, you fought alone against Galvatron and won the fight by throwing the Decepticon down the stairs. I just loved watching you in Transformers: The Movie – you were the start of the film!
Richard Powell,

Kid, I could read letters like this all day! And thanks for the staircase tip – if there's one handy next time I'm up against Galvatron, I'll know what to do!

Dear Grim Grams,
Please print this letter on your page, as it is the fourth time I have written. I've some questions for you ... Can you beat Soundwave in a fight? Is Optimus Prime going to leave the comic because of the new leader, Rodimus Prime? And finally, Grimlock, have you got a birthday?
Stephen Devlin,

I guess it's a case of fourth time lucky, kid. The problem is that there are hundreds of letters sent to Transformers every week, many more than can actually be printed on a Grim Grams page. Every letter is read, though, so don't let that put anyone off writing! As to your questions, of course I would beat Soundwave in a fight, and as you must know by now, Prime is well and truly out of it already! I don't have a specific 'birthday' like you fleshlings, but I guess the day I took over this page – 23rd August, 1986 – could count as one!

Dear Grimlock,
When I visited a toyshop in Peterlee, my mum bought me the Jazz Transformer. When I opened the box, though, I found out that someone has taken the label sheet, three missiles and the missile launcher from the box. Please could you tell Jazz about this insult to him?
James Reay,

Will do, kid – next time I see him. And if any other readers find similar problems with Transformer toy products your best bet is to write to: The Consumer Relations Department, Hasbro Inc., Eskdale Road, Winnersh Triangle, Wokingham, Berks. RG11 5LW.

Issue 108

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to tell you a very interesting fact about the names of Optimus (dirtwad) Prime and Ultra Magnus. it is that their names translate from an old Earth language called Latin, which is hardly ever used any more, except in some schools. In Latin, Optimus Prime means Best First, and Ultra Magnus is Beyond Great. I bet the Stubbies didn't know that!
Carl Pickly.

I'm sure they didn't, kid. But I don't want ANYONE writing in to say that Grimlock is Latin for Dumb Stubbie, okay?

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 101 you said Swoop would not be finding his way to the toy shelves in this country. But if you are lucky enough to know of someone that visits America (like I do), they can get Swoop for you there. I really wanted Swoop as he is my favourite Dinobot, so when my Aunt went to America, she got him for me.
Alan Jones,
West Midlands.
P.S. Who is second in command of the Dinobots?

Other readers might like to know that many Transformer characters who aren't in the UK shops are indeed on sale in America. If, like this kid, you know someone going out there, maybe they could do a little shopping for you! P.S. Swoop thinks he's second in command. Then again, Slag, Sludge and Snarl all think they are, too!

Dear Grimlock,
I think Transformers is brilliant, and I have fourteen Transformer toys so far. My favourite five are: 1) Optimus Prime, 2) Ultra Magnus, 3) Galvatron, 4) Jazz, and 5) Starscream. My favourite Dinobot is – yep – you, Grimlock. So far, though, since you have taken over the letters page, I haven't seen any readers' drawings. Haven't any come in yet?
Now for one or two questions. 1) in issue 101 we see Skids and Co. "alive" but I thought Circuit Breaker chopped their heads off! How is this? 2) Have you got a favourite Dinobot? 3) Why did you kill off Centurion? He was fab! 4) Has Skids gone to that weird dimension Prime got stuck in?
Lee Hughes,
S. Wales.

I haven't been able to use any kids' drawings yet, kid, because I try to answer as many letters as I can each week. But it's always nice to see readers' art, and when there is some space in the mag, I'm sure the Dumb Stubbies will organise a gallery page – if they can!
Now some answers. 1) She did, but she had to put them all back together again to obtain their help in defeating Runabout and Runamuck, as shown in Transformers 95. 2) Yes, me. 3) He was a good friend of ours, too – but it was Galvatron who turned Centurion into scrap. 4) That seems more than likely, kid.

Dear Grimlock,
In number 99's Robo Capers, was the old robot Cyril, the Editor Droid from the now non-existent Return Of The Jedi comic?
Vanessa Cook,

'Sright, kidette. Sad to see how some robots let themselves go when they're out of work, though, eh?

Issue 109

Dear Grimlock,
I have just had a really good idea. Before I tell you about it I'd just like to congratulate Martin Griffiths and Robin Bouttell on the cover to issue 103. It was the best cover to grace an issue of Transformers since issue 83.
Now to my idea for the 1985 Transformers Awards. The categories are: Best Story; Best Writer; Best Artist; Best Colourist; Best Letterer; Best Cover; Best New Character (robot or human); Best Autobot; Best Decepticon; Best Back-up Strip and Best Fact-File. If readers send their nominations to me (address below) I will write back to Marvel with the results. Nominate only from issues 42-93 (those with 1986 cover dates), not before or after, please.
Philip Crowther Green,
37 Radstock Lane,
RG6 2RX.

Good one, kid. Pay heed you others – The Transformers 1986 Awards have now received the official Grimlock Seal Of Approval'. That means you shouldn't be sitting here reading this, you should be sending in your votes – in the categories listed in Philip's letter – to him (not to us!) right now. Don't forget, only cast votes that apply to issues 42-93. I'll bring you the results of Philip's Transformers Awards when he writes to me again. Happy voting, kids!

Dear Grimlock,
Where's good ol' Jetfire these days? He has not been in the Transformers comic for ages. Please can you bring him back?
Andrew Purser,

Huh! So a solo Jetfire story in issue 93 (our Christmas issue to boot!) wasn't enough for you, eh kid? I dunno – some people are never satisfied!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just invented a new thing for Grim Grams. It is called COMIC EXCHANGE. It's a bit like Stock Exchange, only instead of toys you exchange issues of Transformers comics. I only started reading Transformers at issue 95 and ignored the order coupon. I paid the price by then missing issue 98. I think Comic Exchange would help people like me who have gaps in the collections. I would like to submit the first entry to this (hopefully) new feature –
Wanted: Issue 98 (in good condition).
Swap: Issue 95 (in good condition).
Contact: Jan Zeschky, 53 St. Andrews Drive, Bridge Of Weir, Renfrewshire, Scotland. And don't worry, Grimlock, I will be sending your order coupin in, so I needn't miss out again.
Jan Zeschky,
Bridge Of Weir.

Another great idea. Okay kids, this too gets the 'Grimlock Seal Of Approval' (they don't call me big-hearted Grimlock for nothing... come to think of it, they don't call me big hearted Grimlock at all!) I'll be alternating Comic Exchange with Stock Exchange in the very near future... Get writing.
The results to Philip Crowther-Green's Transformers Awards were published in issue 119.

Issue 110

Dear Grimlock,
I've just finished reading issue 101 and enjoyed every moment of it. But was Professor Morris killed when Centurion was destroyed? I've one more question; could you tell me if 13 years of age is too old to read Transformers?
Victor MacMachon,

Dear Grimlock,
I am 15 years old. Do you think I am too old for Transformers? I started collecting your comic at issue 78, because my previous Marvel comic, Return Of The Jedi had finished. Did you know that there is a video out called Dinobot Island? I have it and it is brilliant. I'm glad you are back in the comic and I loved Transformers: The Movie. Will Rodimus Prime be featured in the comic?
Paul Seales,

Y'know, in the past some of the queries I've received from Transformers readers have left me puzzled. Oh, I've been able to supply answers, but sometimes I've had cause to question the logic circuits of the kids who asked them! That said, even these pale into insignificance compared to the recent spate of letters asking me if X number of years old is too advanced an age to read Transformers. There is no upper age limit to Transformers readers. Heck, we get parents who wait as eagerly for the comic's arrival each week as their kids. It doesn't matter what age you are. If you still enjoy Transformers (and what right-minded person wouldn't) then keep reading it. It's as simple as that. A quick round of answers for these two kids: Professor Morris is alive, but a little 'broken up' over the loss of Centurion. I didn't know that there was a Dinobot Island video (the stubbies will be looking into that). Rodimus Prime features in issues 113 – 120!

Dear Grimlock,
I started reading Transformers comic at issue 89. The Fallen Angel story was the best so far. Centurion and the Dinobots are my favourite characters. Trouble is, every time there is a story with the Dinobots in it, poor old Snarl hardly ever gets a look in. By the way, I'm sorry about the Dinobots getting beaten up. Will Centurion get rebuilt?
Shaun Teeling,
London W12.

Hmm. I'm not sure i like the inference that we were 'beaten up' by Galvatron. Sure, he got a couple of lucky shots in, but nothing major. Now Centurion, that's what I call getting beaten up! It may take a while, but I figure there's more than a fair chance that Centurion will be rebuilt. Having only started reading at issue 89, you'll have missed the large chunks of Snarl action in classics such as the Wrath Of Guardian/Grimlock two parter from issues 31 and 32, and the now immortal Dinobot Hunt from issues 47 – 50.

Dear Grimlock,
Has Galvatron got a weakness?
Ian Bonner,

I understand he has a weakness for chocolate covered oil drums (snigger).

Issue 111

Dear Grimlock,
Recently I purchased one of your Transformers comics (issue 97, Prey – partt two) and was surprised to see how well done it was. The art was fantastic and the storyline was even better. Soon after reading the story I read the Grim Grams page and found out about something called _target: 2006. I became very interested and yet disappointed at the same time. You see, since I live in America, comics and similar merchandise from the U. K. are very hard to find (it took me three months just to find one issue of your comic). Could you tell me where I could find the story, _target: 2006?
Caleb Jones,
West Linn,
U. S. A.

Aha – a kid from America! Well, I was just wild(e) to recieve this letter. Positive proof that Transformers greatness is reaching both sides of the Atlantic. Hopefully, by the time you read this, Transformers will be more widely available in the U.S. Your best bet is to check out specialist comic stores for current and back issues of our Transformers comic. If you still can't track down copies which contain the story _target: 2006 (issues 78 – 88), write to me again and I'll see if I can rustle you up a few copies!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 103, page 9, box 4, Optimus Prime says, 'No' Ultra Magus, whatever your misgivings, you are needed here – on Cybertron'. Spot the mistake! Well, apart from that little mistake, issue 103 was great. Personally, I think the DInobots could easily kill Galvatron!
Christopher Grieves,

Stubbies ... here, Stubbies ...

Dear Grimlock,
I have been reading this comic since issue 75. It was then that I discovered what a fabulous weekly treat it was. I liked the Free Gifts and wondered if there would be any more in the near future. I thought the Action Force back-up strip was the best yet, and hope that Inhumanoids will be just as good. Could you tell me how to convince my friends that Transformers is not just for toddlers, but for people of all ages?
Lastly, I have a couple of questions. 1) How on Earth (Cybertron?) did you allow Galvatron to knock you about and get away with it?! I thought you could defeat any Decepticon. 2) How does Megatron manage to get bigger when he transforms from gun to robot? P.S.– I enclose a £50 note as a bribe.
Nashat Siddiqui,

Transformers for toddlers?! Perish the thought! Obviously the people who think this need something of a cerebral service. However, the solution to your problem is simple. Just get these people to actually sit down and read Transformers. There's not way they could still think it's for toddlers after that! Onto your questions – Galvatron was lucky, that's all. I notice he ran off before I could get another crack at him. Coward! Megatron (in common with many other Transformers) possesses the ability to change size as well as shape. I've been informed by the dumb stubbies that the £50 note you enclosed was something called 'monopoly-money', and is about as much use as your average Decepticon! Nice try though!

Issue 112

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to you with a question about issue 106 of Transformers. You showed Optimus Prime being destroyed at the end of the computer game he played alongside his Protectobots against Megatron and the Combaticons in Multi-World. This cannot be true, because Optimus Prime doesn't die until the year 2006 (as seen in Transformers: The Movie). Is the explanation that this was another facsimile construct of Prime. I doubt it, as Prime acted and spoke just as he would normally. Please explain this for me. By the way, why was Grim Grams not featured in issues 102 – 105? It's one of my favourite features! And keep the Transformers A – Z going – it's brill!
Thomas Hughes,

Dear Grimlock,
I'm writing on behalf of my four year old son, Daniel (and myself as a harrassed parent!). He thinks – Ethan Zachary is a "really stupid person" to have blown up Optimus Prime. He's in tears because we have been searching the shops since before Christmas to find an Optimus Prime toy, and now it seems that there's no chance of finding one. Can you help?
Mum Talbot & Daniel,

Hmm – I thought Optimus Prime's explosive demise would provoke quite a bit of comment (these are just two of the many letters I've received on the subject). The most common complaint/observation is that Prime cannot be dead as he appears in Transformers: The Movie (which is set in the future). Perhaps this just means that the saga of Optimus Prime is not quite as over as it seems. Megatron certainly didn't think he'd seen the last of Prime (in issue 108), so you never know! The Optimus Prime toy is now officially NOT in the Hasbro toy range, so we really don't know where to suggest you try. Maybe the toy will make a comeback as well. I'll let you know if it does. And anyway, what's all this sadness for? So what if Prime's gone! As you can clearly see from this issue's story, his replacement more than makes up for whatever loss you may be feeling (smirk, smirk!).

Dear Grimlock,
I have been collecting Transformers comic from the very beginning (around the end of 1984), and now have 38 of the toys. There are some questions I'd like to ask you. 1) In issues 98 and 101 you mentioned a Transformers TV series that picks up from where the movie left off. When will it be on? 2) In Transformers: The Movie Galvatron shoots and destroys Starscream with his proton cannon. How come he didn't destroy the mini-Autobots in issue 101, when he shot them with the same weapon? 3) There used to be a comic called Scream that finished in 1984. In it there was a story called The Dracula File, written by Simon Furman. Is this the same Simon Furman that writes Transformers?
Cameron Egerton,

Aha – a long-time Transformers reader, eh? Okay, kid – here we go with some answers: 1) The TV series is still in production, so we've no date for its release in the U. S. let alone over here. However, we pick up from the end of the Transformers movie right here in issue 113. Not to be missed. 2) In Transformers: The Movie Galvatron drew his firepower from Unicron himself, so his proton cannon was more powerful then than it is now. 3) I've talked to stubbie Furman and he admits that it was indeed he at the typewriter for The Dracula File and sundry other Scream stories. He assures me that this was when he was young and confused!

Issue 113

Dear Grimlock,
Brilliant! Fab! What am I talking about? Of course, it's you and your fellow Dinobots. My favourites are you and Swoop. I think I know why your letters page has been missing for the past few issues. It's probably because you have been in Ratchet's surgery, being repaired after your battle with Galvatron in issue 102. I'm not saying you're a wimp or anything (perish the thought), but I think that if I were you, I would have needed repairs after coming up against someone of Galvatron's power! I have some questions to ask you: 1) Is the mini-Autobot, Wheelie, a cybertronic vehicle? 2) As Ultra Magnus and Galvatron are now with us again, are they destined to clash once more? 3) Why don't you treat Sludge a little better?
Paul Cummins,

Okay – enough's enough! For the last time – Galvatron did nothing more than dent me a bit (and then only a little bump on my snout). He did not – repeat, did not – beat me up, damage me, or anything else! Let's drop this one, huh? As for the questions – 1) Wheelie is indeed a Cybertronic vehicle. 2) Could well be! 3) He doesn't deserve it. Wimp!

Dear Grimlock,
How is it in issue 104 that Ultra Magnus managed to beat upMegatron? Was it because Megatron was confused and losing his power, thanks to having Lord Straxus in his head? Could you please tell me how Megatron managed to lose the battle, when his strength is 10 and Ultra Magnus's is only 9.
David Hirst,
London NW8.

You're right in thinking that Megatron was not at his fighting best that day (thanks, in no little way to that bit of brain co-habitation), but he was also taken by surprise when Ultra Magnus attacked, and wasn't given a chance to really strut his stuff. Mind you, just because Megatron's got a greater strength value than Ultra Magnus, doesn't mean he can't be beaten in a straight fight. Especially if it was me he was fighting!

Dear Grimlock,
I wish to thank you from the bottom of my power core for helping me pass English Language 'O' Level. Due to your heroic efforts at keeping your dumb stubbies producing the high standard of language, I was able to cram my cerebro circuits with enough knowledge to help me pass. Thank the matrix that my brother persuaded me to read from issue 1 to 97! I am now taking English 'A' Level! Though I am now 17 years old, I am destined to become a fully fledged Transformers fan!
Neil Thompson,

There you go – Transformers, the thinking kid's comic! After last issue's worries about whether or not a certain age is too old to read Transformers, here we have a reader (17, no less) who not only enjoys Transformers, but learns from it too. Take heed, you doubters!

Dear Grimlock,
I would like to know if I can do a swap with money in the Transformers comic. ie: Wanted: Soundwave, Swap: £10. If can do this, could you print my request and full name in the comic. I think Transformers is a great comic and Grim Grams is one of the best things in it.
Simeon Arnold,

In a word, kid – NO. Sorry to be blunt, but I'd like to take this opportunity to tell everyone that sending money into Transformers, or using Stock Exchange for anything other than strictly the swapping of toys for toys or comics for comics, is a definite No-No! Please don't send any money into the comic for whatever reason.

Issue 114

Dear Grimlock,
I'm an Australian from Townsville. I have only just read my first Transformers comic today (it's the Christmas issue), but I'm already a fan! I've been watching the Transformers TV series every Saturday morning, and that's not half as good! But anyway, I wrote in to say that I'm looking forward to issues 101 and 102, as that's when you told Graham Brian you would be in the comic again. By the way, I thought Sparkplug was Spike's father – not Buster's. Or does he have more than one son?
I don't know how many girl fans you have, but I'm one of them. Over here in Aussie-land, unfortunately, girls tend to prefer all that Barbie stuff, but I prefer Transformers. I have to confess, Grimlock, that you are not my favourite Transformer. I like Bumblebee, then Jazz, then you and Slag. Keep fighting those Decepticons!
Helen Falt,

G'day, Sheila (okay, Helen). Another chance to don my cork-festooned Crocodile DunDinobot hat! Fiure gou'll have seen my triumphal return to these pages by now – both in issues 101/102, and as the new Autobot Commander in issues 111/112. Let's just hope this causes you to rethink your top four best Transformers. Otherwise, there's a certain Sheila who might just wish she'd stuck with Barbie! Oh yeah, Spike is just what they call Buster in the cartoon series (will they never get these things right?!).

Dear Grimlock,
I wish to ask a question about issue 108. Towards the end it said that Megatron had killed himself by destroying the Decepticons' space bridge. How can this be? Megatron has to be alive in the year 2006 in order to battle Optimus Prime (as seen in Transformers: The Movie). Also, without Megatron, Galvatron cannot be formed, and therefore cannot be here on Earth, now.
Matthew Perry,

As I said about Optimus Prime, a couple of issues ago, it may be that the saga of Megatron is not yet over, kid. The space bridge survived and was back in operation in issues 111/112, so it follows that Megatron too may have survived, and is – even as you read this – somewhere on Cybertron, plotting his return!

Dear Grimlock,
I have been reading issue 106. Following Prime's death, I figure it'll be Ultra Magnus who takes over as Autobot commander. I also reckon that when Megatron explodes at the end of issue 108, he'll end up on Cybertron and be transformed into Galvatron. I have been reading Transformers comics for some time now and I think it's great. My first issue was Transformers 91, which my Mum bought for me after I fainted at school!
Simon Pugh,

I dunno, the lengths some of these kids will go to in order to read Transformers! Still, there you have it. Whereas most comics send kids to sleep, Transformers revives them, reaching – dare I say it – the parts other comics cannot reach! There's been a fair amount of speculation following Optimus Prime's demise as to the who, what, why and wherefore of it all. However, one thing is absolutely, definitely for certain – ULtra Magnus will not be Autobot Commander (not if I have any say in the matter, anyway!).

Issue 115

Dear Grimlock,
Since you already know how great both you and the comic are, I won't bother telling you again. Could you please answer me these questions – with Optimus Prime gone, and Megatron on the way out, will Ultra Magnus and Galvatron become the leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons, respectively? By the way, did Megatron kill Brawl in issue 107?
Brian Stuart,

As I've already told you, the chances of Ultra Magnus becoming Autobot leader are less than zero. I find it amazing that you'd even consider him when you have such a superb replacement for Optimus Prime in me! It's always possible that Galvatron will make his bid for the Decepticon leadership, but I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you. I can reveal that the Ultra Magnus/Galvatron saga comes to something of an explosive (and final, by the looks of things) conclusion in this year's Transformers Annual. More on this later. Brawl, though nursing an extremely sore head, will recover ... in time. Typical of those dirtwad Decepticons – stupid, but resilient!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 107, page 8, picture 3, Megatron asks Shockwave if he wants to challenge for leadership again. But if Megatron has forgotten the past events – where Shockwave tried to usurp his command – how does he remember them again suddenly? Apart from this mistake, your comic is great.
Jon Hardy,

MISTAKE! Methinks you presume too much on my widely recognised good humour, kid! A mistake is only a mistake when I say it is a mistake. In this case, it is you who are somewhat in error. Though Megatron's amnesia blotted out Shockwave's first Predacon-assisted attack, there were other attempts by shockwave to secure the Decepticon leadership that he did remember (Megatron and Shockwave battled in issues 25 and 65).

Dear Grimlock,
WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS COMIC?! Since I started collecting Transformers you people seem to have had it in for Optimus Prime. Everything seems to go wrong for him! First, he gets defeated by Shockwave – and then his head is removed and the power of the creation matrix tapped. Second, when his head is back on his shoulders, he has a crisis of command and almost loses the respect of his fellow Autobots. Then Prime is almost defeated rescuing Bumblebee. Third, his gun blows up at the end of Dinobot Hunt injuring him. Fourth, he, Prowl and Ratchet are thought to be dead when they are whisked off to battle in an alien dimension. Fifth, Prime is hunted by the Predacons on Earth and his fellow Autobots on Cybertron. And finally, Prime is destroyed by the human, Ethan Zachan after battling Megatron in Microworld. Pathetic! How can you be so cruel to the best Autobot of all?!
R. Ratcliffe,

It's that sort of world, kid!

Issue 116

Dear Grimlock,
Is Optimus Prime a coward? I ask this because every time Galvatron's around he's somewhere else. Last time he sneakily crept off to that other dimension to hide until Galvatron had departed, and this time (in issues 101/102) he was hiding on Cybertron. I reckon Prime only brought Ultra Magnus to Earth so that he could fight Galvatron instead of him.
When will the Dinobots and the Predacons have a fight? I for one want to see Swoop standing triumphant over the wreckage of Divebomb!
Jonathan Mercer,

Me too, kid, me too! The Dinobots versus the Predacons is getting more likely by the issue. You can see the first fateful steps towards this clash in this year's Transformers Annual (more on this later), and the battle itself – it it does happen – right here in the pages of this comic. Believe me, it's liable to be one of the biggest battles so far! As for Optimus Prime being a coward, well... it's really only respect for the dead that makes me disagree. Mind you, I reckon Prime has a pretty watertight excuse for missing Galvatron's current appearance!

Dear Grimlock,
That does it! You have gone too far this time. Why kill off the Predacons? They were fab! Anyway, in issue 108, page 9, under Razorclaw's head on Predaking there is definitely the outline of a Decepticon insignia. But earlier in the story they all changed their Decepticon insignias for Autobot ones. Find the dumb stubbies involved and deal with 'em will you?
Simon Embley,

Hmm.. tricky one. Ah, I've got it... I mean, I know what happened. One of the complexities involved in the combination of the five Predacons into Predaking is the reversal of part of Razorclaw's body. In the heat of battle, he didn't realise that this reversal would reveal his hidden Decepticon insignia. I dunno, the things I do to cover up for the stubbies! Oh, and don't worry, kid – the Predacons will return!

Dear Grimlock,
Could you please tell me what the Throttlebots are? I have just purchased five of the toys – Goldbug, Wideload, Rollbar, Chase (my favourite) and Searchlight. Goldbug – it says on his tech specs – has the mind of Bumblebee but a new, improved body. Please explain!
Simon Blackstein,

The Throttlebots are the first true mini-Autobot team, kid. I haven't much detail on the individual members as yet, but no doubt they'll be introduced into the comic in due course (would you believe issue 125?). They're Cybertron-based at the moment, but I figure they'll be on their way to Earth in no time. As for Goldbug, you can find out exactly what his connection with Bumblebee is, how he came to be, and just about everything about him, in issues 118-120!

Dear Grimlock,
Could you please tell me Dad to stop calling Transformers rubbish?
A. Kirk,

Stop calling Transformers rubbish, Mister Kirk! How was that, kid?

Issue 117

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read Transformers 110. For once it was not the story contained in the issue that I was amazed by, but by the great news. Firstly, it would seem that the mighty Dinobots are going to be back in action over the next two issues. Just for the record, I think you'd make a great leader. And, as if this wasn't treat enough, I read about all this 'back to the future' stuff. I just won't be able to wait for issue 113 now! I have one question for you. Back in issue 88, who was it that said this 'this would make a great site for the first Autobot city on Earth '? And was it said on present day Earth, or in the future?
Robin Tipler,

Well, let's just hope that the return of we Dinobots lived up to your expectations (how could it not?) and that the current story is doing likewise. As you'll have seen, I am now Autobot leader, so I must agree with your assumption that I would make a good one! The Autobot who uttered those prophetic words was none other than Smokescreen, (influenced in no small way by Unicron's mental suggestion) in the year 1986!

Dear Grimlock,
Have you noticed how crowded Earth is getting these days, with all these different groups of people battling evil in one form or another? Apart form Transformers and Action Force we now have Mask and the Gobots as well!
Aaron Billingham,


Dear Grimlock,
I don't believe this! Not satisfied with killing Prime in issue 106, you now intend to bring Rodimus Prime into the comic. How can you do this? Prime – Optimus Prime, that is – was in Transformers: The Movie for a bit, and was directly responsible for passing on the Matrix, which created Rodimus Prime. But when Prime died in issue 106, surely the Matrix died with him? That means Rodimus Prime can't be created, the Matrix can't destroy Unicron, Cyberton won't be saved, and it's basically the end of the Transformers story. I think you're stuck – unless you do a Dallas and say it was all a dream!
Mark Littlefield,

Okay, for the last time... I think you kids are all getting carried away with the idea that the events of issue 106 invalidate the whole future of the Transformer race. A careful study of the final scenes in issue 106 will give you some indication of the possible fate of Prime and the Matrix. Let's just assume for the moment that Prime's story is... To Be Continued!

Dear Grimlock,
This communication is directed to my fellow Autobots and the humans who mourn my passing. I would like to dispel – once and for all – the vicious rumour that I, Optimus Prime, am dead.
I am at the moment residing with a human friend of mine – Daniel Norris – in a small village in England.
I will return ..!
Optimus Prime,

Don't hurry on my account!

Issue 118

Dear Grimlock,
I have some good news and some bad news. Bad news first. William Marshall of the Daily Mirror did and article about comics and there was an illustration that showed Desperate Dan (from the Dandy) bashing Blaster. And worst of all, the caption at the bottom of the picture said 'Dan shows a namby-pamby Transformer where to go'. I think you should put William Marshall on your hit-list. The good news is that when I had a battle between my Autobots and Decepticons, you (as Autobot commander) and the other Dinobots beat-up Galvatron!
Neil Yexley,

Dear Grimlock,
Okay, hands up all those who watched the tribute to the film, Return Of The Jedi on Tyne-Tees TV and spotted the major bodge-up. For those of you who didn't, here's what happened. When the adverts came on, instead of showing the poster for Return Of The Jedi to conclude the segment, they displayed the Transformers: The Movie poster! So what's the explanation, Grimlock? Were they just spreading the word about Transformers far and wide, or was this a dumb stubbie-style mistake on the part of Tyne-Tees TV?
Kevin Wootton,

Hmm... not having read the piece by William Marshall or seen the Tyne Tees TV programme in question, I can't really give you my feelings on these matters. I suspect that the showing of the Transformers: The Movie poster was the work of Transformers fans working at Tyne-Tees television. That, or it could – as you say – be a mistake! I would very much like to see the William Marshall Daily Mirror article before deciding on my course of action. 10,000 Shanix reward goes to the first kid to send me a copy!

Dear Grimlock,
As I only started reading Transformers at issue 99, I am not very well educated about the comic. Would you please answer these questions for me? 1) In issue 101 we get a clear view of Blaster's eyes and they are not linked. Yet in issue 110 he seems to have a bit of metal over his eyes that makes them look linked. Why is this? 2) On the cover of issue 102 I don't recognise the top Dinobot pictured there. Who is it? 3) What does Omega Supreme transform into? 4) Does Outback still live? 5) And finally, what's happened to Galvatron and Ultra Magnus?
Martin Berry,

Right then, it's answer time! 1) Blaster has a visor that he sometimes lowers over his eyes to shield his delicate optical sensors from sunlight. He also reckons that they make him look 'cool'. In the words of that dirtwad, Soundwave – puttup! 2) The Dinobot in question is that numbskull, Sludge. Why they wanted to put him on the front cover I don't know! 3) Omega Supreme transforms into a battle station designed specifically to defend the Ark from attack. He possesses tank and space rocket capabilities. 4) As far as I know, Outback is alive and well on Cybertron. 5) Now you know!

Issue 119

Dear Grimlock,
At the beginning of the King Of The Hill story I was disgusted with your behaviour, but by the end you'd showed that you're not as dumb as you look. Tell the dumb stubbies to put Spider-Man into the back-up story.
Raheil Mehdi,

Spider-Man in our back-up story?! Couldn't happen... could it?

Dear Grimlock,
Here it is! The letter containing the results of the OFFICIAL TRANSFORMERS AWARDS 1986! The results are as follows: The Best Story was landslide victory for _target: 2006, with Simon Furman winning the Best writer category. The best artist, colourist and letterer were, respectively, Geoff Senior, Gina Hart and Annie Halfacree. The covers to issue 74 and 82 tied for Best Cover, and there was a draw in the Best New Character category, with Galvatron and Centurion sharing first place. You, Grimlock, won the Best Autobot award (now calm down, you were only one vote ahead of Optimus Prime). The Best Decepticon was Galvatron, Spitfire And The Troubleshooters easily won Best Back-up Strip, and Best Fact-file went to Omega Supreme.
I would like to thank everyone who voted in the awards, and who knows, this time next year I might – just might – be overseeing the 1987 TRANSFORMERS AWARDS!
Philip Crowther-Green,

Just to clarify the situation for any of you who've just started reading Transformers, back in issue 109 Philip offered to receive and count votes for 1986 TRANSFORMERS WARDS (covering issues 42 – 93) in the categories mentioned above. The results are there to be seen – with a thoroughly deserved victory for yours truly in the Best Autobot category. My thanks to Philip, and to all the kids who voted!

Dear Grimlock,
I saw him! I know he'll deny it, but I definitely saw Stubbie Furman on ITV's Get Fresh programme, showing off artwork from this fabulous comic. I really enjoyed his talk on how the Transformers comic is put together. But why didn't you notify us readers that he was going to be on? I bet many of us missed it. I was just lucky enough to be watching Get Fresh at the time.
Simon Griffith,

Humph! Whether he denies it or not, I actually have videotaped evidence of Stubbie Furman's unspectacular TV debut. I'm furious with him! I mean, how dare he? What sort of interview was that?! Not once... not one little, bitty mention. How could he possibly have gone through a three minute discourse on all the good points of this comic without once mentioning ME! A stubbie seriously in need of reprogramming (no pun intended) if ever there was one!

Dear Grimlock,
When will Transformers: The Movie be available on video? I can't wait to see you crushing Decepticons again!
Tony Huxley,

Transformers: The Movie is scheduled for video release in August. Can you wait that long?

Issue 120

Dear Commander Grimlock,
Good on you! At last the Autobots have a decent leader. The way you handled that Decepticreep, Trypticon in issue 112 was just great. There's no doubt that Optimus Prime was a good leader, but I'm sure with your skill, strength and judgement the Decepticons haven't got a hope in the universe of defeating the Autobots. Mind you, they never really did! Anyway, well done, Grimlock.
Dario Vicente,

Aha, more thanks to kids are in order. This time it's a big thank you to all those who wrote in to congratulate me on becoming Autobot leader. Okay, so once again it's something I fully deserved, but it's still nice to know it's okay with you lot too!

Dear Grimlock,
I was feeling rather sorry for Ratchet – not being able to fix Optimus Prime an' all. So I decided to give him a hand by suggesting the following theory. 1) Ethan Zachary copied Prime's personality onto a computer disk (issue 106). 2) We have already seen that Transformers can live without their bodies (Lord Straxus and Prime himself). So all Ratchet has to do is build a new body and program the information on the disk into its cerebro circuitry. I'm sure Ratchet would be pleased if you'd pass this information on to him.
Simon Stevens,

I'm sure he would, kid. Your theory seems not only logical, but workable. I really must get around to passing this information on to Ratchet ... someday!

Dear Grimlock,
What can I say? It's brilliant, fab, etc. How do the Stubbies in the office manage to come up with these stories and produce such great artwork – which, by the way, is even better than ever? I'm talking about the latest Transformers story – Wanted: Galvatron – Dead or Alive, of course. It's quite simply the best story so far. Keep up the good work. Could you answer me a few questions? 1) If Rodimus Prime has taken over command of the Autobots in the year 2007, what happened to Emirate Xaaron in the intervening years? 2) What happened to Starscream after issue 88? 3) If you met up with Death's Head, do you think you could beat him in a fight?
Ajay Patel,

Glad to see the latest Transformers saga meets with your approval, kid. Great yarn though it is, I'm certain it would have been doubly good if a certain Dinobot commander who's just taken over as Autobot leader (mentioning no names) had been in it! As for your questions, the fate of Emirate Xaaron is not known to me (I'm not a fortune teller, y'know!). Let's face it though, he must be knocking five million years old now! Probably been put out to pasture! Likewise, the fate of Starscream – after Kup, Hot Rod and Blurr put him into cold storage – is not known to me. And as he's a dirtwad Decepticon, I have to admit I don't really care! And finally, yes of course I could beat him. Sheesh!

Issue 121

Dear Grimlock,
I find it hard to believe that the leader of the Autobots could let two mistakes bypass him in his comic. Firstly, in issue 114, on page 6, box 1, we see Ultra Magnus leading the Autobot reinforcements. How can this be? Right now he's on Earth in 1987! And then, on the same page, we see Bumblebee as part of those Autobot reinforcements! Yet Death's Head destroys Bumblebee in 1987!
John O'Hare,

Hopefully, kid, issue 115 should have shown you that Ultra Magnus exists in both 1987 and 2007. The 2007 version is just an Ultra Magnus twenty years older than the one in 1987. Who knows, with all the time travel going on these days Ultra Magnus may yet come face-to-face with ... Ultra Magnus! As for Bumblebee, twenty years is a long time! Lots could happen to the diminutive Autobot between now and then. You've already seen him transformed into Goldbug, and it could be that there will be a further change before 2007. Only time will tell! And just for the record, kid – I don't make mistakes!

Dear Grimlock,
Would you please tell me if Death's Head is a Transformer, and if he is, what does he transform into?
Hakan Yazici,

Death's Head is NOT a Transformer – he does NOT transform. Okay?

Dear Grimlock,
What on Cybertron does Death's Head thinks he's playing at? Does he think he can just go around blasting anyone he pleases? It's just too much to take, especially when the first Transformer he picks on is the poor, long-suffering Bumblebee (awww). You were right about that issue being a heart-stopper. Now, before I get all worked up and proceed to tear Death's Head apart with my bare hands, I'd better ask you some questions: 1) Will we ever be able to buy the toys of Junkions other than Wreck-Gar? 2) Whatever happened to the pen-pals spot in Transformers?
Andrea Stirk,

It looks as though that dirtwad, Death's Head is beyond you – and our – reach these days, after getting whisked back to 2007 last issue. Still, if he ever dares to come back, you'll have to wait until I've finished with him before extracting your revenge. Mind you, I'd rather get my hands on Wreck-Gar for re-building the little pest! The other Junkion toys won't be on sale over here, but if you know anyone in America they maybe able to track one down for you. Pen-pals is ancient, ancient history, kid!

Issue 122

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 115's Grim Grams page, you stated that in this year's Transformers Annual the Ultra Magnus/Galvatron saga comes to a final conclusion. This tends to suggest that at least one of the two will be destroyed in the course of the story. Taking into consideration how popular these two characters are, don't you think this could be something of a mistake. If you dispense with these two great characters I can't see any more reason to buy the comic. They must stay!
Sean Stafford,

When you get to read Vicious Circle – the story in this year's Transformers Annual that both concludes the epic Rodimus Prime/Galvatron/Death's Head saga and features the showdown between those long-standing enemies, Ultra Magnus and Galvatron – you'll realise that once again nothing is certain as to how permanent an end it really is! Personally, I'd be happier if neither of them came back! By the way, this year's Transformers Annual goes on sale in August – don't miss it! We'll be presenting a year a comprehensive review of all the great stuff to be found within the Annual nearer the time!

Dear Grimlock,
In Transformers 116 there was another page of the Transformers A-Z, featuring Bombshell and Bonecrusher. Well, in issue 108, Bluestreak and Blitzwing were shown in A-Z, and since there hasn't been one inbetween these two I was wondering what happened to Blurr. His fact-file entry should have followed after Bluestreak and before Bombshell. Please explain why you missed him out?
Matthew Green,

You may have noticed that we also missed Arcee from our A-Z feature. Here's an intelligence test for you humans out there. What have Blurr and Arcee got in common? Apart from being namby-pamby Autobots, that is! Yes, you've got it – they're both from the future! And we'll be doing all the future Autobots and Decepticons at a later stage, okay?

Dear Grimlock,
Okay, this has gone on long enough! It's all very well introducing all these new characters – e.g. the Predacons, Rodimus Prime, Wreck-Gar, etc, but what of the older characters? What's happened to them? Sunstreaker and Red Alert have been out of it since Ratchet reclaimed the Ark in issue 32. Starscream, Buzzsaw, Rumble and Skywarp have been in cold storage since they were wiped out by Omega Supreme in issue 71. The Constructicons have done a vanishing act since their last appearance in the _target: 2006 story. And what about Runabout and Runamuck? What has become of them since they plunged to their watery doom in issue 95? WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ALL THESE CHARACTERS?
Neil McClean,

Most of the characters you mention have been rendered non-functional in the course of the Autobot/Decepticon war – and are awaiting repairs. Ratchet and Wheeljack keep telling me they're going to get around to starting on this mammoth repair job in the near future (can't see it myself, somehow!). As for other characters – like those dirtward Constructicons – they are still around, but with so many Transformers to keep track of, they are simply not getting featured in the comic so often. Anyway, why bother yourself with these other characters when the Dinobots are still featured regularly in the comic?

Issue 123

Dear Grimlock,
Issue 115's cover as the best yet/ It was so detailed. I'd just like to congratulate Lee Sullivan for doing such an excellent job. The story inside was also very good, especially the ending – with Galvatron's shocking reappearance!
Stephen Cherrett,

Many readers wrote in to congratulate Stubbie Sullivan on his rendering of Ultra Magnus on the cover of issue 115. I would pass all these words of praise on to Stubbie Sullivan, but to be honest I doubt he'd understand them!

Dear Grimlock,
In the latest Collected Comics (No.6), Swoop picks up Guardian and flies out of the Ark with him. Swoop drops him, but Guardian explodes before he can get clear. Swoop was never found after the explosion, and the Autobots believed he'd been destroyed by the blast. So how come in issue 112 he was back with you, Snarl, Slag and Sludge, battling with Trypticon?
K. Kelly,

In Transformers, issue 45-46, it was learnt that Swoop had not perished. Instead, the blast blew him out of the air, and he crash-landed in a lake some distance away. He was discovered by a human known as Professor Morris and turned against the Autobots. Since that time, Swoop has re-joined the Dinobots. Mind you, we've never let him forget that a mere human was able to take control of him!

Dear Grimlock,
Now that we've seen Dan Reed's debut as a Transformers strip artist, how about giving John Burns (joint artist on 116's great cover) a chance to show what he can do with 11-pages of story. I reckon his artistry is only rivalled by Geoff Senior and Will Simpson. Anyway, I've a couple of questions for you. Will we be seeing the Mechanic again? In the _target. 2006 story (issue 84), Galvatron (dirt-wad!) mentioned that in twenty years his weapon would be hidden underneath something. He never got around to explaining what exactly that 'something' was! Could you please tell me?
Garry Rippon,

Hmmm, I reckon you haven't quite grasped Stubbie Burns's function. Issue 116's cover was drawn by Geoff Senior and coloured by John Burns. I figure 11 pages of strip work from Stubbie Burns is somewhat unlikely! As you'll have seen by now, The Mechanic is already back. I've no idea what Galvatron was referring to. What so you think I am, psychic or something?!
In issue 99's Grim Grams, Grimlock did indeed know what Galvatron was referring to.

Issue 124

Dear Grimlock,
After reading issue 116 of The Transformers, all I can say is – IT'S NOT FAIR! Ultra Magnus was almost killed in the _target: 2006 story, and now – when he finally defeats Galvatron – it goes and happens again! in his moment of glory – with Galvatron lying defeated at his feet – the dumb stubbies who write the comic go and let Galvatron recover and shoot Ultra Magnus in the back! Either the stubbies are Decepticon supporters, or you let them run riot when they write the story!
M. Williams,

The story that appears in this comic is an accurate representation of the actual events as they happened. So, just this once, you can't really blame the Stubbies involved. That said, in issue 102 they got it all wrong. Fancy showing Galvatron actually defeating me in battle! Ridiculous!

Dear Grimlock,
I would like to make the following comments after reading issue 115. I think Burning Sky! was a clever scene-setter, with a great cliff-hanger. I prefer Ultra Magnus to Optimus Prime, so don't set the Predacons on him, please! Why not keep the picture of Optimus Prime in the box on the cover though... as a gesture of respect? Please get rid of Inhumanoids! Surely this isn't the best Marvel can provide! And finally, why not call the letters page Grim Tidings?
J. Ross,

I've a better idea, why not call the letters page Grim Grams? Sheesh – some people are never satisfied! As for Optimus Prime remaining in the corner box, it looks as though the Stubbies have already changed it. Why it wasn't changed to me, I just don't know! Inhumanoids – as reported last issue – will not be returning.

Dear Grimlock,
We are writing to congratulate your cover artists, Geoff Senior and John Burns on their brilliant cover to issue 117. We both thought it was super. The story inside, Hunters, was one of the best yet. One question, does Bumblebee get repaired?
Simon and Peter Rollinson,
London E4.


Dear Grimlock,
Please could you tell me if the Duocons will be appearing with the Throttlebots in issue 125? I really like all the new characters that have been appearing of late. Also, will you be giving away any free gifts in the near future?
Robert Bartlett,

The Duocons will not be appearing with the Throttlebots (there are no plans as yet to feature the Duocons) in issue 125. Come to that, the Throttlebots won't actually be appearing until issue 126 (the Action Force cross-over pushed that back one issue). As for FREE GIFTS, I definitely suggest you check out issue 130 !

Issue 125

Dear Grimlock,
Right – I've had enough of this! Why do you call the workers on Transformers Dumb Stubbies? I mean, how can they be dumb when they turn out this excellent comic week after week?
Anyway, seeing as my letter is on your page (it had better be, or else!) I have a question for you. How is it that you and your fellow Dinobots were able to defeat Trypticon (in issue 112) when the entire Autobot army couldn't even put a dent in him?
James Baxter,

The answer to your question is simple, kid – we Dinobots are tougher than the rest of the Autobot army put together. Well, that and we had the element of surprise over ol' Tryppy (dirtwad that he is!). As for the Stubbies not being Dumb, I suggest you read the next two letters and reconsider your opinion immediately...

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 119, on the first page of the story Fire On High, Rodimus Prime has clearly got a Decepticon insignia on his chest. Has he turned traitor, or have the Dumb Stubbies messed it up again? I reckon they need a good talking to!
Martyn Walsh,

Dear Grimlock,
In Transformers 117, Death's Head replaced his hand with an axe. But in the same issue (pic 5, page 3), the axe is also on his back. Please explain.
Jonathan Corbett,

There you have it. Conclusive proof that the Stubbies are quite definitely Dumb! Martyn Walsh suggests they need a good talking to, and you know something? I agree with him. On my way now...

Dear Grimlock,
My friend and I have thought up theories as to how Megatron and Prime get back in time to battle each other in 2006. In Prime's case, at the end of issue 106 we see Ethan Zachary holding a disc in his hand that has Prime's name written on it. All the Autobots have to do is get ahold of that disc – which most likely has Prime's personality recorded on it – and insert it into a new body. Then Optimus Prime will live again. As for Megatron, we reckon that when the space bridge exploded it transported him into another dimension. All the Decepticons have to do is find a way to bring him back.
Thomas Fowler/Debonken Pal,

Hmm, I'm not sure about your theory for Prime. Not that it isn't possible – quite the opposite in fact. It sounds disgustingly plausible. I wonder if this Ethan Zachary can be persuaded to accidentally erase that disc? In Megatron's case, as you'll have seen this issue, your theory is somewhat wayward. Unless, that is, your idea of another dimension is London. It's gonna' take someone pretty special to battle Megatron, that's why I'm off to London right now. You can see how I got on in the pages of Action Force 24 (on sale in seven days' time).

Dear Grimlock,
Does the word DECEPTICON mean Dirtwad, Evil, Crazy, Electronic, Pieces of Trash In Cans Of Noodles?
Kieran Turley, Galway.

I reckon so.

Issue 126

Dear Grimlock,
Who are the _targetmasters? They have been advertised on TV as a squad of Autobots who possess weapons that transform into smaller robots. Have you heard of them? If so, will they appear in the comic? Another question – in issue 115 we see Rodimus Prime, Kup, Blurr and Wreck-Gar time-jump to 1987. But in issue 116, only Prime, Blurr and Kup arrive. What happened to Wreck-Gar?
Christopher Johnson,

The _targetmasters, and the other new breed of Autobots and Decepticons – the Headmasters – will be featured over the coming weeks. Both issue 130 and 131 will be special issues, devoting themselves entirely to this exciting new saga. And, from 130 onwards, the back-up strip will delve into the origins of the Headmasters and _targetmasters, so you'll be getting cover-to-cover Transformers action. Not to be missed under any circumstances. Wreck-Gar, because he tagged on to Prime & Co's time-jump at the last minute, materialised in a different location to the others. Where, as you'll have seen, Wreck Gar discovered the remains of Bumblebee and repaired him. Sorta' makes you wish he's materialised with the others, doesn't it?

Dear Grimlock,
I am the only person at my school who reads Transformers. Everyone else teases me about it. So much so that I have adopted an undercover life – skulking about in the cloakrooms and reading my latest copy of Transformers. I just can't wait until I get home to read it, so I have to risk discovery at school. Can you help me? Also, could you answer me these questions: 1) When Optimus Prime returned to Cybertron (in issue 98), why didn't he know Outback or the Wreckers? Because, as Prime had the Matrix with him on Earth, no new Autobots could have been created. 2) Which four Decepticons got gazonked into limbo when the future Autobots travelled back in time (issue 116)? 3) What are you going to do if any new Transformers are introduced that should already have been featured in the A–Z?
Andrew Grant,

So, kid, you're a secret Transformers reader, eh? Well, I have to admit – I'm disappointed. No self-respecting Transformers reader should allow a few micron-minded imbeciles to cause him to hide his allegiance to Britain's greatest action comic! So – come out or the cloakroom! Reading Transformers is something you should be proud of! As for your questions – 1) When Prime was on Cybertron the Autobot army was scattered across Cybertron, and though he was commander, there were many Autobots he'd simply never met or even heard of. No doubt Outback and the Wreckers were amongst these. 2) The Decepticons aren't telling. 3) Publish extra A–Z inserts, featuring any such new arrivals.

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 112, Sludge says 'Hey, Boss, this is more fun than watching Turboworms wrestle in the grease pits of Rigal 6!'. Surely this is on Cybertron. But you Dinobots were created on Earth, so how could Sludge have known?
Thomas Cardwell,

We Dinobots were created on Earth, but from existing Autobots that had once lived on Cybertron. Rigal 6 is a planet in its own right, that Sludge and I once visited. Interesting creatures those Turboworms!

Issue 127

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing on behalf of my brother, David, who wants to know why Rodimus Prime, on page 3 of issue 119, is displaying a Decepticon insignia. Is this some plot to fool Galvatron into letting Prime onto the top of Mount Verona, or just a hiccup in the drawing department? Could you please tell Dan Reed that his drawings are the best!
Paul Rutter,

As reported last issue, Prime's Decepticon badge was a Stubbie error. In fairness, though, it wasn't really Stubbie Reed's fault. An extremely dumb – and new – Stubbie was responsible for the placement of that erroneous insignia. When the Stubbie in question was able to pick himself up and gasp a few words, he promised never to do it again!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 119 when Cindy was talking to Rodimus Prime, I noticed that he had a Decepticon badge. I was thinking of asking you to promote the Stubbies from Dumb Stubbies to just 'Stubbies', but now I suggest you demote them to extremely dumb Stubbies!
Robert Burns,

They've always been extremely dumb Stubbies to me! Now, please – no more letters about Prime's Decepticon insignia, or there'll be trouble!

Dear Grimlock,
I just wanted to warn you that some weirdo has arrived from 2007, claiming to be the Autobot leader of that era. Be careful he doesn't usurp your command. Oh, and where are you going for your Summer hols? I've heard of an action-packed place you can visit. It's called Scorponok – Decepticon HQ!
Can you please tell the Stubbies to stop giving things away. In the Galvatron/Rodimus Prime/Death's Head saga, you tell us that it will be concluded in this year's Transformers Annual, and will show if Goldbug can survive against Galvatron. Of course he will! You follow this up by telling us he's back in issue 121, which is set after the end of the Annual story. Therefore he has to survive!
Vikash Shah,

Perhaps so, but it's more how he manages to survive that will prove of interest to Transformers fans, and who saves him! I seriously doubt a wimp like Rodimus Prime could pose any sort of threat to my command, and I eat Scorponoks for breakfast!

Dear Grimlock,
This cannot be happening! What on Earth are you doing? First you kill off Optimus Prime in a computer game, and then – in issue 119 – Galvatron throws the fab Ultra Magnus into an active volcano, presumably killing him in the process! And in issue 120 Rodimus Prime almost gets wiped out by Galvatron, only to be saved by Death's Head! I think the Stubbies ought to straighten this comic out a bit and kill a few Decepticons for a change!
Garry Dix,

I second that!

Issue 128

Dear Grimlock,
I think it is very unfair of you to leave the story Fire On High unconcluded, an have the finale in this year's Transformers Annual. Obviously this was done so we have to buy the Annual. I am only 8 years old and don't have enough pocket money to afford the Annual. Besides, I can't wait that long to find out what happens. Also, why did you stop the Inhumanoids story? It is a very informative comic, though.
Lance Jacob,

The Stubbies' decision to finish the Galvatron/Rodimus Prime saga in this year's Transformers was bound to provoke comment – not all of it favourable. The finale of this story – Vicious Circle – seemed to be ideal Annual material. We always look to pull out all the stops to provide the very best stories for the Annual material. We always look to pull out all the stops to provide the very best stories for the Annual, and when you see this one, I think you'll agree that it fits the bill. Rather than trying to make you buy the Annual, the Stubbies wanted to give you the best value for money in what is really our most prestigious output of the year. And what happens? We get complaints! I dunno, you kids – no gratitude! The Inhumanoids story was really out of our hands once the Americans decided to stop producing the comic over there!

Dear Grimlock,
We're puzzled! My friend and I were pleased to see that we'd be meeting the new Transformers known as Headmasters and _targetmasters in issue 130 of this comic. However, we then bought two of the American Transformers comics – one of them featured the Headmasters story and the other reprinted Man Of Iron (from Transformers 9-12). Could you please tell us what's going on?
Leo Clarey/Micheal Mullane,
London E6.

As many of you kids have discovered, there are indeed Transformers comics that are imported from America. Don't worry, though, you're not missing anything. All the stories they contain are featured in this comic. The Headmasters saga will begin in issue 130 and continue on until issue 145. As for Man Of Iron seeing print in the American Transformers comic, well – it just goes to show that they're realised how good the strip we produce over here really is. About time too!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 121, why in Cybertron's name did you send the useless Blaster and Goldbug to find the Mechanic? You could have done the job yourself instead of trying on those namby pamby crowns. Sometimes, Grimlock, I'm just so ashamed of you!
Wayne Cooper,
London N14.

Humph! What's wrong with my crowns? Nothing namby pamby about them! Sometimes I'm so ashamed of the letters I let see print on this page!

Dear Grimlock,
Will we be seeing any more of Death's Head, because personally I think he's brilliant, yes?
Graeme Womack,

Yes, yes? Issues 133 & 134.

Issue 129

Dear Grimlock,
Why does Galvatron seem to like pulling the arms off non-transforming robots? First he does it to Centurion (back in issue 101), and then, in the current story, he rips Death's Head's arm off.
In issue 121, page 7, pic 2, it shows you trying on a crown, and to your left is what appears to be a mirror. If it is a mirror, then the reflection of you drawn in it is wrong. As you know, anything seen in a mirror should be reversed. In the comic, your way around. Is this another Stubbie error? I suppose I'd better not mention Blaster said you had the 'cerebro chips of a rusty nail' – oops! Forget I said that, Grimlock – Okay?
Colin Morrison,
Co. Fermanagh.

Humph! Rusty nails are all that'll be left of Blaster when I finally get my hands on him! The 'mirror' in issue 121 is in fact a screen. Close examination of the drawing in question will reveal a small camera above the screen, which was recording my image for simultaneous projection. Just one of the many 'mod cons' we have around the Ark, y'know! One of the Stubbies suggested I should say something about Galvatrion rendering his foes 'armless, but after a severe neuro-shocking, he changed his mind!

Dear Grimlock,
Since the _target:2006 story (issues 78–88), most things about the comic have improved. The artists and the story writers have achieved new heights, but somehow the colouring seems to have got worse. Nelson Yomtov and Steve White's work do not do this otherwise excellent comic justice. Why don't you get the likes of Stuart Place, Gina Hart and Tony Jozwiak back? They improved the comic's look tenfold!
Nicholas Lawrence,

Humph! You are mistaken, kid. The colouring is not so much wrose, just different. Stubbies Yomtov and White are not better or worse than those ex-stubbies you mention, but the process they use is different. The colours these days are much cleaner and crisper than those of old, but don't have the same capacity for graduation and tone. Transformers is moving with the times, that's all!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 123, Blitzwing is seen alongside the other Decepticon Triple-changers – Astrotrain and Octane. Yet, in issue 82, he was shown on the front cover in pieces (courtesy of the Wreckers). How come Blitzwing's now alive and well, and on issue 123's cover? For that matter, what's Octane doing there? He was blown apart by Impactor, also in issue 82. Please explain.
Andy Johnson/Graeme Womack,

The Decepticons destroyed by the Wreckers in issue 82 were artificial beings known as Facsimile Contructs, designed to look like the real thing. So, in actual fact, neither Blitzwing nor Octane was destroyed. Pity.

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 122 you told Matthew Green that Blurr and Arcee were omitted from the A-Z because they were future characters. In that case, why was Broadside omitted? We know he's around, because we saw him during the _target:2006 story.
Stephen Carson,

Though not technically a future character, Broadside won't come to Earth for a while yet. There seems little point going into his Earthen mode capabilities, when he doesn't actually have them yet. We'll include him with the future Transformers.

Issue 130

Dear Grimlock,
Poor Ultra Magnus! It really isn't his day, is it? He arrives on Earth, takes it easy, rescues a vanful of pretty girls and becomes rather attached to one of them. Next thing he knows, he's fighting for his life against a loony Decepticon leader from the future, by pure luck he manages to stay alive each time, and then he has to lay down his life so the some future Autobots can get home. And on top that, he loses his girlfriend!
Carolyn Smith,

All together now – Awwww!

Dear Grimlock,
Before I ask you some questions I would just like to reassure all Ultra Magnus fans. In a catalogue I saw the cover to this year's Transformers Annual, and on it is a picture of Galvatron and Ultra Magnus firing at each other. This must mean that Magnus is in the Annual, as it would be pretty daft to have him on the cover and not inside! Not even the Stubbies are that dumb ... are they? Now for some questions. 1) Does the Annual really end this story, or will we have to wait even longer for the conclusion? 2) If Galvatron is destroyed at the end of the story, will this have any bearing on the future? 3) Who will be drawing the conclusion? From the illustration you printed, it looks like being Jeff Anderson.
Richard Johnson,

I think it's safe to say that Ultra Magnus is in the Annual, but to find out how, why, and what happens to him – and to Galvatron – you'll just have to read the story that rounds off our epic Galvatron/Ultra Magnus/Rodimus Prime saga – Vicious Circle! As for your questions – 1) Yes, it's the conclusion. But only time will tell if there will be a follow up story. 2) It will on his future! 3) You've answered your own question.

Dear Grimlock,
I noticed in issue 119 and 120, that neither we, not Galvatron – because he didn't bother to look – actually saw Ultra Magnus hit the molten lava, into which he was thrown. As he's still alive in the future, I reckon he manages to save himself somehow. Could you please tell me if Springer is a Wrecker, because it looked – from what Impactor said before he died (issue 88) – that Springer was set to take over from him!
If you don't print this letter I shall be forced to re-build Optimus Prime and send him back to rule the Autobots!
David Bradburn,

By now – if you've seen the Annual – you'll have realised that you were quite right, and should now know how Ultra Magnus manages to save himself. As far as I know, Springer was indeed made leader of the Wreckers after Impactor's death. Who knows, maybe we'll find out for sure one day!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 121, I was totally surprised to see Blaster transform to cassette player mode and leap inside Goldbug. How could he fit? Blaster is much bigger than Goldbug!
John O'Neill,

Blaster, in common with many other Transformers, possesses the ability to shrink in size when he transforms. When I finally manage to lay my hands on him, I'll attempt to reduce Blaster's size considerably – without him having to shrink!

Issue 131

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 123 we see a green piece of junk clambering out of the crater. Is this a Transformer? Could you tell me when we will be seeing the new Transformers – Chromedome, Slugslinger, Sureshot, Hardhead, Scorponok and Mindwipe?
Simon Barber,

The 'great piece of junk' you so eloquently refer to, is not a Transformer. He was just one of the many mechanoids who ply their dubious trade transporting illegal or shady goods across the galaxy. Just shows that Scraplets have absolutely no taste! Those new Transformers – as you'll no doubt have noticed – are here now!

Dear Grimlock,
On issue 123's Grim Grams page you told Gary Rippon that you had no idea what Galvatron was referring to – back in issue 84 – when he said that his weapon would be hidden beneath 'something'. Well, I think I have the answer. In issue 88 (the epilogue to _target:2006), Smokescreen suggested that the site on which Galvatron's weapon had been constructed would make a good place to build Autobot: City Earth. So, in twenty years time, Galvatron's weapon could have been buried beneath Autobot:City Earth. The city would have been destroyed when Galvatron triggered his device.
Hilan Griffiths,
St. Helens.

Entirely possible. But as Galvatron's weapon was destroyed, entirely academic!

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to say that Lee Sullivan deserves a big pat on the back for his artwork on issue 123's cover. I am also pleased to see the Decepticon Triple-changers back in the story and back in action. Is Goldbug going to change back to Bumblebee in the future? I much preferred him the way he was! How about a fact-file on the Scraplets? Oh yeah, the Iron Man of 2020 is shaping up to be one of the best back-up strips so

As I keep telling you kids, despite what you may think, I cannot accomplish the impossible. And by the impossible I mean seeing into the future. Only time will tell if Goldbug reverts to Bumblebee. Personally, I think both versions are pretty naff! Glad you enjoyed the Iron Man of 2020, but be honest – isn't cover-to-cover Transformers action even better?!

Dear Grimlock,
Superb! Great! Brilliant! What can I say? I have just read issue 123, and it was one of the best yet. The thrills and spills over the last few issues have been incredible! With the return of G.B. Blackrock, the Mechanic arrested (good riddance to the pest), the introduction of the Scraplets and the Triple-changes on Earth, it's really been a fine time for Transformers fans. And, what's more, you've been featuring the best Transformer of all – Blaster!
Roger Irwin,

Blaster? Blaster?! Dear me, a kid sorely in need of reprogramming. Anyone who could think that useless pile of junk is the best Transformer of all has definitely got a few screws loose. I mean, there are Decepticons that I like more than Blaster! And anyway, he totally botched the Mechanic mission! The Mechanic wasn't arrested, he escaped! And, what's more, he escaped with Ratchet's surgical tools and the power booster rod! Just wait till I get ahold of both Blaster, and that other fool, Goldbug!
The third letter was cut off by a printing or layout error. This is addressed in issue 140's Grim Grams.

Issue 132

Dear Grimlock,
Your comic is really SUPERION to all the others. Every Friday I jump on my bike and CHASE off down the FREEWAY to the newsagents. I don't care if I SLAG a few cars or kick up a SANDSTORM as I RUNABOUT letting off a BROADSIDE. If my HEADMASTER found out about this, I'd be in a HOTSPOT and need some FIRST AID! When I reach the newsagents, I use a SEARCHLIGHT to HOUND out my copy. If it's not there I'll throw a TANTRUM and RUNAMUCK through the shop. Finally, I make TRACKS home in a WHIRL of excitement. When I get home from my FIREFLIGHT, I SKIDS to a halt and KICKBACK to read another exciting issue!
Andrew Dornan,

Getting through your letter was a LONG HAUL, but once I'd made the initial ONSLAUGHT, I was HOOKed. By the way, do Dumb Stubbies come from Stubbington?

Dear Grimlock,
I would like to congratulate you on your superb story, Wanted: Galvatron – Dead or Alive! It was excellent. But there are some questions arising from the story that I'd like you to answer, if you would. 1) What happened to Soundwave (puttup!) after his meeting with Death's Head (issue 117)? 2) Did Death's Head or Rodimus Prime come closest to killing Galvatron? 3) Where is the neural cluster on Transformers? I am a great fan of the comic, and have thirteen toys, including Metroplex. Sorry, Grimlock – I haven't got you!
Neal Willis,

Why not?! Humph, despite this evident snub, I will still deign to answer your questions. 1) Not enough. I'm afraid to tell you – from information I've recieved – that Death's Head was good to his word, and once he'd got the information he wanted, he let the dirtwad go – unharmed. There's a vicious rumour circulating that Soundwave makes a reappearance in our lead story in issue 137! Not if I have any say in the matter he won't! 2) Neither of them came particularly close to killing him, did they? 3) That'd be telling!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 63's ROBOT WAR III feature, it says that the Ark took five Autobot warriors and recreated them in the image of Earth's dinosaurs. Could you please tell me what your names were on Cybertron. Were they the same as now, or did the Ark change those as well?
Iain Craigen,

With the exception of Swoop, all we Dinobots kept the names we had on Cybertron. Swoop, as you should know by now, used to be called Divebomb. That name was taken by a Decepticon who bested him in combat one time, and he didn't really know what to call himself after that. The Ark suggested Swoop when he was recreated, and grudgingly he adopted that name. As for our Cybertronic forms – mind your own business!

Issue 133

Dear Grimlock,
I have just finished reading issue 124. When I reached the A-Z feature I found that Bumblebee had been missed out. is this because he's now Goldbug, or is it a Stubbie mistake? Also, back in issue 122 you mentioned a shocking return. Does this mean either Megatron or Optimus Prime is back? C'mon, give us a hint what issue 130's FREE GIFT is going to be!
Jason Hotchkin,

By now you'll know which – out of Megatron and Optimus Prime – was the returnee, and that issue 130's FREE GIFT was that superb Headmasters Data Scan (generous to a fault, that's us!). Goldbug will appear under G, while we may put Bumblebee in the 'future Transformer' supplement.

Dear Grimlock,
Congratulations to you and the Dumb Stubbies for the great issue 125. It was an excellent idea to mix Action Force with the Transformers. I only wish it had continued here, in the pages of Transformers, instead of in Action Force. I have two brothers, and we all collect Transformers. I have the toy of you, Grimlock, but cannot seem to find the Protectobot, Blades, anywhere. I think he must have gone back to Cybertron!
Simon Hibbard,

Glad you enjoyed the first part of our epic Transformers/Action Force story, Ancient Relics. No doubt you'll have enjoyed the rest of it even more (mainly because I was in so much of it!) by now. That showed ol' Mega-buckets, eh? Tell ya what, kid – 'cos I'm so big-hearted, I'll try and make sure you get a Blades toy as your reward for getting your letter printed here. Mind you, why you'd want that incompetent Dirtwad is beyond me!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 101, Centurion's shoulder-mounted cannon was on his right side. But when we saw it in issue 125, it has changed to his left shoulder! Please explain.
Mark Davison,

You may remember, kid, that in issue 101 there were bits of Centurion all over the place! When Wheeljack put him back together, he simply decided that the shoulder cannon looked more aesthetically pleasing on the left. Huh – these perfectionists!

Dear Grimlock,
Without even reading this year's Transformers Annual, I'm pretty sure I know how the story will end. Presumably Galvatron will be defeated, because – as we saw in issue 121, the Earth is still pretty intact. And, in that same issue, we see that Goldbug is still alive, so we assume that he somehow found a way to beat Galvatron. Also, as Ultra Magnus is alive in the year 2007, we can be pretty certain he too survived.
Darren Pallister,

Heck – and there was me thinking no one would guess!

Issue 134

Dear Grimlock,
Where are they? I am referring to Skids and First Aid. Are they both still in Limbo after the arrivals of Galvatron and Death's Head in this era? Also, who got zapped into limbo when Rodimus Prime and his gang arrived (in issue 116)? And while we're on the subject of Rodimus Prime's story, I'm getting fed up with these stories that don't finish in the comic itself. First the Rodimus Prime saga finishes in this year's Transformers Annual, and now we have an Action Force story that continues in the Action Force comic! Look, if you're not making enough money, just tell us and we'll have a whip round. Now, just tell those Dumb Stubbies to pack it in, will you?
Mark Fletcher,

Let's see now. With all this toing and froing between then and now and Earth and Limbo, you sorta' lose track of who's where and when. Let's see if I can't sort things out a bit. As far as I know, Skids is still in Limbo. Galvatron – the future visitor who zapped him there – is still in this era. First Aid is back, as Death's Head has returned to 2007. I don't know which Decepticons were zapped into Limbo when Rodimus Prime, Kup and Blurr arrived in 1987, but as they too have returned to their own time, I have to assume that those Decepticons are back as well! Okay? As for stories that are continued elsewhere, well – it just goes to show that you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Dear Grimlock,
What does Ratbat transform into? My guess is that he becomes one of the mini-cassettes. Also, why – as there are five Dinobots – don't you get Ratchet, First Aid, Hoist and Wheeljack to make modifications to your bodies, so that you can combine with each other? Slag could be an arm – able to shoot flame (as he does in dinosaur mode), and Sludge could be a leg (as in dinosaur mode he can create earth tremors).
Steven Gray,

What?! Let those butchers get ahold of us? No chance! I'd sooner turn my back on an armed Decepticon (it'd be safer in the long run, believe me). And, not wanting to sound snobbish, I'm not toally sure the idea of sharing a body with my fellow Dinobots sounds like a good idea! Ratbat (dirtwad that he is), as you correctly surmised, transforms into a cassette.

Dear Grimlock,
Aaaaarrrggh! I can't stand it any longer. It's August and the video of Transformers: The Movie still isn't in the shops. Please could you be more specific about the release date. By the way, on the back of the latest Transformer toy packs, there is a picture of Metroplex and another giant robot. Will he be available in this country, and if so, when?
Andrew Wood,

The video should definitely be in the shops by now (says he, hopefully). Mind you, if you saw last issue's great competition, you'll know you might be better off trying to win one before you shell out the readies! As far as I can see, the two giant Transformers sharing the back of the toy packs are Scorponok and Fortress Maximus. Scorponok is already out in this country, but there are no plans to release Fortress Maximus over here.

Issue 135

Dear Grimlock,
A while ago someone wrote in to you, asking who was second-in-command of the Dinobots. You replied that they all thought they were. But who do you think is second-in-command? Also, does Professor Morris still control Centurion, or has he developed a personality of his own? Why does the gun on Centurion's shoulder change position between Transformers 125 and Action Force 24? Was Professor Morris killed when he took over Swoop's mind in issue 102, or is he still in control of him? And why did the old Centurion have tyres on his legs?
Francis Dodsworth,

You seem to misunderstand, kid. All my fellow Dinobots may think they are second-in-command, but I know none of them are! Now, let's see if we can't sort out what's what with Centurion. As far as I know – nobody really had a chance to chat with Centurion before he ended up in the Thames – Professor Morris is still in control of Centurion (he only took control of Swoop for a short while). Further to my erroneous assertion that Wheeljack had mounted Centurion's shoulder cannon on a different shoulder because he thought it looked better, it transpires that he made the cannon detachable, so Centurion could choose which he liked better. Why did he once have tyres on his legs? Why not?!

Dear Grimlock,
I think Transformers is great. Trouble is, there are some things about Megatron's reappearance that have been bothering me. In issue 108 (page 13), Megatron destroys the space bridge and himself with it. But in issue 125 he's alive and well, and living in the sewers of London. And the space bridge is being used again in issue 123. Can you explain what happened?
Owen Edwards,

Whether or not Megatron meant to destroy himself is something only Megatron himself knows. What Megatron actually said before he blasted the space bridge, was that he would go 'where Optimus Prime can never follow'. It follows, perhaps, that he had an escape route prepared – one that would take him to the Roman sewers beneath London. The blast could have been to give the impression that he'd snuffed it. The fact that the space bridge turned up undamaged tends to bear this out.

Dear Grimlock,
If you think you are going to make me buy Action Force just because you put the continuation of the great Ancient Relics story in that comic, well ... well ... you're absolutely right! Curses - this team-up with Action Force is absolutely superb!
Luke Upchurch,
London SW16

Aww shucks, it was nothing really!

Issue 136

Dear Grimlock,
I have been reading the brilliant Action Force/Transformers story, featuring you, Megatron and Centurion. Could you tell me if Centurion is a Transformer? He doesn't look like one, but if he's your friend he must be! Also, could you tell us where he came from?
Lawrence Howard,

Okay, one brief potted biography coming up. First off, Centurion is not a Transformer. He was created by the government agency, Triple I (Intelligence and Information Institute), who wanted to use Centurion as a weapon to combat the threat they considered us lot to be. When TV news reporter, Joy Meadows threatened to expose Triple I, they kidnapped an ex-professor of robotics, Peter Morris, and put him in control of Centurion. Centurion was supposed to silence both Meadows and us Dinobots (as we were protecting her). Centurion rebelled against his masters and joined forces with us. When Galvatron arrived on Earth, Centurion had the misfortune to tangle with him. Galvatron tore him apart. Which pretty much brings us up to date. Okay?

Dear Grimlock,
This is crazy! How can Scourge and Cyclonus be _targetmasters, when they were created in the future (in Transformers:The Movie by Unicron? And how can Hot Rod, Blurr and Kup be _targetmasters? They certainly weren't in the future.
Tudor Whetham,

The simple explanation to Hot Rod, Blurr and Kup being _targetmasters is that in between the events in Kup's Story and Transformers:The Movie, they become _targetmasters, and then finish being _targetmasters. Cyclonus and Scourge's story is a bit more complex. Upcoming stories will explain exactly how they came to be included with the Decepticons who became _targetmasters!

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed the new Transformers Annual. I have just finished reading it and loved every page, especially the Headmasters/_targetmasters saga. A big 'well done' to all concerned with this year's bumper package of Transformers goodies. By the way, are Ultra Magnus's eyes linked? In the story, Vicious Circle (page 30, box 6) they certainly seem to be! Can you please tell Jeff Anderson that his artwork is the best!
Michael Savva,

I dunno! Are they linked? As far as I can see, it sorta' depends on which artist is drawing him at the time. When I finally meet up with him, I'll have a look and let you know. Glad you enjoyed this year's Transformers Annual, kid. Trouble is, now you have to wait another year for the next one. Mind you, if you didn't have to wait that long, it wouldn't be an Annual, would it? A Catch 22 situation if ever I saw one!

Issue 137

Dear Grimlock,
I think your comic is superb, and that issue 130 was the best yet! The Data Scan was a great FREE gift. Will we be seeing another one of the _targetmasters? Also, why wasn't Snapdragon featured on the Data Scan? Does the story Ring Of Hate come before Worlds Apart? How come Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr are _targetmasters? In the Transformers film, their Nebulan Companions – Firebolt, Recoil and Haywire – are not there.
John Boone,

Glad to see you enjoyed the debut of the Headmasters and _targetmasters, kid, and that the FREE Data Scan met with your approval. Admit it – we spoil you lot, don't we? There are no plans at present for a _targetmaster Data Scan – although such an eventuality is not out of the question. Snapdragon, and his brother Horrorcon, Apeface, were omitted for reasons of space. But just to show how big-hearted I really am, here are their specs: Snapdragon – Allegiance (Decepticon), Nebulan Companion (Krunk), Endurance (8), Strength (10), Intelligence (9). Apeface – Allegiance (Decepticon), Nebulan Companion (Spasma), Endurance (8), Strength (10), Intelligence (6). Worlds Apart is set some while after Ring Of Hate.

Dear Grimlock,
Recently I bought a new Decepticon (a Terrorcon) called Sinnertwin. He joins up with his fellow team members to form the giant robot, Abominus. I have also heard that there is a new team called the Technobots, who form the giant Computron. Will these new teams be featured in the comic? I reckon that in the future you should feature a battle between all the giant robots – Menasor, Devastator, Superion, Bruticus, Devastator, Predaking, Abominus and Computron. My favourite teams are the Sunticons and the Terrorcons. Will Runabout and Runamuck return?
Andrew Jackson,

Both the Terrorcons and Technobots appear in next issue's nerve-rending instalment of the epic Headmasters saga. As for a battle between all the giant robots – well, maybe when we get a slightly larger comic! As far as I know, Runabout and Runamuck are still lying at the bottom of New York's harbour. Long may they stay there!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 129 you asked readers what they thought the next back-up story should be. To tell the truth, I thought Iron Man (both versions) was rubbish. What I'd like to see is the return of The Inhumanoids. If this can't be, then how about reprinting some of the earlier Transformers stories?
Christopher Millwood,

Can't manage the Inhumanoids, kid, but if it's early Transformers stories you're after, I suggest you check out the latest Transformers Special (Collected Comics 7), as it reprints the now classic Dinobot-Hunt, from issues 47-50. It's on sale now!

Issue 138

Dear Grimlock,
The competition in issue 130 was far too easy. For the answers to the questions, all you had to do was use your FREE Data Scan. Just look for the name, align the dot with the relevant number, and there it is – the Nebulan companion!
Peter Loggie,

I dunno, you kids are just too smart for me!

Dear Grimlock,
Here is a fact-file for you – Name: Dumb Stubbies. Description: A group of thick humans. Function: None that I can see. Motto:"We always muck it up!" Profile: A Dumb Stubbie is an artist or writer working at Marvel, who spends their whole day looking for ways to mess up a particular week's issue of Transformers. They succeed with great regularity. Abilities: A Dumb Stubbie can make any number of mistakes, causing readers to send in letters of complaint to the Grim Grams page. Weaknesses: Just one – they are very susceptible to neuro-shocking by Grimlock, after he's read about their mistakes!
Ben Hockham,

Well, there it is in a nutshell really!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read Worlds Apart. The script was good, the art excellent, but the best part was the colouring. The Data Scan was a brilliant Free Gift. I have some questions for you: 1) Who is Fortress Maximus? 2) When and how was Goldbug made a Throttlebot? 3) How strong is Swoop? 4) Why don't you quit the letters page and spend more time mashing Decepticons?
A. Bow,

Aha – at last, a fan of our superb colouring. It's about time you kids say up and took note of the sterling work being done in that direction. As for your questions – 1) If you've been following our superb Headmasters back-up story, you will know exactly who Fortress Maximus is. 2) Goldbug sorta' drifted into the Throttlebots and became an honorary member. 3) Not too strong, judging by his abysmal performance against Divebomb recently! 4) Believe me, kid, I've got time to do both!

Dear Grimlock,
A few words of praise. First of all for issue 129's superb cover, painted by Robin Smith. Could we see some more of his work, please. It is very good. I also thought Crater Critters was an excellent story. It was nice to see the return of King Nonose in Robo-Capers. I think that the new back-up strip should be Hercules.
Marcus Furillo,

Stubbie Smith's sterling work can be seen again on next issue's front cover. And by now you'll have seen his splendid rendition of yours truly on issue 136's cover. Undoubtedly his best so far!

Dear Grimlock,
Ancient Relics was great! I think you should feature more cross-overs in the future. While I was reading the episodes in Action Force, however, I noticed that the Stubbies were getting the blame for many mistakes that cropped up in Action Force (and in Thundercats). Are you going to do anything about that?
Brian Stuart,

No need. Believe me, the breed of Stubbie they employ on Action Force and Thundercats make our Dumb Stubbies look positively efficient!

Issue 139

Dear Grimlock,
When are the Autobots going to get a decent leader? First Prime and then you – it's no wonder the Decepticons are doing so well!
David Fairley,
Lower Ufford.

For once my usual eloquence fails me – get knotted, kid!

Dear Grimlock
I have a few questions for you.Are there people inside Grax, Duros, Monzo, Gort and Stylor? Can you still buy Bumblebee? What kind of cars are Kup and Blurr? Who created Unicron?
Adam Wymer,

All the Nebulans you mention are flesh and blood inside metal armour. No, but you can buy Gold bug (who is, in essence, the same character as Bumblebee). Kup and Blurr are future cars whose names I have yet to learn. No one actually knows who created Unicron, except maybe Unicron himself. Who knows, it could be you'll find out in the course of upcoming stories.

Dear Grimlock,
For me, Friday night is THE night of the week. That's when I get my Transformers comic. I really must congratulate you on the fantastic work you've done of late. The Headmasters/_targetmasters epic was unbelievable. Will the Headmasters be appearing in the main strip again in the future? That said, I did spot a mistake in part 2 of Worlds Apart (issue 131). On page 5, Hardhead says 'I'll bet out _targetmaster comrades – Pointblank, Triggerhappy, and Sureshot are more than a little miffed at being used as the bait that drew us here.' Triggerhappy? Since when was the Decepticon _targetmaster, Triggerhappy a comrade of Pointblank and the others?
Andrew Peacock,

Ummm ... since the Stubbies got ahold of him? What obviously happened was that Hardhead got so carried away in his haste to free his comrades, he tripped over Crosshair's name and it came out as Triggerhappy. Whaddaya mean – you don't think much of that explanation? It's the best I can think of on the spur of the moment! Here, Stubbies ...

Dear Grimlock,
I have been reading your comic since issue 88, and it is brill and fab. Will the Headmasters and _targetmasters be featured in the A-Z? And if so, will they be classed as future Transformers, or will they be in a class of their own? Also, why don't you have the A-Z every issue?
Ernie Nickells,
London SW11.

With so many Transformers hitting the scene at the moment – Headmasters, _targetmasters, Throttlebots, Duocons, Technobots, Terrorcons, etc – there's no way to keep updating the A-Z. More likely, is that when we've reached Z, and covered the future Autobots and Decepticons, we'll go back to A and start again with all the new characters. You will all still be reading the comic in 1996, won't you?

Dear Grimlock,
I have a few ideas for back-up strips for Transformers. You could do some adaptations of films – like: Blade Runner, Alien, or any others. Or you could do American stories like Groo The Wanderer, Conan The Barbarian, Tarzan, or Star Wars.
Anthony Steele,

Can't honestly see too many of those exactly fitting in to Transformers, kid.

Issue 140

Dear Grimlock,
I collect Transformers, and have every issue since number 7. I have all the Specials except two, and both the Annuals. I have videotaped all the episodes of the cartoon series and seen Transformers:The Movie twice. I can't say anything about the new Headmasters and _targetmasters, because tehy are simply too good for words. My five favourite Autobots are Goldbug (he's even better than Bumblebee was), Blaster, Omega Supreme, Ultra Magnus and Rodimus Prime. But you and your fellow Dinobots are still the tops. The way you scrapped that creep, Trypticon was brilliant. As for the Autobot leadership... well, you're doing okay, but how about giving Blaster and Goldbug a break, eh? Oh yeah, am I right in thinking that those two dirtwads, Straxus and Skywarp, are now two dead dirtwads?
Mark Williams,
London SW14

You are almost right, kid. Skywarp has definitely gone to that great aircraft carrier in the sky, but no one's quite sure how much of Straxus lives on in Megatron's mind. Oh, and I'll be delighted to give Blaster and Goldbug a break... several breaks in fact!

Dear Grimlock,
I won't tell you how brilliant your comic is, because I'm sure you're sick of hearing that at the start of every letter. So I'll just go straight into the questions: 1) How come it shows Cyclonus and Scourge in the Decepticons' base (in issue 131). Cyclonus and Scourge weren't created by Unicron until the year 2006. 2) In issue 131 it shows an Autobot called Scattershot boarding the spacecraft. In my Mum's catalogue it says he is a Special Team leader. Is this true? 3) What happened to the end of the 3rd letter on issue 131's Grim Grams page?
Graham Richardson,

You're wrong, kid – I always like hearing how brilliant Transformers is. Still, your momentary lapse is forgiven. Onto your questions: 1) I'm told that the mystery surrounding Cyclonus and Scourge will be cleared up in an upcoming future epic that's so shocking even I haven't been told what happens in it! 2) Scattershot is the leader of the Special Team known as the Technobots. 3) Ah yes. Apologies to Justin Fitzpatrick, of Bognor Regis, whose missive was so abruptly truncated. Here, for those who read Justin's letter is the missing word – '... far.' Fear not, Justin, your Special Teams toy will arrive intact!

Dear Grimlock,
When I was on holiday in Greece this year, I bought two Transformers from a toy shop over there. Their names were Warpath and Powerglide. Could they be fakes? You see, they do not have the black square that when heated shows their Autobot insignia. Also, their boxes didn't have the Tech Specs or Robot Points. I have over 20 Transformers in my collection, can I add these two as well, even though they don't have the official mark?
Adam Cattani,
London SW12.

Many Transformers toys, while still being the genuine article, are sold overseas under licence. Many overseas distributers see fit to repackage and redesign, doing away – in some cases – with the items you mention. As long as there is a Hasbro copyright line somewhere on there, you can add Warpath and Powerglide to your collection with a clear conscience.

Issue 141

Dear Grimlock,
This is it! This is the seventh time I have written to Transformers without getting my letter printed. If you don't print this I will come round and blow up your office.
Scott Fleming,
West Lothian.

To be honest, kid, it's hardly surprising you haven't had a letter printed thus far, if this one's anything to go by. You're supposed to actually write about something!!

Dear Grimlock,
I have one or two questions for you. Well, actually three or four. Um, to be honest, lots! In issue 133 Rodimus Prime mentions that his Nebulan companion, Firebolt, died on Earth. Will we get to see this story at any time? In the Headmasters story, how many characters are featured in it? I have lost count. On the whole, though, it's great – keep it in. Am I right in thinking that sometime between 1987 and 2007, Shockwave returns to Cybertron? It certainly looks that way in issue 133. Finally, when are the good old Decepticons going to take over the letters page? Why can't we get a decent character like Scorponok to answer the letters?
James Marshall,

It must be my open, pleasant face that makes people think they can get away with insulting me, or suggesting replacements for me as letter answerer. Be warned, fleshlings, my patience is limited. I assume Firebolt's death happens some time from now, so – unless you're reading this comic in ten years or so – I doubt very much you'll get to see that story. I've lost count of the number of characters in the Headmasters saga as well. Let's just settle for lots, eh? Yes, I think it is fairly safe to assume that Shockwave returns to Cybertron between 1987 and 2007. Sheesh!

Dear Grimlock,
At the end of issue 133, Rodimus Prime is about to have his chips fried by Death's Head. I think I know what will happen, judging by the picture of Cyclonus smiling on page 27. He and Scourge will arrive just in time, kill Death's Head or get rid of him temporarily, then attempt to finish off Prime themselves (which I doubt they'll actually manage to do). The story, Headmasters is utterly great – much, much beter than Iron Man. Keep up the good work!
Matthew Parr,

I dunno, it sorta makes you wonder why the Stubbies bothered writing issue 134's episode. You were, of course, absolutely right about the true outcome of issue 133's shocking ending. And, alas – as far as you're concerned – when Headmasters reaches its dramatic conclusion in issue 145, it will be replaced – for a few issues at least – by the return of Iron Man (of this era). Proves you can't please all of the people all of the time!

Dear Grimlock,
I was in bed ill one day, when my friend came round and suggested a game of Transformers. We had a game in which you, Grimlock, blasted all the dirtwad Decepticons with your twin stunner lasers. After that I felt much better, and was able to get up. It's amazing what Transformers can do for you, eh?
Aaron Bell,

New, improved Grimlock, available now – on prescription – from your local toyshop or newsagent!

Issue 142

Dear Grimlock,
I think that your stories, Worlds Apart and Ring Of Hate, involving the Headmasters and _targetmasters, are the best stories I have ever seen. Mind you, I have noticed a flaw. The Dumb Stubbies seem to have quite a reputation for flaws, don't they? In issue 131, near the beginning of Ring Of Hate, Fortress Maximus says something about how the legendary warrior, Optimus Prime, went off into space and never returned. Therefore the story must be set before 1987, because in issue 98-104 Optimus Prime returned to Cybertron. But, in issue 131, the Autobots fight Cyclonus and Scourge, who are not created until 2006. So, unless Worlds Apart is set twenty years after Ring Of Hate, there is no explanation.
Brett Drennan,

The appearance of Cyclonus and Scourge in our Headmasters saga seems (with good reason) to have confused a lot of readers. This is the way it works, time-wise. Fortress Maximus leaves Cybertron (earth date:1986). Optimus Prime returns to Cybertron (earth date:1987). Ring Of Hate/Broken Glass/Love And Steel, and the upcoming Brothers In Armour run from 1986 to the end of 1987. So, you ask, how come Cyclonus and Scourge – who as you rightly said were created in 2006 – are in there, right in the thick of things? The answer can be found in the upcoming epic that runs from issue 146-151. Oh yeah, Worlds Apart is set sometime during the action in the aforementioned upcoming Brothers In Armour story.

Dear Grimlock,
At the end of the Ancient Relics story, Megatron and Centurion – both on fire – fall into the Thames and disappear, both presumably destroyed. However, Megatron has to survive (in order to play his part in Transformers: The Movie). If this is the case, might Centurion have survived too? Oh yeah, I have just read the brilliant second part of Head-Hunt, and was enthralled from beginning to end. I particularly liked the bit where Cyclonus and Scourge send Rodimus Prime flying in their efforts to escape from Death's Head. Will we get to see the continuation of this story? I can't wait to see if Death's Head completes his contract with Prime, and brings him the heads of Cyclonus and Scourge!
Matthew Butt,

The continuation (and completion) of the Head-Hunt storyline can be found in issue 146. The events in that issue begin one of the most shocking storylines we've ever presented. All you need to know is that...I'm in it! Can't really fail, can it? And, as you say, it is entirely possible that Centurion survived his dunking in the river Thames. Keep watching for a possible upcoming confirmation of this.

Dear Grimlock,
In Transformers: The Movie, Shrapnel is thrown into space by Starscream, and later turned into a Sweep by Unicron. But then, later still, you see Shrapnel on the planet of Junk with Scavenger. Please explain.
Andrew Holme,

Err... maybe film companies have Dumb Stubbies too!

Issue 143

Dear Grimlock,
In last year's Transformers Annual, at the end of the Victory story, the dialogue reads...'give them victory or give them death!' Did this mean you needed victory in your dream world, in order to wake up? Also, in issue 134, Steven Gray wrote in to ask you why you didn't get Wheeljack and the others to re-build you and the other Dinobots so that you could combine with each other to form one giant robot. Despite your misgivings, I think it would be a great idea. Your combined form could be called Dinotron, and then you'd have no trouble beating up the Predacons!
Andrew Amondsen,

To be honest, kid, I don't really see that we had any trouble beating up the Predacons last time! Combined Dinobots is a definite No-No! And, as you rightly surmised, in the Victory story, we could well have died if we hadn't won our battle and been able to wake up. But then, did you ever doubt that we wouldn't win?

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read Vicious Circle – in this year's Transformers Annual – and would like to say that it was one hot story. Hot being the operative word! I'll not spoil it for anyone who hasn't yet read the Annual, but there must be a logical explanation as to how they escape. I think Galvatron time-jumps to escape and Ultra Magnus gets taken with him by accident.
Paul Woodford,

Hmm – not wanting to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read issues 137 and 138, but you're wrong. As you'll have seen from the dramatic events in those two issues, neither Galvatron or Ultra Magnus went anywhere. But, as the end of 138 showed, that might be a temporary situation!

Dear Grimlock,
My name is Stylor. I am Chromedome's Nebulan companion, and am also a very good friend of Gort, Highbrow's Nebulan companion. I have recently purchased this year's Transformers Annual from my local Nebulan newsagent and am very unhappy about the way my friend is called Grot in the Headmasters text story. Grot sounds like something out of a horror movie! I am very disappointed!

Oh, I don't know. I sorta' think Grot has a nice ring to it!

Dear Grimlock,
You know the recent team-up with Transformers and Action Force? Well, in issue 3 of Action Force's own comic, an advert on a passing bus said – 'Get Transformers comic.' How can you have a team-up with Action Force, when Transformers is just a comic in their stories?
Michael McElwee,

You don't understand, kid. We Transformers exist in the same 'real world' as Action Force. But there is also a Transformers comic – this comic – that recounts our adventures in comic strip form. Okay?

Issue 144

Dear Grimlock,
I think it was fantastic the way you beat up Divebomb. Swoop was a big coward, making you fight his battle for him. My mate at school is just the same. He causes trouble and then I've got to fight everyone! I hope we will be seeing more of Death's Head and Wreck-Gar, as they are nearly as good as you! Sorry about the spelling, but I wrote this on my Mum's typewriter and it can't spell very well!
Ian Barfoot,

Your Mum's typewriter can't spell very well, eh? Hmmm. Well, to save its embarrassment, I've corrected all the errors. It's just as well someone arund heyer nose how to spul!

Dear Grimlock,
Why, in issue 136 (Broken Glass, part 3), was Blot – who is a Terrorcon – acting as a Decepticon Headmaster? Shouldn't it have been Apeface? I am really ecstatic to see the Dinobots versus the Predacons at least. I loved the way you thrapped Razorclaw and the way you almost splatted Divebomb. If only Swoop hadn't spoilt the fun at the last moment! You can tell your Dumb Stubbie friends that – for once – they did a good job!
Matthew Richard,

Bite your tongue, kid! The Stubbies are no friends of mine! And whaddaya mean, 'they did a good job'? We Dinobots did all the work. All the Stubbies have to do is get it right when they show the events in this comic! As for Blot, he was just there for a bit of mindless mayhem (the only sort of mayhem his kind can enjoy!), not because he wanted to be counted as a Decepticon Headmaster.

Dear Grimlock,
Going back to what Steven Gray said about the Dinobots combining with each other, I think it's a brilliant idea. You could be the body, Snarl could be one leg (as he can then do super-powered kicks), and Slag could be the other. Swoop could be an arm (so that he could do flying punches), and Sludge the other. Together you could be called Killer-King! I think you should congratulate Steven for his suggestion!
Grant Hughes,

And I think I should step on him! For the last time – NO COMBINING DINOBOTS!

Dear Grimlock,
I have been collecting your comic for the last year or so, and I am a big fan of you and your fellow Dinobots. I am pleased to see that Galvatron and Ultra Magnus are coming back into the story! By the way, I think I have solved the mystery surroudning Cyclonus and Scourge's appearance in the Headmasters story, when they weren't actually created until the year 2006! What I reckon happened (having just seen the incredible Transformers: The Movie on video), is that Cyclonus and Scourge (the _targetmasters) were killed on Nebulos, and when Unicorn created his Cyclonus and Scourge, he simply modelled them on these old Transformers. If you look carefully at Starscream's coronation scene in the movie, you can see a statue in the background that bears a remarkable similarity to Scourge.
Eoin McDonnell,

Good theory. Wrong theory, but good theory nonetheless. No, the true explanation of Cyclonus and Scourge's unexplained appearance in the Headmasters story can be seen in the final instalment of our fast approaching future shocker (issue 151). Don't miss any of it. The story begins in just two issues' time.

Issue 145

In the spirit of the season, Grimlock's artwork is altered to feature a Santa hat and beard.

Dear Grimlock,
I am a very keen collector of Transformers, and so far I have forty eight issues. I also have lots of posters of you and the other Transformers all over my bedroom walls. Could you please answer me a few questions. 1) How as the Autobots' Creation Matrix made? 2) Why don't you make an army of Dinobots and blast those dirtwad Decepticons off the face of the Earth? 3) When will the Predacons be on sale?
Mark Roberts,
Port Talbot.

Like to know how the Autobots' Creation Matrix was made, eh? How about we tell you that, and the origin of the whole Transformer race?! You have but to pick up a copy of our epic issue 150! Our anniversary issue features all this, and a superb, painted wrap-around cover poster! No kidding! An army of Dinobots? I dunno, you kids are just never satisfied. First you want combining Dinobots, then an army of us! What's wrong with the originals?! Thankfully, the Predacons are unlikely to be on sale over here!

Dear Grimlock,
I've just seen Transformers: The Movie, and I'd like to ask you a few questions about it. 1) Did the likes of Thrust, Dirge, Ramjet, Wreck-Gar (and friends) die in the battle against Unicron? 2) Why isn't Snarl in the movie? 3) Where did Unicron come from? 4) At the very beginning of the movie, you see a planet being devoured by Unicron. What was it called? 5) What does 'Bah Weep Grah Nah Weep Nini Bom' mean?
Sean Leander,
London SW11.

1) Wreck-Gar and most of the Junkions certainly survived the battle, and I'm sad to say that I think those dirtwad Decepticons you mention did as well. Never mind! 2) Probably skiving off somewhere. 3) You can find out in issue 150 (not to be missed, that one!) 4) The planet in question was called Lithone. Only one Lithonian survived, a friar warrior called Kranix. It didn't do him any good, he was consumed by the Sharkticons! 5) It means 'Bah Weep Grah Nah Weep Nini Bom', as far as I know!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just come back from America, and I wish to tell my fellow Transformer fans about the toys you can get out there. They include the Predacons, Trypticon, Fortress Maximus, the Monsterbots, Sky Lynx, the Autobot and Decepticon clones, and Six-gun – the Decepticon that transforms into six different things. Will any of these be coming out over here?
Martin Chimielowski,

Well, there you are. All you have to do to get these toys is pop over to America. Nothing to it! Seriously, though, it's doubtful that any of these will be coming out over here in the foreseeable future. That said, I have heard it rumoured that there will be a six-changer in next year's Hasbro range. Not sure if it'll be that Dirtwad, Six-gun, though!

Issue 146

Dear Grimlock,
Back in issue 132, Ian Craigen said that the Ark took five Autobots and turned them into the Dinobots. Now, I'm not saying I don't agree with him, but what about the TV cartoon series? in that, Wheeljack created them because of some fossils he found. Which is correct? And why do you keep your Cybertronic forms so quiet? Please tell me what they were.
Richard Webster,

Ah yes, now this is what I've been missing – a chance to moan about the cartoon series. Suffice it to say, kid, that we've got it right (here on Transformers comic) and they've got it wrong! The cartoon series is a fiction based loosely around the true story. Watch it, enjoy it, but don't take it too seriously! As for our Cybertronic forms – mind your own business! Not that we're touchy about them or anything, you understand!

Dear Grimlock,
I have a few questions for you. Firstly, when are you going to be smashing Decepticons again? It's been ages since you had a proper fight. Secondly, when will Galvatron be coming back on the scene? It was very exciting seeing him break out of the lava in issue 138! I reckon Galvatron would make a good opponent for you. Thirdly, if you meet up with Scorponok, do you think you could beat him on your own, or would you need the help of the other Dinobots.
Matthew Hall,

What do you mean, when will we be smashing Decepticons again? As far as I can see, we never stopped! What about the Predacons, eh? Well and truly smashed, I'd say! Galvatron will be back in issue 152. If he makes the mistake of crossing my path, there'll be trouble – count on it! To be honest, kid, I reckon I could handle Scorponok with one hand tied behind my back!

Dear Grimlock,
We always hear the Autobots say 'By the Primordial Program', but what does it actually mean? Can you answer me a few more questions as well. 1) Is Scorponok stronger than Megatron? 2) Will there be another cross-over with Action Force? 3) Will there be one Annual featuring both the Transformers and Action Force? By the way, I think you are the greatest Transformer!
Nkomo Armstrong,
London SE16.

Ah, you know something, kid? I never tire of hearing that. Tell you what, since I'm now in such a good mood, I'll do my best to answer your questions. 'By the Primordial Program' refers the program encoded in the Creation Matrix, that grants new life to Transformers. Want to know more about the origin of the Creation Matrix? Well then, I suggest you check out our explosive issue 150. Onto your other questions: 1) Dunno. Perhaps we'll find out one of these days. 2) Could be. 3) No. As with this year, there'll be separate Annuals for Transformers and Action Force.

Dear Grimlock,
I have found out what your name means. The Grim stands for Stern, Fierce-looking, terrible and very unpleasant. Suits you, doesn't it?
Magnus Dixon,

Hmmm. Don't know about the 'very unpleasant'. I've always seen myself as a lovable sort!'

Issue 147

Dear Grimlock,
I was looking at the cover of the Annual, and I have to say that I think it's terrible! Why? Because there's not enough of it, that's why. Robin Smith's artwork is the best, and yet all he seems to do is the occasional cover. Will he ever do anything for the comic strip stories? C'mon, let's see Robin Smith on the interior for once!
Paul Keogh,

Well, how about we mention that Stubbie Smith will be doing one of the interior comic strip stories for next year's Annual, and that we were so impressed by his work there, that we're gonna' get him to do some pages of comic strip for the weekly. Keep watching!

Dear Grimlock,
I have a great theory on how Unicron was created. I reckon I know who Unicron is. You see, way back in issue 81 I learned of a Marvel super-villain called Galactus – a world devourer who travels from star system to star system in a massive spherical spacecraft, destroying planets and draining their energy. Also, he can alter the form of beings, sculpting them into his agents. Sound familiar? Now, what I reckon happened was that Galactus was actually two beins – one a thirty/forty foot humanoid and the other a living spacecraft, and he eventually managed to merge both forms into one being. In short, he re-shaped himself as Unicron. What do you reckon? Pretty good theory, huh, Grimlock?
Matt Packer,

Good theory, yes. Interesting theory, yes. Right theory, NO. To the best of my knowledge, Galactus is – and always has been – just Galactus. It's not good, for the real explanation you're just gonna' have to take a peek at issue 150's story.

Dear Grimlock,
I think you were a bit hard on Blaster and Goldbug, but as you are the best and toughest Transformer, I'm not going to question your judgement too strongly. Can you answer me some questions: 1) When will there be another fight between Swoop and Divebomb? 2) Why is that dirtwad Galvatron so invincible? 3) Why don't you get the Stubbies to write a story where you beat up Galvatron?
Matthew Miller-Hall,

Believe me, if you think I've been tough on Blaster and Goldbug up till now, wait'll you see what happens now that I've actually got my hands on one of them! Hoo boy, you wouldn't want to be in Blaster's shoes! I'm sure that Swoop and Divebomb will clash again in due course, but precisely when I don't know. Now come on, what's all this but Galvatron being invincible? All the Stubbies will need to write about will be the actual events of our next meeting. Because that'll be when I prove Galvatron is not nearly so invincible!

Dear Grimlock,
Well, was it another Dumb Stubbie error, or does Soundwave need his optical sensors checked? I refer to the incident in issue 127, where (on page 13, top left) Soundwave calls Vortex Blast Off. By the way, can you tell me who's head Death's Head throws down at Rodimus Prime in issue 133?
David Searle,
Newton Aycliffe.

In fact, kid, it is you who are in error in this case. In the scene you refer to, Soundwave is answering Blast Off's question from the last picture on page 12, while leaping from Vortex. Don't know whose head that was in issue 133, but he shouldn't be too difficult to spot!

Issue 148

Dear Grimlock,
I've just finished reading this year's Winter Special, and the story Dinobot-Hunt was brilliant. But how come you're always saying that Sludge is a weak fool? In that story Sludge beats you in a battle. If he's so weak, how come you lost? Oh yeah, in the Transformers: The Movie comic strip adaptation (last year's Winter Special), there's a line on page 13 describing the transformation of Autobot City: Earth that goes: '...withdrawing like periscopes, turning and vanishing into steel shield coverings as Fortress Maximus nears its awesome completion.' I thought Fortress Maximus was a Headmaster, not an Autobot city. Please explain.
Michael Wheeler,

Okay, okay, now let's get this into perspective. At the time I fought Sludge (in the Dinobot Hunt story), my mind had been reduced to its most basic level. Now, whereas this is no particular handicap to an imbecilic moron like Sludge (who isn't far off that state at the best of times), it proved somewhat limiting to me – as I rely as much on brains as brawn (as you all know... don't you?). And anyway, it wasn't really Sludge who beat me, it was the effects of the electric shock, administered when Prowl's shuttle crashed into the lake. Oh the indignities heaped upon me that day! As far as I know, the transformed Autobot City: Earth was named Fortress Maximus in honour of the Headmaster, Fortress Maximus.

Dear Grimlock,
Your comic is the best comic I have ever read. I have always followed the story very closely, so I couln't help but notice than in issue 141 Blast Off called himself Vortex. Is he losing his mind? Also, will Galvatron and Ultra Magnus ever break free from under the lava in Mount Verona? Who created the Headmasters, and can the Nebulan companions take their armour off?
Stuart Hollihead,

Well, wonders will never crease – once again it's actually not a Stubbie error you refer to. On page 9 of issue 141, Blast Off is receiving a radio message from Vortex, so there is no mix-up of names. That said, I feel it is still entirely possible that Blast Off is losing whatever mind those dirtwad Decepticons possess! If you're interested in the continuing saga of our two entombed Transformers, then I strongly suggest you check out issues 152 and 153! The Headmasters were created by the Nebulans, using Autobot science and technology. Yes, as far as I know, the bio-engineered Nebulans can remove all their armour.

Dear Grimlock,
I think you've got it all wrong! How can you be leader of the Autobots if you don't carry the Matrix of leadership inside you? No one saw you recieve the Matrix. Please explain. Oh yeah, I think you should have Wheeljack scrapped! When you weren't around, he said 'humans are not as weak as your cerebro circuits, you mechanical micro-brain!'
Anthony Jordan,

If there's one thing I hate more than feeble-minded Autobots who badmouth me, it's humans who sneak on them! That said, I'm still gonna roast Wheeljack's hide! What's all this about the Matrix? I don't need no Matrix to be leader of the Autobots. I'm Grimlock, what more is there?

Issue 149

Dear Grimlock,
I think your comic is simply brilliant. I also read Action Force and Thundercats, but Transformers is the best. Please will you answer me these questions. 1) Are there any plans to bring back Optimus Prime? 2) If so, who will lead the Autobots, you or him? 3) When will we be seeing more of Rodimus Prime?
Darren Orwell,

I've heard a vicious rumour that there are plans afoot to bring back Optimus Prime – both in a comic and toy forms. I am, of course, dismissing this rumour as complete rubbish!

Dear Grimlock,
I think I know who the start of issue 146 is going to be. I would think that the mystery person (or robot) is none other than Optimus Prime himself! Am I right? And could you tell me if there will be any more Free Gifts in the near future?
Michael Pegg,

As you'll have seen by now, the returnee in our current story was Unicron rather than Optimus Prime. I shan't shed too many tears over that, I can tell you. As far as I'm concerned, Optimus Prime can stay missing! Free Gifts? Will issue 150's amazing wrap-around cover poster do for now? I thought so.

Dear Grimlock,
Excellent! Brilliant! There are the only words I can find to describe Dinobot-Hunt (from collected comics 7). The artwork was fab! In issue 131 you told Roger Iwrin that the Mechanic wasn't arrested at the end of issue 122's story, and that he escaped. Does this mean he'll be coming back? He was, after all, one of the main reasons for reading this comic! How about showing the Aerialbots again? They were my favourite Special Team. Oh yeah, I disagree with Iron Man fans. I still think the Iron Man back-up strip is a disappointment. Bring back Spitfire and the Troubleshooters! By the way, cover artists Dan Reed and Robin Bouttell deserve a pat on the back for 142's breathtaking cover!
Jonathan Harvey,

I do wish you kids would stop openly praising the Stubbies! They read this page, y'know. Can't have them getting ideas above their station. That said, Stubbies Reed and Bouttell's work can be seen – albeit separately – on the covers of issue 148 and this issue, respectively. Sad you feel that way about Iron Man. Oh well, the current storyline reaches a conclusion in issue 152. There's no pleasing some people! The Aerialbots and the Mechanic will return at some point this year. Not sure when though. And be honest, how could a story entitled Dinobot-Hunt be anything but fab?

Dear Grimlock,
I am a girl, and my brother says that because of this I shouldn't be allowed to read Transformers. Even so, I always creep into his room and read it every week. My favourite back-up strip was the Broken Glass chapter of the Headmasters story, and I enjoy the cartoon, Robo-Capers. Please tell my brother to let me read your comic after him.
Samantha Harvey,

Still don't understand this business about a certain type of human not being able to read Transformers. Well, now I've got you both together on the same letters page, I want a word. Let her read your Transformers comic, Johnathan, or there'll be trouble! Okay?

Issue 150

Dear Grimlock,
Issue 141 was absolutely brill! Child's Play is one of the best stories yet – mainly because it featured the Protectobots, Blaster and you. I have a few questions for you: 1) Will we see more of the Protectobots? 2) Do you know where I can get Groove from, as he is the only Protectobot I need to finish off Defensor, and can't seem to find him in any of the shops? 3) Recently I sent my broken Megatron toy to the spare parts department, but they couldn't fix him. Do you know anywhere that can?
John Boone,

To be honest, kid, I reckon you've a more accurate representation of Megatron with your toy in its broken state. After the beating he took at my hands, I reckon the real Megatron is in need of a few replacement parts! That said, I'm afraid I don't know of anywhere that repairs Transformers toys. Sorry, kid. As for your question – I imagine the Protectobots will return in the not too distant future, and – if I can lay hands on a Groove toy – I'll send him to you as your prize for getting a letter on this page. No promises, mind you!

Dear Grimlock,
I never really took any interest in your comic until recently. I got a copy of Transformers and immediately realised what I had been missing. I read it, and the letters to you, and saw it as brilliant. I ditched my other comic straight away and put in an order for Transformers. In issue 140 I was delighted to see five Deceptcions that I have were featured in your lead strip. They were the Combaticons – Brawl, Swindle, Blast Off, Vortex and Onslaught. I also have Springer, Outback, Wheelie and Pointblank. I am made at myself for not realising earlier what a great comic Transformers is.
Aidan Hogan,

Another convert. Don't forget, kid, don't just sit back now and enjoy Transformers yourself, there are other kids out there like you once were, who don't realise how good Transformers is. I'm relying on you to spread the word! For that matter, I'm relying on all of you faithful Transformers fans to spread the word! Go to it!

Dear Grimlock,
I have been reading Transformers since issue 1, and I have to say the colouring and artwork have improved no end. Here are some questions: 1) Who was Omega Supreme constructed by? 2) Will we see more of him? Omega Supreme, that is. 3) What exactly are Dumb Stubbies?
Christopher Benton,

That lumbering, vaguely inarticulate hunk of metal masquerading under the pompous name, Omega Supreme was built by the Autobots' architect, Grapple. I've never – to this day – forgiven him for it, either! 2) Not if I can help it. 3) Dumb Stubbies are the humans (barely, in some cases) that work on Transformers; be they artists, writers, colourists, or whatever. Basically, everyone who works on putting together each issue of Transformers is a Dumb Stubbie... apart from me, of course!

Dear Grimlock,
All I'd like to say about Transformers is ... BUT WAIT – HERE IS A NEWSFLASH: "In a recent battle with Galvatron, Grimlock smashed Galvatron's particle cannon, but took a damaging hit to his left arm. Despite this, a late right hook from Grimlock knocked Galvatron to the other side of Cybertron." THAT IS THE END OF THE NEWSFLASH! Right, what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by this nonsense, is that Transformers is brill!
James Miller,

I worry about you kids, I really do!

Issue 151

Dear Grimlock,
Here is a puzzle for you. My first is in Metro, but not in Plex. My second isn't in Optimus, but is in Prime. My third is in Side, but not in Swipe. My fourth is in Ultra, and in Magnus. My fifth is in Skull, but not in Cruncher. My sixth is in Ape, and in Face. My seventh isn't in Snap, but is in Dragon. My last is in Trans, but not in Formers. My whole is an Autobot, who transforms into a car. Who am I?
Jeremy Godwin,

Nice, one kid. Had me scratching my cerebro casing for.. ooh, two seconds. Nevertheless, I feel a mini-competition coming on. Can you readers work out the name of Jeremy's Autobot? If so, write the name on a postcard, add your name, age and address and post it to: TRANSFORMERS/WORD NAMES, MARVEL COMICS, 23 REDAN PLACE, LONDON W2 4SA, to arrive by Friday, February 5th, 1988. The first three correct entries checked after that date will win a Special Teams mini-toy. Generous to a fault, that's me.

Dear Grimlock,
I'll be incredibly brief. I love your comic and think that your artists are grade A+, especially Geoff Senior. That said, to air biased views such as that properly, you should have a readers poll (as they did in Action Force). Then you could really see what readers think of the comic's features, stories and so on. By the way, could you tell me if there are any plans to A) bring back Machine Man in a new series of adventures, B) bring out a complete edition of his magnificent back-up story (because I started reading at issue 32 and only caught the end of the story), or C) re-run the series in the comic once more? I'm sure lots of readers would like to see more of Machine Man.
James Dessaud,

Well, kid, if that's you being incredibly brief, I'd hate to see you long-winded! Anyway, I'm afraid there are no plans to bring back Machine Man in any shape or form. Sorry. As for a readers' poll, see the next letter.

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to offer to organise the 1987 Transformers Awards (covering issues 94-145). The categories are: Best Autobot, Best Decepticon, Best Supporting Character (human or otherwise), Beast Story, Best Cover, Best Writer, Best Artist (or team of artists), Beast Colourist, Best Letterer, Best Back-up story and finally Best Free Gift or Competition. If you would be kind enough to print my full address, then readers can send their votes in to me, and I will write back with the results in a month or so.
Andrew Grant,
25 Langland Gardens,
Surrey, CR0 8DZ.

Okay, you lot – go for it! You've got the categories, the issues, and Andrew's address and Andrew's got the official Grimlock seal of approval. Get your votes to Andrew by Friday, March 4th, 1988, and then I'll print the results here when Andrew sends them in. Get voting, and don't forget the best Autobot category includes Dinobots as well (hint, hint!).

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read Transformers issue 142, and it's great. When I saw Iron Man was coming back as your new back-up story, I thought that when it's over you could re-print some old Fantastic Four stories, or even Iron Man stories from when he wore his first suit of armour.
Matthew Richards,

Oh no! We've got something much more exciting lined up for you when Iron Man's current story comes to a close (as it does in issue 152). For news of a major turning point in Transformers history, see next issue!
The results to Andrew Grant's Transformers Awards were published in issue 169.

Issue 152

Dear Grimlock,
I thought Head-Hunt and Grudge Match were among the best stories you've ever presented. Surely material for future specials! And speaking of specials, I enjoyed the recent reprint of the Dinobot-Hunt story very much. Perhaps we could see The Smelting Pool, In The National Interest, or _target:2006 (perhaps in two or three parts) re-issued in Collected Comics form. Dan Reed and the Jeff Anderson/Stephen Baskerville team definitely produce the best artwork. I always enjoy it more when you have a single artist, or a pair of artists, to do both parts of a two-part story, as there were in Worlds Apart and Grudge Match. Could we please see some more Cybertron based stories, preferably featuring the likes of Outback and the Wreckers!
Brian Stuart,

We'll get around to doing most – if not all – of the most popular Transformers stories in the Collected Comics format in due course. The next such special (probably for Easter time) will most likely contain Robot-Buster and Devastation Derby, from Transformers 59-62. Two classic adventures! If we get around to doing _target:2006 it'll have to be in a few volumes (11 episodes, no less!). We'll do our best to get artists to do both parts of a two-part story, but sometimes the dreaded deadlines just don't allow it! We'll be returning to Cybertron in the near future. Watch out for it.

Dear Grimlock,
Would you die in a battle?
Michael Scott,

Would you if I stepped on you?!

Dear Grimlock (huh!),
I've got a question for you that's been bugging me since issue 120 (long time, huh?). It seems to me that someone has been making himself responsible for an incomprehensible mistake. That means someone's been mucking it up, by the way! Okay, here's the actual question – how intelligent are you really? In some issues you have the intelligence of a calculator, in some you're about as clever as Optimus Prime himself, while on the letters page you're just the average street-wise, 'con-crushing, wisecracking giant robot dinosaur. Make your mind up, will you? Geddit?
Justin (intelli-bot),

Der, well its loik this, I sorta go between bein' sorta thick ... and then getting incredibly mind-expandingly clever ... and finally end up as my street-wise, 'con-crushing, wisecracking self. If you think you're confused, spare a thought for poor old confused me!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read Collected Comics 7 (Dinobot-Hunt), and on page 7 Optimus Prime says – 'Grimlock lacks speed but makes up for it with raw strength. Those powerful jaws can cut you in two.' But on page 37 you bite Sludge on the neck, and over the page he's still got his head attached to his shoulders. What do you say to that, Grimlock?
Paul Brogan,

Thick skinned as well as thick-headed.

Issue 153

Dear Grimlock,
Guess what? Mistake. In issue 143, page 22, the bottom caption says – 'reacting to Point Blank's signal, the six armoured HUMANS leap from the Nursery terrace.' They're NEBULANS! I imagine this letter will lead to the V.V.H. (Variable Voltage Harness) being used on an un-named Stubbie. I'd just like you to know that I'll be supporting Sky Lynx in your upcoming battle.
Ivan Lebsly,

Lot of good it did him! We Dinobots still sorted out that hot shot, Sky Lynx. You can see what became of both him, and Blaster, in an upcoming issue! And yes, I'm warming up the V.V.H. at this very moment!

Dear Grimlock,
What a brilliant Christmas issue of Transformers! I would like to congratulate all the Dumb Stubbies for such an enjoyable festive treat. My only complaint is that you were only in it for one page – Grim Grams – and that dirtwad Starscream had most of the issue to himself!
Steven Morris,

I told them! Not enough ME in it, I said. Nevertheless, the Stubbies went their own sweet way and put Starscream in the lead story. Ah well, just goes to show you can't win 'em all. Still I agree with you kid, it was a pretty fabby issue, wasn't it?

Dear Grimlock,
I have come up with an idea that may save some space when setting out letters. Would it not be simpler to put your answer straight after our question, instead of waiting for the end of the letter? No, it wouldn't. For example, if I were to ask how heavy Sludge is, you'd put 90 tons (or whatever) and then go on with the rest of the letter, inserting answers where necessary. What do you reckon to that? Not much! By the way, how much does Sludge weight? Too much, the overweight idiot.
Nicholas Freil,

Dear Grimlock,
I've got it! I know how Scourge and Cyclonus end up in the Headmasters story. At the end of the story beginning in issue 146, Scourge and Cyclonus – to escape Death's Head – time jump into Cybertron's past. There they meet up with Scorponok and then travel to Nebulos. Am I right? Can you tell us when we'll get to see the TV series that is set after Transformers:The Movie? Oh yes, on the back of issue 145, there is an advertisement for an Action Force computer game. How about a Transformers computer game?
Andrew Jones,

Close, kid – very close. As you'll by now have seen, rather than trying to escape from Death's Head, it was the bounty hunter himself that propelled Cyclonus and Scourge through Unicron's time portal. The rest, you got exactly right. Anyone out there wondering what happend to Death's Head? You'll be able to find out in a short while! To be honest, kid, I don't know when the TV series (showing its fictional account of what happened after Transformers:The Movie) is set for release over here. That said, we're at this moment trying to get you a sneak preview of an episode in comic strip form. Keep watching! Anyone know if there's a Transformers computer game? Can't recall ever seeing one, but if I do I'll be sure and tell you about it.

Issue 154

Dear Grimlock,
I have a question to ask you. Why, in issue 144, did you want the humans killed? Who would you rather kill – Blaster or the humans? By the way, I thought you looked good with a beard.
Damiano Polcaro,

You've got it all wrong. I wouldn't have let the humans perish, kid. But in order to bring Blaster out of hiding, I had to make my threat look real. Humans may be weak and ineffectual, but I bear them no particular ill will. As for Blaster, I don't want to kill him either... well, not all at once, anyway! Ah yes, the beard. Rest assured that the Stubbies responsible have been severely neuro-shocked.

Dear Grimlock,
Like Eoin McDonald, I am puzzled by the appearance of Cyclonus and Scourge in the Headmasters story. I have a theory, though. Maybe the Headmasters story is set after Transformers:The Movie, so Cyclonus and Scourge are already in existence. Then, after being beaten up by Death's Head, they journey to Nebulos to become _targetmasters.
Andrew Jones,

As you'll have seen in the dramatic conclusion to our epic Legacy Of Unicron saga (issue 151), Cyclonus and Scourge end up in Cybertron's past courtesy of Unicron's time portal. The Headmasters story is very definitely set in this era, as you'll see in issues 156 and 157, when the Headmasters and _targetmaters arrives on Earth! I dunno, Autobots depending on puny carbon-based creatures! Makes me ashamed to wear the Autobot badge!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read part 2 of Legacy of Unicron. It was great! I loved the way Death's Head killed Shockwave and announced that Cyclonus and Scourge would be taking command of the dirtwad Decepticons. By the way, now that Unicron is back, does this mean Galvatron will at last be returning to his own time?
B. McAuley,

Though Unicron evidently intended to bring Galvatron back to 2008 – via his time portal – his plans were severely curtailed, as a result of being blown apart and absorbed by the Creation Matrix. Looks like we're stuck with that dirtwad, Galvatron in this era!

Dear Grimlock,
I collect Action Force, Thundercats and Transformers, and Transformers is easily my favourite! I have noticed recently that mistakes have been cropping up in other comics besides Transformers. For instance, in Action Force 43 – on the last page of the Action Force story – an Action Force agent hands another man a Transformer toy as a present, and says that it is Jetfire. However, close inspection of the Transformer in question reveals a striking similarity to a certain loony ex-Decepticon leader who was featured in the Action Force cross-over story, Ancient Relics. And yes, that does look suspiciously like a fusion cannon on his arm. The Action Force stubbies strike again!
Thomas Goosey,

That's the trouble with the Action Force Stubbies; they don't know their Jetfire from their Megatron. Don't worry, now that the Action Force strip is in Transformers we'll make sure it contains a much better class of Stubbie mistake!

Issue 155

The beginning of Transformation this issue reads:

Well, what do you readers think? This is now the third issue of Transformers featuring Action Force in our back-up spot and we're interested to see how you're getting on with our new co-stars. Are you enjoying Action Force? Is there anything you'd like to see in the way of posters or fact-files on the characters? Is there anything you'd like explained? We'd like to know, so write in with your questions, views and requests, and we'll get Grimlock to feature a few of the best on his Grim Grams page. Right, on with this issue!

The Grim Grams page itself is as follows:

Dear Grimlock,
I am totally and utterly confused. In issue 146's A-Z entry on Gears it says his motto is 'Earth stinks, but Decepticons stink worse.' But in Gears' tech specs it says that his motto is 'Nobody wins war, somebody loses.' Please explain.
Arthur Tubb,

He's got two mottoes.

Dear Grimlock,
Congratulations on issues 145 and 146. Storylines, artwork and colouring were superb in both (cover art was pretty nifty too). By the way, bah Weep Graagnah Wheep ni ni bong (as it should be spelt) is the universal greeting. Really, you should have known that! One last point – Sky Lynx is available in this country. I got him in a thoroughly British box.
Paul Reeve,

Okay, okay – however you spell it, I know it's a universal greeting. The question still remains, what exactly does it mean? Hmm, yes, you're not the only reader to tell me that Sky Lynx, and apparantly Trypticon too, are available over here. I'd be grateful to any kid who could send me in the box to one or both of these toys, so I can cast my beady eye over them. Just the box, mind, NOT the toy!

Dear Grimlock,
I am pleased to say that issue 148 was truly explosive! Easily the best Transformers comic so far. Pages 6 & 7's spread was just out of this world. I liked the bit where you were seen ripping that Decepticon apart. Why can't all Transformers comics be like issue 148?
Richard Smith

Because the you wouldn't appreciate it so much. We have to keep the general standard just magnificent, so that on certain occasions we can give you a treat by making it too good for words (as is the case of issue 148). That's how we are on Transformers – thoughtful!

Dear Grimlock,
Did you know about the new Transformers video? It has been released by St. Michael video and is available at most Marks & Spencer stores. The stories are from the U.S. TV series that shows its version of what happened after Transformers:The Movie, and feature the likes of Metroplex, Trypticon and the Predacons – to mention but a few. The stories are: Starscream's Ghost (wherein Starscream possesses Cyclonus and continues his feud with Galvatron), The Nightmare Planet (which shows the Quintessons building a machine that makes human nightmares a reality), and Ghost In The Machine (in which Starscream returns to the head of Unicron in order to get his body back). According to these stories, the Quintessons created the Transformers. Is this true?
Michael Wrightson,

It most certainly is not true! The true origin of the Transformers can be seen in issue 150 of Transformers. Accept no substitutes, the real story of the Transformers happens right here! Mind you, I didn't realise there was a video of the U.S. television series out over here. So, all you many readers who've been asking about said TV series, now know where to find at least three episodes.

Issue 156

Dear Grimlock,
I have an ace plan for how you could go about killing two dirtwad Decepticons in one go. All you have to do is go to London, where you, Centurion and Blades dropped Megatron in the river Thames, send Sludge down to fish him out, and then completely rip him apart, beyond all possibility of repair. Then Megatron wouldn't be able to exist when Transformers:The Movie happens, and Galvatron will never be created. Therefore, the Galvatron wandering around in this era will die. At least I think he will!
Roger Wright,

That's the problem, isn't it, kid? No-one's quite sure whether taking out Megatron would get rid of Galvatron. Still, it woudn't hurt to try, would it? Thing is, we sort of missed our chance to retrieve Megatron from the Thames, as you'll see in issue 160! That said, I still might send Sludge down to grub about in the mud just for the hell of it!

Dear Grimlock,
I must congratulate you on the greatest story you've presented so far. I refer, of course, to The Legacy Of Unicron. Every Saturday morning I wait feverishly at the front door for the next episode. That said, there are one or two things that I don't understand about this latest and greatest epic. 1) Isn't it going to take the Junkions forever to rebuild Unicron? 2) How did Unicron manage to land on the planet of Junk in one piece? Oh yeah, when are we going to find out what you do to Blaster?
Alastair Miles,

You are not alone in your praise of out Legacy Of Unicron story, kid. It's nice to know that we're doing something right! Before I get on to your 'Legacy' questions, I'll just tell you that it'll be a while before you see the resolution of the Blaster saga, but rest assured that the stuff inbetween will make it well worth the wait. The story – when we do see it – will feature a fight to the finish between me and Blaster. What happens? You'll just have to see, won't you? Right, those questions: 1) The Junkions are pretty fast workers, so Unicron wouldn't have taken that long to rebuild. Mind you, it's a bit academic now, isn't it? 2) See the next letter...

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read the first few episodes of Legacy Of Unicron, and what can I say? It's one of the best yet. Geoff Senior's artwork was fabulous, and Lee Sullivan's cover to issue 146 left me speechless! The Iron Man story looks like it will turn out to be interesting. By the way, how did Unicron turn out to be on the planet of Junk? I reckon he was caught in the planet's gravitational field and pulled down to the surface.
Bruce Gaston,

You are absolutely right, kid. Unicron retained enough of his power to control his descent to the planet surface, and then enslave the Junkions who came to investigate his planetfall.

Dear Grimlock,
On one of your recent letters pages you said that Galvatron's time-jump occurred during Transformers:The Movie, and that according to the comic, the movie was set in 2006. But at the start of the movie, the narrator tells us it is the year 2005! Can you possibly explain this massive Stubbie error?
Trent McCurdy,

Yeah, the narrator got it wrong!

Issue 157

Dear Grimlock,
Is Shockwave truly dead? At the end of Legacy of Unicron, part 2, Death's Head is seen to remove something from Shockwave's head and squash it. What was it, and does it mean that as far as the future stories are concerned, we've seen the last of Shockwave?
Yat Yuen Chung,

The object that Death's Head removed from Shockwave's head was the Decepticon's brain module. Since all Shockwave is – or was – programmed on that module, I reckon it's a fair bet that we've truly seen the last of him in the future. No great loss!

Dear Grimlock,
Amazing! Fabulous! Sponditious!!! That's all that can be said of your latest and greatest Transformers epic, Legacy Of Unicron! I thought there'd be no way to go one better than this story, but when I saw who was going to be drawing issue 150's cover, my pleasureometer went off the scale. Jerry Paris is my fave-rave artist. Will you be getting Jerry Paris to do a back-up strip for you? If not, please persuade him. By the way, in recent issues mechanoids have been seen to sweat. Please explain?
Mark Clapham,

Sponditious? Pleasureometer? Fave-rave? Well, kid, I can't recall ever seeing these Earth words before. I shall have to consult my alternative dictionary of your more colourful Earth terms for their precise meaning, but I gather they denote approval of both our Legacy Of Unicron story and our choice of cover artist on issue 150. Stubbie Paris will almost certainly be doing more covers for us, and who knows, maybe we can get him to do the lead strip at some point. The 'sweat' you refer to is lubricant escaping from microscopic fissures in the metal of older Transformers.

Dear Grimlock,
I have written a list of things you should do in 1988. 1) Bring back Optimus Prime as leader of the Autobots. 2) Bring back Megtron as Decepti-creep leader. 3) Explain how Cyclonus and Scourge become _targetmasters. 4) Continue the Ultra Magnus/Galvatron saga. 5) Let the Autobots recapture the Throttlebots. 6) Bring Skids back from that weird dimension. These could be your resolutions for '88.
Christopher Jennings,

Let's see. Well, we'll pas over 1 & 2 very quickly indeed (although Megatron makes a reappearance in issues 160 and 161 and I keep hearing this vicious rumour that Optimus Prime's due to make a reappearance later in the year), and move onto 3, which I've already done, and 4, which is half done (Magnus makes his reappearance in issue 160). 5 might be a bit difficult in the light of issue 154/155's story, and 6 we'll have to see about. If Skids comes back, it'll only be when Galvatron returns to his own time.

Dear Grimlock,
What happened to Death's Head? In issue 151 we see a postscript saying 'but of Death's Head there was no trace.' He is my favourite character, and I would like to see more of him.
Nicky Cutts,

Well, it could be that he won't be coming back... in Transformers at least! But if you were to look elsewhere within Marvel's range, well ... you never know what you might find! Or Who you might find!!

Issue 158

Dear Grimlock,
I woke up the other morning, all ready to re-read some of my recent Transformers comics, but – shock, horror – guess what I found on the front cover of issue 144! A massive, greasy coffee stain all over the picture of you, Grimlock! Oh yeah, I have some questions for you. 1) How can Ultra Magnus be buried under lava on Earth and also be attending a council of war on Cybertron (in issue 149)? 2) In the Transformers Annual, the Headmasters text story names Fortress Maximus' Nebulan companion as Kord, but in the comic it is Galen. Which is right?
Jeffrey Ruddle,

Oh, the indignities I have to bear! Coffee stains! What next? Let's see now, Ultra Magnus (of our era) is indeed buried under tons of lava (though not for long – see issue 160), but the Ultra Magnus of the year 2008 (as seen in issue 149) is fully mobile. Okay? There was some initial confusion about whether Galen was, in fact, called Kord. We now know that Galen is Galen, so the Annual is incorrect in this matter.

Dear Grimlock
I thought issue 150 was BRILL! The Legacy of Unicron is so good that I think you should make it into a video. When will the Headmasters be coming back? Last we saw they were heading for Earth back in issue 145. By the way, will we be seeing another Ultra Magnus/Galvatron clash, or will it be a Grimlock/Galvatron clash?
Jonathan Garnett,

Well, the Headmasters – as you'll by now have seen – are back. And what's more they're here on Earth! As for an Ultra Magnus/Galvatron clash, well... I reckon you'd do well to check out issues 160 and 161.

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 150 – which I thought was absolutely brilliant – Unicron tells Death's Head how Primus created Cybertron and the Transformers. But the TV series that shows its version of events after Transformers:The Movie, shows the Quintessons creating the Transformers. Which is the true version? By the way, if the Dinobots fought the Terrorcons, who do you think would win? I reckon Hun-Grrr would make a good opponent for you, Grimlock. Please congratulate all the Dumb Stubbies who produce the 150th issue of Transformers.
Kevin Roche,

Consider it done, kid. Now, let me state once and for all, the true origin of the Transformers can be found in issue 150 of this comic. Nowhere else. Okay? Oh yeah, the Dinobots would win (speaking as a completely unbiased observer, of course!).

Dear Grimlock,
I can probably guarantee this letter will not be printed for what I am about to say. Why? Well, simply because I am not writing to give your ego another boost. I am writing to let readers know how much it annoys me when I open my issue of Transformers, turn to the Grim Grams page, and find yet another letters singing your praises. Well, here's a newsflash for those who have written in, saying how good you are. I think Grimlock acts as stupidly in the comic as he does in the cartoon series, and strongly hope the Autobots mutiny in the near future and elect a new leader. Anyone will do, even Goldbug would be a better leader.
Andrew Parkinson,

Ouch! Now, that last comment was going a bit too far! All I really have to say in reply, is to ask 'how does it feel to be in a minority, kid?'

Issue 159

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to say that I think your comic is brilliant, and that the Legacy of Unicron story was the best so far. Can you please tell me what the Sparkler mini-bots transform into, and if the Firecons are combination Transformers? I started collecting Transformers at issue 64, and I haven't missed an issue since then.
Timothy Campbell,

As you'll have seen in issue 153, the Sparkler mini-bots transform into vehicular modes. These modes were originally Cybertronian vehicles, but were adapted to Earthen forms for their mission to watch over Galvatron. The Firecons do not combine with one another. Aren't there enough of those running around as it is?

Dear Grimlock,
Alright, there go another fifty issues. The question is, were issues 101-150 up to standard? Well, the art was good, as were the covers, and back-up strips like Iron Man and Headmasters were great as well. As for the stories, well, with Prime and Megatron's return from Cybertron (just in time to die!!), the arrival of the Throttlebots, the Galvatron affair, and future epics such as The Legacy Of Unicron, we've had an excellent tiem of it. The high-spots of the year for me, though, were the Dinobots versus the Predacons and the Dinobots versus Trypticon. It's been a great fifty issues. Keep up the good work.
Paul Reeve,

We certainly will, kid. If you thought the last fifty issues were great, you're gonna' love the next fifty. We're pulling out all the stops to make them the best issues yet!

Dear Grimlock,
I think the comic is ACE! I also reckon the Dumb Stubbies should be promoted to just Stubbies, because of their brilliant work on the Legacy Of Unicron story. It was a bit of a shock to see Shockwave destroyed by Death's Head. Old Shockers was one of the longest surviving Decepticons. Give Death's Head a pat on the back for me, eh? I've some questions for you: 1) What happened to the Creation Matrix after Optimus Prime's death? 2) Are the Headmasters and _targetmasters still around in the year 2008? 3) Do the Autobots make friends with the government eventually? Because in the Annual story, Ark Duty, Ultra Magnus says 'we have to collect the metal to build Autobot City: Earth from the government on Earth'.
Spencer Reed,

I don't know about that! No matter what good work they turn out, they'll always be Dumb Stubbies to me. Right, onto your questions: 1) No-one knows. This sorta' adds fuel to worrying rumour that Prime might not actually be dead! 2) Most of them are, but only a few are still bonded to their Nebulan companions. 3) I assume so. Personally, though, I don't know why the Autobots bothered. Who cares if the humans like us or not?

Issue 160

Dear Grimlock,
I have a few questions to ask you. 1) Rodimus Prime looks a lot like Primus (the energy being who became the Creation Matrix). Is this because Hot Rod was changed by the Matrix? 2) Who's going to be the leader after Rodimus Prime? 3) If Primus knew that his creations couldn't stop Unicron, why didn't he recreate himself as a giant Transformer, like Unicron? By the way, stop calling Sludge an idiot!
John Gatehouse,

Ah, yes. I suspected issue 150's shocking revelations about the origin of we Transformers would provoke a few comments and suggestions. I'll do my best to answer what I can. 1) I reckon you're spot on there, kid. Primus recreated Hot Rod in his own image, calling himself Rodimus Prime. 2) Dunno. 3) What I reckon happened was Primus figured that if he became a giant being, like Unicron, their battle would just pick up where it had left off. And since that original battle had destroyed the life Primus sought to protect, that was out of the question. So, Primus left it to his race of creations to stop Unicron. Looks as though he made the right decision, eh? Okay, I won't call Sludge an idiot. From now on, he's an ignoramus.

Dear Grimlock,
I think I know where the neural cluster is on all Transformers. It's in the upper part of the elbow. Am I right?
Justin Baker,

Elbow?! Sheesh! I could take a fair guess at where your brain is!

Dear Grimlock,
How can you do it? Joining two of my favourite comics is the cruellest thing you could do. I refer, of course, to the imminent joining of Transformers and Action Force. If you don't stop this merge, you will lose a reader. Well, I'm not saying you will, but you might.
Alexander Lewis,

That's what I like to see – decisive ultimatums! C'mon, kid – if Transformers and Action Force are your favourite comics, then surely we're saving you money by putting them both in the same comic! And let's fact it, it's one heck of a comic, isn't it?

Dear Grimlock,
When I saw the Seacons in issue 152 I was amazed. Last year I drew my own Special Team called the Waterbots and they were almost exactly the same. Do you think the Decepticons broke into my house and saw the paper I drew them on?
David Shaw,

Always possible. Those dirtwad Decepticons get everywhere. Check your household appliances – they might be a new breed of Decepticons. Is Vacucon waiting in your closet? Is Kettletron perched in your kitchen? Take care, humans!

Issue 161

Grim Grams was absent from this issue; the then-recent folding in of the Action Force comic resulted in page space being allotted to two short Action Force strips, one of which revealed the winner of a WHSmith-ran competetion.

Issue 162

Dear Grimlock,
I noticed that in issue 152's Enemy Action story you introduced the Seacons, saying they were from Cybertron. But in issue 127, Wide Load said 'water, I've never heard of such a substance – maybe it doesn't exist on our world'. This means there can't be any seas on on Cybertron, so why have Seacons?
David Place,

There are seas on Cybertron, but not water based ones. The great rust sea, for instance, stretches from the borders of Tyrest to Polyhex. Also, the Seacons were created primarily for off-world combat, and planets where there are water based oceans.

Dear Grimlock,
I get Transformers every week, and used to get Action Force as well. I always preferred Transformers, and made sure I bought it first (just in case I didn't have enough money for both). I don't have to think about this any more because you've made Transformers double brill by putting Action Force in it. I also think the artwork in the Transformers story has improved in leaps and bounds recently. Could you answer a couple of questions for me? 1) In Dinobot-Hunt, one minute we see Sludge being captured by the Decepticons, and the next he is battling you. How did this happen? 2) In the Legacy Of Unicron story, how come you were in the battle? Last we saw, you were in outer space, about to deal with Blaster. By the way, this is a self-destructing letter. The only way to defuse it is to print it. 10, 9, 8, 7...
John Casey,

Phew, just got it in time. I dunno, exploding letters – what'll you kids think of next? Answers to questions – 1) The Decepticons set him on me, like the complete dirtwads they are. 2) Legacy Of Unicron was set twenty years in the future, by which time I am on Cybertron.

Dear Grimlock,
On issue 153's Grim Grams page, Andrew Jones asked if there were any Transformers computer games. You weren't sure if there were (very strange for you, Grimmy Babes), so I'll supply the answer. Yes there are Transformers computer games – two of them in fact. The first was released in 1985 by Ocean Software Ltd (for the Commodore 64k and Spectrum 48k... and maybe for others as well), and the second in 1986 by Activision. I'm not sure if the games are still available, but it wouldn't hurt to ask at your local computer stockist, if you're interested. At the time, Transformers, by Ocean, was £8.95 and Transformers, by Activision, was £9.95. I've heard that Mastertronic have just signed a deal to distribute some of Activision's older games (such as Transformers) at budget prices, so it might be worth waiting a while before parting with your hard earned cash.
David Whitehouse,

'Grimmy Babes'! Watch it, kid. If it weren't for the fact that your letter is informative and useful, I would have had something to say about this vaguely derogatory familiarity. As it is, I'll excuse it just this once. Thanks for the info, kid!

Issue 163

Okay, kids – a couple of things to say before you proceed with the letters. First off, congratulations to James Elliot, of Dukinfield, Daniel Lee, of Goldings, and Stephen Hull, of Banbridge, who were first out of the hat with the correct answer (Red Alert) to Jeremy Godwin's puzzle from issue 151. Each receives a Special Teams mini-toy. Secondly, thanks to the many kids who sent in packaging or photographs of the Trypticon and Sky Lynx toys. I'm now convinced (several times over) that they are the genuine article. Right, on with the letters ...

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read issue 152 and it was brilliant! I especially enjoyed the debut of the Seacons, who look like they're going to be great. I think featuring Action Force in your comic is an excellent idea. When will we be seeing you back in the main strip again?
David Broster,

Not for a few issues yet, I'm afraid. But contain your impatience – when I do return, it'll be in one of the most amazing stories yet... don't miss it. Glad to see you approve of both the Seacons (though I can't imagine why anyone would like such a detestable bunch) and Action Force, kid. It's nice to know we're doing things right!

Dear Grimlock,
I read (or used to read) Action Force, and so – when the story moved into Transformers – I started picking up your comic. It was great. I couldn't stop reading the Transformers story. Could you answer me a couple of questions. 1) In part two of Enemy Action, how could Fizzle dive down into deep water when he was only standing knee deep in it beforehand? 2) Who was the robot Galvatron wanted to usurp as Decepticon Commander? Once again, your comic (with some help from Action Force) is brill.
Nick Dodds,

I imagine, kid, thay ou're just one of many readers who are discovering how good Transformers is. But, as I always say on these occasions, don't just keep it to yourself. Spread the word to your friends. Let's see, questions... 1) Hmm. I reckon the water must've got very deep just beyond where Fizzle was standing. 2) The dirtwad Decepticon in question was Shockwave.

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 153 you told us that you didn't know when the Transformers TV series (showing its version of what happened after Transformers: The Movie would be seen in Britain. I happen to know that you can see it right now. If you receive satellite or cable TV, then you can see it on SKY Channel's 'Fun Factory'.
Mark Alexander,

Great. But it's sorta tough if you don't have satellite or cable TV!

Issue 164

Dear Grimlock,
This is a letter of both compliment and complain. Complaint first. In issues 152 and 153 you introduced the Seacons. No problem there. They were all great characters. But, the shark Seacon you call Jawbreaker is known as Overbite in toy form. How has this happened? Also, how could Galvatron beat the Seacons when each has the power to transform into a gigantic weapon. They could've blasted Galvatron easily. That said, your comic is still the greatest. The artwork, script and everything else are all first rate!
Paul Addleton,

Here beginneth the saga of Jawbreaker/Overbite. Back on Cybertron, Jawbreaker was known as Jawbreaker – a name he sorta' liked. When Shockwave brought the Seacons to Earth, Jawbreaker was re-christened Overbite. Now, though the name stuck, Jawbreaker was unhappy with his new name, and his fellow Seacons still thought of him as Jawbreaker. When he appeared in the comic, he made it clear that he wanted to be called Jawbreaker, and who are we to argue with someone with teeth like that? You kids buy that? Sheesh – you're more gullible than I thought!

Dear Grimlock,
I am a keen Action Force fan and was disgusted when you stopped the weekly comic. Mind you, I brightened up when I found out that Action Force would be continuing here in Transformers. Can you please tell me if Action Force fans will be able to write in with letters about Action Force stories and characters and send in swaps for Action Force toys and comics?
Robert Stride,

Indeed you can, kid. We've already had the first Stock Exchange for Action Force toys, and if you'd be so good as to cast your eyes down to the next letter, you'll see we've our first Action Force questions...

Dear Grimlock,
Please could you pass these questions on to the Action Force team. 1) What is Rip Cord's file name? 2) Where was he born? 3) Will you be having an Intelligence Profile on Rip Cord? 4) Will Lady Jaye be appearing in any upcoming stories? 5) Are the toys of Duke and Spirit Iron-Knife on sale in Britain?
Robert Spalton,

Right, Warrant Officer Grimlock here with my Action Force encyclopaedia. Rip Cord was born Wallace A. Weems in Columbus, Ohio. If space permits, we'll try and bring you a few Intelligence Profiles on Action Force and Cobra personnel. Don't hold your breath, though. Lady Jaye has now already been featured in our Action Force story and sadly neither Duke or Spirit Iron-Knife are available as toys over here. Whoo – precise and to the point answers! Must be my military upbringing!

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 156, page 13, picture 5, Chromedome is using his optical sensors to project images from Goldbug's mind. Amidst the pictures of Ratbat and Buster Witwicky is Brainstorm. How can this be? He was there with Chromedome. Oh yeah, and on page 10 it says 'sent in issue 155, received in issue 145.' Spot the mistake.
Matthew Meek,

No mistake, kid. Though Goldbug's message was sent in issue 155, it was received in the last part of our Headmasters story – which saw print in issue 145. You merely saw the Headmasters story before the Transformers story it related to. As for Brainstorm, he was visible through Chromedome's playback of the events surrounding Buster Witwicky's abduction. So there!

Issue 165

Dear Grimlock,
I am very glad to see Action Force in Transformers. I enjoy both comics very much but could only ever afford one or the other (my pocket money wouldn't stretch to a regular order of both comics). Transformers always won the battle of the limited funds, as I have been a fan of your comic since issue 1. But now – heaven – both comics in one! Keep up the excellent work!
James Owen,

Glad to see you're happy, kid. Even I was surprised at how popular Action Force has proved to be amongst you kids. We aim to please, y'know!

Dear Grimlock,
I would like to know whether Hotspot's motto is indeed 'The Hotter Things Get, The More I Like It.', as shown on issue 155's A-Z feature. Looking through my tech specs I found that this motto originally belonged to Inferno. Is this deliberate or a mistake?
Alistair Walden,
Earls Barton.

A mistake?! Perish the thought! Inferno ditched his original motto (you can see his new motto on our next A-Z entry) and Hotspot adopted it.

Dear Grimlock,
There are a couple of things I'd like to know, now that Action Force has combined with Transformers. Firstly, can we have more pages of the Action Force story each issue? Secondly, when is the monthly Action Force comic set to hit the shops? Action Force was my favourite comic and I miss it greatly. Finally, when the 1988 Annuals are printed, will we get a purely Action Force Annual, or will part of the Transformers Annual be devoted to Action Force? I hope it will not be the latter!
Ean Proctor,

Rest easy, kid. This year's crop of Annuals includes an Action Force Annual and a Transformers Annual. That's 64 all-new, full colour pages of action and excitement in both volumes. More on these later in the year. Sadly, we just haven't the space to up the page count of our Action Force story. Patience, though. You have only to wait until May (very close now) for the first issue of Action Force Monthly.

Dear Grimlock,
This is getting ridiculous! The Stubbies are getting worse by the week. In issue 155, when the Predacons are chasing the Throttlebots (in their new toy car modes!) through the shopping mall, one of the Throttlebots says 'Quiet, Headstrong people are trying to read.' Trouble is, it's Tantrum who's chasing him. I suggest you find the Stubbie responsible and boil him in a vat of oil.
Andrew Sweatman,

Aww, come on. I reckon this was a genuine mistake on the Throttlebot's part. If you were about four inches tall and being chased by a gigantic Predacon, would you stop to worry about names?

Issue 166

Dear Grimlock,
My sister loves the pop singer, Rick Astley. Would you please put a poster of him in next week's issue!
Richard Spector.

I like a kid with a sense of humour!

Dear Grimlock,
What has happened to all the old Transformers like Sideswipe, Prowl, Hound and Gears? Many of the Transformers from early issues haven't been seen for ages. The Transformers comic hasn't been the same without them. Will they be coming back?
Andrew Cartwright,

Most of the original Transformers to arrive on Earth have been injured in the course of the various battles since that time. Some of them were almost fatally injured. Ratchet, the Autobots' medical officer, has been working feverishly to get them back on their feet, and you can see the results of his work in issue 174, when the original Transformers make a reappearance. There will be a hundred or more Transformers battling in the course of that and the next issue, so your particular favourites will almost certainly be amongst them.

Dear Grimlock,
In a shop the other day, I was looking at the back of the box containing the toy of Snap Trap. There was a picture of none other than OPTIMUS PRIME! Yes, it was really him. He looked awesome, with big guns on his shoulders and a different looking truck mode. Out of his front came a mini man in armour. Is this the new era of Optimus Prime? I hope so.
Barry Collard,

Events in issue 175 (which you'll be seeing in time) have led me – grudgingly – to realise that Optimus Prime may indeed be coming back in the not too distant future. I imagine the mini man you mentioned is a Nebulan, which probably means Prime is coming back as a variation on the Headmaster theme, with a Nebulan companion. We shall see. One thing's for sure – I'm not giving up the Autobot leadership without a fight!

Dear Grimlock,
Okay, okay – I confess, I'm not boy. I'm not even a girl. I'm actually the Mum of three ardent fans of you and the Transformers comic. Gordon is 9, Brian 6, and Susan is 4. Yes, there is a girl amongst them! I am now threatened with extinction if I don't buy them The Real Ghostbusters comic as well as Transformers. Who says we Mums are the bosses? I'm starting up a club for the 'nagged Mums of Marvel's kids'. Quick, join up, before we become robomums!
Kay Blair,

I can think of worse fates! Besides, I reckon your kids have great taste (judging by their choice of comics). Methinks you Mums complain too much!

Issue 167

Dear Grimlock,
I feel I must compliment you on your Transformers stories, especially the ones produced here in Britain. They always seem far superior to those written and drawn in the U.S. Could you please tell me if the British stories are just adaptations of existing American stories, or are they completely original and skilfully interwoven with the American storyline? Is the superb character, Death's Head unique to the British stories? I hope that your excellent work continues and the comic itself runs for many years to come.
Christian Haywood,

Though you are correct in saying that some episodes of Transformers are produced in the U.S, you are wrong to separate them into two different stories. The only thing that really differentiates them is that they focus on different aspects of the vast saga of Transformers. For instance, the British stories tend to concentrate on the future characters and situations, of which Death's Head is one of the former.

Dear Grimlock,
I recently bought the new Headmasters video, by Tempo. After I watched it, a question came to mind. Does this video happen before or after Transformers: The Movie? It has both Hot Rod and Optimus Prime in it, which made me think it was set before the movie, but it also has Galvatron in it, so perhaps it is set after the movie. Please let me know which it is.
John Butcher,
Bishop's Stortford.

I'm not totally sure, kid. The fact is, the cartoon series is a bit of a law unto itself (in other words, they make it up as they go along) when it comes to telling the story of the Transformers, so they're probably not one hundred per cent sure themselves!

Dear Grimlock,
I am enjoying collecting the Transformers A-Z. I keep my pages in a ring binder and it is turning out to be a colourful and interesting guide to the Transformers personalities, abilities and weaknesses. I have a few questions to ask about it. 1) What happened to Goldbug, Chase and Broadside, to mention but a few? They weren't included in the A-Z. 2) Will you be featuring dead Transformers such as Optimus Prime, Megatron and Bumblebee? 3) Finally, what happened to the picture of Divebomb in bird form? There wasn't one on his A-Z entry. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Kyle Roper,

Glad to see you're enjoying the A-Z, kid. I'll do my best to answer your questions. 1) We're doing the A-Z in two batches, so to speak. Characters appearing in the first hundred or so issues get shown first, then – when we reach Z in that line-up – we'll go back to A and start again, this time featuring newer Transformers such as Goldbug and Chase. 2) None of those you mention are actually dead yet! 3) Divebomb's bird from was unavailable at the time, so we had to content ourselves with his robot form (more than enough of that bird brained idiot, I reckon).

Dear Grimlock,
I am not a person known for criticising, but I have to bring to your attention the cover of issue 159. Shockwave is shown in both robot and gun mode in the illustration. Surely this is a mistake of the Stubbie variety. Apart from this, Transformers is totally brilliant!
Peter Bounous,

The black and white figure of Shockwave on issue 159's cover was supposed to show Shockwave before Transformation – in much the way that ghostly images chart the transformation process in the comic strip. This two stage Shockwave hopefully made it easier for people to immediately identify the cause of Fortress Maximus's discomfort. Urr – it makes me shudder just to think of that spike!

Issue 168

Dear Grimlock,
The Stubbies have done it again! In issue 158, Mr. Barnett says that he has five of the Throttlebots' stolen brain modules, but the sixth (Goldbug) is missing. Later he says that the Predacons left and he was able to escape with the six brain modules!
James Paffey,


Dear Grimlock,
I am a big fan of your comic. Our comic book store only gets a couple of your comics a fortnight, so they're fairly hard to come by. Although I live in America, I thought it would be interesting to write into a British letters page. We probably get out copies of Transformers a little later than British readers, but that's okay. I like the way your stories switch from present day to the future, and think that some of the characters you feature (Death's Head, Centurion, and the like) are excellent. The return of Unicron story looks to be a winner. I really like Centurion, but know little about him. Could you answer me some questions? 1) Is he an Autobot or is he neutral? 2) Does he transform? 3) How did he come into the comic? 4) Will we see more of him?
Adam Covalsky,

It's a pleasure to hear that Transformers is appreciated both sides of the Atlantic, kid. I'll my best to fill you in on Centurion. This non-transforming mechanoid was created by the government agency, Triple I. Originally intended as a means of combatting the Transformers, Centurion (controlled by the human, Professor Morris) has – on several occasions – aided the Autobots. I don't know whether we'll be seeing more of him. He was last seen lying deactivated on the floor of the Decepticons' lab (issue 160), and only time will tell if he ever gets reactivated.

Dear Grimlock,
I agree with your answer to Justin Baker's letter in Transformers 160. I think I know where the neural cluster is. The answer is... everywhere! Weird answer, but here's the explanation. As different Transformers transform into various types of machinery and vehicles, then the neural cluster is bound to be in different places. Ie: Where it would be best shielded and not easy to get to. Am I right or am I just a loony kid who's addicted to the best comic in the world – Transformers?
Cai Richard Feasby,

Personally, I reckon you're just a loony kid who's addicted to Transformers. But since that's no bad thing, I'll forgive you. This debate about neural clusters has got out of hand. They're at the back of the neck... in all Transformers. Okay?

Issue 169

Back in Transformers 151, on this very page, a kid named Andrew Grant offered to conduct the 1987 Transformers readers' poll. Categories ranged from Best Autobot to Best Artist, taking in aspects of that year's stories, covers and features. Andrew has correlated all the hundreds of votes he received and the result can be seen below. Thanks for your help... and for the extra category!

Dear Grimlock,
This is the moment you've all been waiting for. Here are the results of the 1987 TRANSFORMERS AWARDS: Best Autobot – Rodimus Prime; Best Decepticon – Galvatron; Best Supporting Character – Death's Head; Best StoryWanted Galvatron, Dead Or Alive; Best Cover – Issue 117; Best Writer – Simon Furman; Best Artist – Geoff Senior; Best Letterer – Richard Starkings; Best Colourist – Steve White; Best Back-up Story – Headmasters; Best Free Gift – Headmasters Data Scan; Best Competition – Headmasters Video Competition. And, so I don't get neuro-shocked, Best Dinobot – Grimlock. Hopefully, I'll be organising the voting for next year's awards, but – until then – go MAD (Mash A Decepticon)!
Andrew Grant,

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 160, the Ready Brek competition was on the back of the Grim Grams page. I had to cut out John Gatehouse's letter and most of your reply in order to enter the competition. Next time you have a competition in Transformers, please put it on the back of a page that doesn't matter!
Jamie White,

Okay, the next competition we run will be on the back of a poster of Optimus Prime!

Dear Grimlock,
I started reading Transformers at issue 85, but – over the past year or so – have come to realise that I should have started earlier. I must congratulate the Stubbies who draw the stories. I wish I could draw as well as them. From what I have seen of the story, Salvage, it looks as if it's going to be a winner. Can you put an A-Z of Jawkbreaker in the comic, As I like him very much (even though he's a Decepticon).
Howard Watson,

I've told you lot before – don't praise the Stubbies! It goes to their heads, y'know! As for an A-Z on Jawbreaker, you have but to wait for the advent of this year's Transformers Annual. There-in, you'll find A-Z entries on all the Seacons, including Jawbreaker. The Annual should hit the shops around September time.

Dear Grimlock,
How do the Dumb Stubbies get this comic looking so good? The Action Force story, Serpentor, is the best yet, and with the Seacons and the Pretenders in the lead strip, the Transformers story is really getting into top gear. Before I go, I'ld like to ask you a couple of questions. 1) When will Sky Lynx return to the comic? 2) When Action Force Montly comes out, will the Action Force strip still be running in this comic as well? By the way, don't be too hard on poor old Blaster!
Graham Clarke,

I often wonder how Transformers ends up looking so good. If you'd actually met the Stubbies (worthless bunch of bunglers that they are), you'd be amazed too. Sky Lynx will return in issue 178, along with those pathetic human kids, the Spacehikers. Action Force Monthly is out now, so – if you would be so good as to turn the page – you'll answer your own question.

Issue 170

Dear Grimlock,
Hi – it's me in 'vote for Goldbug as Autobot leader'. But I won't go into all that again, as it seemed to upset you last time. Anyway, to the matter in hand. When I opened issue 161, I could hardly believe my eyes. Optimus Prime was back! Just when I was thinking you were doomed, I turned to page 5 and saw it was just Shockwave fiddling about with Megatron's mind. You don't know how disappointed I was. I nearly broke down and cried. When, oh when, will Optimus Prime return? I am glad to see Ultra Magnus beat Galvatron for a change, and I can't wait to see what happens when Galvatron meets up with Megatron!
Andrew Parkinson,

Sadly, kid, you'll have to wait until this year's Transformers Annual to see what happens when Megatron and Galvatron clash. Believe me, it'll be worth the wait! Unfortunately, there's less time to wait for the honest-to-gosh return of Optimus Prime. He returns in issue 177. A word of warning, though. This is not the Optimus Prime many of you will remember. He's a changed Autobot, as you'll see soon enough.

Dear Grimlock,
How's it going? Have you read April 10th's Sunday Times; in particular the Arts and Leisure section, where they have a feature called 'Buzz'? It's sickening! They show the part of 160's story featuring Richard Branson. So what? I hear you cry. Well, I'll tell you. At the end of the article it says 'Will Richard beat the robots? Or will the Evil Decepticons reclaim their lost leader? For the answer, ask a six-year-old.' A six-year-old?! Are they mad? Please warn the Stubbies at the Sunday Times to watch what they say!
Saurabe Patel,
Isle of Wight

Richard Branson's appearance in Transformers provoked comment in several publications – Sunday Times, Time Out and New Musical Express – and though some of them were less than flattering about the Virgin Group's boss, it was nice to see this comic getting some media attention. I'm sure Transformers has many six-year-old readers in its wide age range, so the reviewer in the Sunday Times was probably just picking an age at random, not meaning to insult you older kids.

Dear Grimlock,
When we went to Norwich, I picked up a copy of The Real Ghostbusters to read on the train. There was a page in it about the TV programme, Surprise, Surprise (they had filmed part of the show at Marvel offices). The feature mentioned that Transformers writer, Simon Furman, and artist, Geoff Senior, were working on a dazzling new Marvel comic – DRAGON'S TEETH. So there you are, positive proof that not all the Stubbies are as dumb as you say they are!
Neville Cooper,

Though admittedly, DRAGON'S TEETH does feature some of Stubbies Furman and Senior's better work, I still reckon they both still qualify for the title Dumb Stubbie. If you met them, you'd feel the same way!

Issue 171

Dear Grimlock,
Shockwave, Swoop, Devastator, Predaking, Fortress Maximus and Blaster. What do all these characters have in common? I'll tell you. They're none of them available as toys here in the U.K! Now, in the past when fellow frustrated toy buyers have written in to ask why this is so, you've fobbed them off with a 'there are no plans to release so-and-so over here'. But Grimlock, old pal, you've never actually given us a reason why! Please, please put my mind at rest, so I don't go on thinking that the U.S Hasbro have a vendetta against us limeys!
Paul Kinnear,

It's not a question of vendettas, kid, it's more a matter of scale. The toy markets in America and Europe are substantially bigger than ours. Whereas they can cope with a range of seventy or more toys per year, such a number would flood the market over here. All Hasbro over here do is pare down the U.S range. Sadly, this means that some characters – such as those you mention – never reach our toyshops. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to congratulate the Stubbies on brining out a superb Spring Special. Crisis of Command was an excellent story. Of course, it couldn't fail to be, as it as drawn by Geoff Senior, whose art in parts one and two of the story was nothing short of spectacular. Thanks for this great Special, and for producing the best weekly comic in Britain!
Lee Brown, Birmingham.

Don't mention it, kid. And while we're on the subject of Specials, just a quick reminder that this year's Summer Special is currently on sale, reprinting no less than two classic Transformers adventures (Robot-Buster, from issues 59 and 60, and Kup's Story, from issue 132). It's on sale now, so don't miss it. Funnily enough, the Spring Special saw Stubbie Senior's first work on Transformers. I wonder if he was as pleased to see it again as you were?

Dear Grimlock,
I have recently started reading Transformers, and now know how good it really is! I've got a question to ask you. In Transformers: The Movie, Megatron is destroyed and rebuilt as Galvatron. but in Salvage (issues 160/161), both Megatron and Galvatron are around at the same time. How come?
Ben Williams,

It's a question of time travel. Megatron dies and is recreated as Galvatron in the year 2006 (in the movie). After the end of movie (issue 101), Galvatron time-jumps, returning to present day Earth. In this time, Megatron is still Megatron, so there are – to all intents and purposes – two Megatrons. One – this era's – calling himself Megatron, and the other – from 2006 – calling himself Galvatron. Clear? No, I didn't think it would be. Oh well, if you're feeling confused, just think how poor old Megatron will feel when he actually meets his future self in this year's Transformers Annual!

Issue 172

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 163, at the top of page 23, it says 'welcome to our nightmare.' I assume this is referring to issue 164's story, City Of Fear. since that story was certainly weird enough to be someone's nightmare. Does it mean the story is actually a Transformer's nightmare? If so, whose nightmare is it? If not, is it the editorial staff's nightmare? By the way, in issue 151, Death's Head offers the Creation Matrix to Unicron, having first removed it from Rodimus Prime's chest. By rights, Rodimus Prime should have reverted to Hot Rod. I know this because I watch the Transformers TV series on the Sky Channel.
Andrew Pancheri,
Milton Keynes.

Aaargh! Not that cursed TV series again! Wrong, wrong, wrong – that's all I have to say about the TV series! Cast your mind back to the movie, and you'll realise that Hot Rod was transformed into Rodimus Prime while just holding the Matrix. Rodimus Prime would have to be separated from the Matrix by some distance before reverting to Hot Rod. As for City Of fear, it was no-one's nightmare, except perhaps Stubbie Reed's, as he had to draw all those hundreds of robotic zombies!

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing about Transformers 164. It was fab! The idea of Transformer ghosts is fantastic. Has anything like this happened before on Cybertron? As for the Wreckers, they have probably gone to look for the Real Ghostbusters! Action Force is okay, but don't let it overrun the comic.
Ben Mirat,

Glad you enjoyed City Of Fear, kid. By now you'll have seen that they weren't really ghosts (as such), and that the Wreckers were Flame's prisoners at the time. Perhaps Ultra Magnus should consider signing up for the Real Ghostbusters!

Dear Grimlock,
The Salvage story was brilliant. It provoked several questions that I just have to ask. 1) When is Optimus Prime actually going to return properly? 2) Is Lord Straxus completely out of Megatron's mind. 3) When will Ultra Magnus have his final battle with Galvatron? 4) When will we see the Firecons in their robot modes, or haven't they got any?
Robert Bartlett,

Interesting. The Firecons weren't actually in the Salvage story, so why it prompted you to ask a question about them is beyond me! Nevertheless, here are your answers: 1) Issue 177 (sulk, grizzle, moan, whinge). 2) It sure looks that way, kid. Though of course we can't really be sure... can we? 3) It's coming. Have patience. 4) By now you'll have already seen the Firecons in robot mode (in issue 170/171's Deadly Games).

Dear Grimlock,
I have put your theory to the test and proved conclusively that it works. At first, no-one at school liked Transformers, but – after reading your advice – I got them to actually sit down and read the comic. Many changed their minds and now love the comic. I have just two questions: 1) When will we be seeing Metroplex? 2) When will we see the Duocons? I think it's a great idea having Transformers and Action Force in the same comic!
Steve McCollum,

I never doubted for moment that it would work, kid! Let's have more of you kids spreading the word about how good Transformers is to your friends. You, Steve, are hereby awarded an honest-to-gosh, official 'Grimlock pat on the back' for your efforst. The Duocons you've seen, and Metroplex will be along in due course

Issue 173

A column on this issue's Transformation page notes that the Marvel offices have relocated to a different premises, referencing that the new address had already appeared on the previous issue's Grim Grams and that "[n]o longer are we Stubbies (as Grimlock is wont to call us) stuck out in the wilds of Bayswater."

Dear Grimlock,
I feel that your comic is getting better every week with the introduction of new Transformers, but I am still wondering where many of the old characters have gone. Right, onto the questions: 1) In issue 164's story, we saw a helicopter flying alongside Flywheels. Was this his Duocon partner, Battletrap? 2) In the same issue, Magnus hits Flywheels with a girder, knocking him out of the sky and back into robot mode. How could this happen? You can't transform the toy of Flywheels without his tank mode as well. 3) What does the Pretender, Groundbreaker, transform into, and when will he be available in the shops?
Max Lloyd.

Fear not, kid, those 'old characters' you mention make a reappearance in issues 174 and 175. The helicopter in issue 164 was indeed Battletrap, and though – in toy form – Duocons need both forms to effect their transformation to robot mode, in real life, they are more like triple-changers. The Pretender, Groundbreaker, transforms into a futuristic car. Sadly, the toy of Groundbreaker is unlikely to be released over here. It remains solely part of the U.S. range of toys. Sorry 'bout that!

Dear Grimlock,
Well, what can I say? Transformers just goes from strength to strength! The action is really hotting up; what with the arrival of the Seacons and the Sparkler mini-bots, the return of Ultra Magnus and Galvatron (with Galvatron actually getting beaten up for a change), the return of Megatron and Optimus Prime (albeit as a computer generated image), and finally, the debut of the most exciting new Transformers of all – Pretenders! By the way, thanks for the great free sticker in issue 162! One bad thing, though. You're not in it enough, Grimlock. I can't wait to see you beat up Sky Lynx. He deserves it!
Richard Evans,

He certainly does, but whether he'll actually get one remains to be seen. Though Blaster is my captive, Sky Lynx and the humans escaped. You can see my battle with Blaster in issues 174 and 175, and the return of Sky Lynx in issues 178 and 179. Glad to see you approve of what's been happening recently in Transformers and liked the free Pretenders sticker!

Dear Grimlock,
The Pretenders look to be one of the most exciting groups in Transformers history. I enjoyed their debut in issues 162 and 163 immensely. Could you tell me if, when a Pretender divides, his outer shell can still continue to function? Also, are Splashdown, Sky High, Groundbreaker, Bugly, Iguanus and Finback made up characters? Oh yeah, what happened to the reinforcements Springer promised the Sparkler mini-bots back in issues 152/153?
Leon Altham,

I dunno, U just don't understand what you kids see in these new fangled Transformers! Headmasters, Pretenders... what happened to good, honest, down-to-earth, normal Transformers? Anyway, as far as I can see, the outer shell ceases to function after it has divided and the Transformer inside has emerged. The characters you mention are actual Transformers, but their toy versions are only available in America. As you'll be now have seen, Springer and the Wreckers took a personal interest in Galvatron's rampage on Earth. In other words, they were the reinforcements!

Issue 174

Dear Grimlock,
I am just about fed up to the back teeth (not to mention the front ones) with you! I've written in four times to complain about the letters page, and you haven't published one of them. I ought to hire RAAT (Rapid Anti-robot Assault Team) to sort you out. What am I talking about? I'll tell you. Not only are you a useless letter answerer, but the Autobots have had control of the letters page for too long. You took over in issue 74, right? Double that, and you get 148, right? Well then, that means you've overstayed your welcome on this page by several issues. If you don't turn this page over to Scorponok, you'll regret it!
Simon Ferguson,

Charming! That's what happens when you put yourself out for people (I don't do this job for my benefit, y'know?) – they throw it back in your face! I've a good mind to pass the page onto Scorponok and see how he likes reading through hundreds of letters a week!

Dear Grimlock,
After reading Doctor Who 135 and issue's 165's Transformation page, I have come to the conclusion that Death's Head (easily Marvel's greatest character) will be featured in the upcoming Dragon's Claws comic. Y'see, in the Doctor Who story, Death's Head is sent through time to Earth's future (the year 8162 to be exact). Now, Earth 8162 – as issue 165's Transformation page informed us – is also the setting for Dragon's Claws. A coincidence? I don't think so. Please let me be proved right by telling me whether or not Death's Head will be appearing in Dragon's Claws!
Paul Stafford,

Issue 167's Dragon's Claws feature and the accompanying Death's Head story should have left you in no doubt that Death's Head will indeed be featured in Dragon's Claws (issue 5 to be precise). But... that's only the beginning! I'll say no more for the moment, but you Death's Head fans out there would do well to watch upcoming Transformation pages for news of Marvel's beloved bounty-hunter!

Dear Grimlock,
I'm writing to give the people at Hasbro a good idea. Why not bring out Transformers in their original Cybertronian forms? Like in the latest Annual, where we see Swoop's original robot/jet forms. I think these older forms are fantastic and would make great toys. Hopefully many other fans will agree with me!
Philip Bowen,
London SW11.

Aww come one! Don't you think there are enough Transformers toys about without doubling the number! And anyway, I don't think I want a toy of the original me wandering around. I think you should be content with me as I am!

Dear Grimlock,
I have just read issue 166 and I thought it was fab! On the Grim Grams page, Barry Collard wrote in to say that he'd seen Optimus Prime on the back of Snap Trap's box, and that the illustration hda shown a man in armour coming out of Prime's chest. I was in a toy shop recently and I saw some new Transformers toys called Powermasters. Instead of Nebulans that transform into their heads or guns, these have Nebulans that transform into the engines of their vehicle modes. So I reckon the new Optimus Prime is a Powermaster.
Chris Davey,

You can find out if you're right in issue 177.

Issue 175

Dear Grimlock,
In issue 164 I was surprised to see Kup's head lying on the ground in ruins on pages 7 & 8. Can this really be the Kup we know and love, or was it a mistake? I have a few more questions for you. Who is the Autobot on pages 1 & 2 of City Of Fear... or rather, who was he? What has happened to Ratbat and his merry crew since they blasted off from Earth in issue 159? What has happened to you, Blaster and the other Autobots?

Though the head in question clearly resembles Kup's head, it isn't actually his (I'm assured Kup's head is still firmly attached to his shoulders). The Autobot minus his chest and most of his back on pages 1 & 2 of issue 164 was called Chuffer. As you'll by now have seen, all groups of Autobots and Decepticons are now accounted for.

Dear Grimlock,
I think the comic has improved in leaps and bounds since the inclusion of Action Force. I reckon you should do future A-Z entries from the year 2008. I've a couple of questions for you. 1) IN the comic, the Nebulans have human faces, but in the cartoon series they are green. Which is right? 2) Will you be featuring Action Force for good, or will we be seeing a new back-up strip in the near future?
Aaron Power,

How many times have I told you kids? Don't pay any attention to what they do in the cartoon series. What you see here in the comic is right, what you see in the cartoon series is wrong. Simple, eh? That said, when in their battle armour, Nebulans sometimes have coloured facemasks over their human-like features (as in the case of Nightstick and Fracas in the recent Wrecking Havoc story). In time you'll see a new back-up strip, but not for the moment.

Dear Grimlock,
I advise you to warm up the V.V.H (Variable Voltage Harness). Why? Well, I thought you'd like to know that Action Force Stubbie, Kev Hopgood, has been working for... 2000 AD! Yes, I know I shouldn't read it, but I do sometimes sneak a peek at it. He'll probably say he didn't do it, but who else would sign themselves Kev Hopgood?
Robert Sherfield,

Thankfully, kid, Stubbie Hopgood has evidently seen the error of his ways (I didn't even have to turn the V.V.H on!), and is currently hard at work drawing Galaxy Rangers and Doctor Who for Marvel. The Stubbies may occasionally stray, but they soon come back.

Dear Grimlock,
I have just seen the new look Optimus Prime and I'm wondering whether he's coming back as present day or future Autobot Commander. My guess is he's going to be the new Autobot Commander of 2008, and Rodimus Prime will be transformed back to Hot Rod.
Robert Kidel,

Though Optimus Prime is set to return in this era, I'm going to do my best to see that he doesn't become Autobot leader!
The first letter was printed without attribution.

Issue 176

Dear Grimlock,
Here is a puzzle for you. I am a Dinobot. I hate Blaster. I can transform into the likeness of a dinosaur named Tyrannosaurus Rex. I present the letters page in Transformers. Who am I?
Douglas Grannell.


Dear Grimlock,
I think Optimus Prime's binary bonded Nebulan companion will turn out to be Ethan Zachary. Am I right? Also, is Hot Rod's Nebulan companion called Sparks or Firebolt? I've a couple of other questions for you: 1) Who is the present day Autobot leader? Is it you or Emirate Xaaron? 2) Whose was the ghostly face on issue 166's front cover?
Graham Stanford,
Hemel Hempstead.

You contradict yourself, kid. There's no way Ethan Zachary could be Prime's Nebulan companion. He could be his binary-bonded human companion (as in the case of Spike Witwicky and Fortress Maximus), but that's all. Are you right? I suggest you read next issue's story. Frankly, why any Transformer would want to bond himself to a feeble human or Nebulan is beyond me! Hot Rod's Nebulan companion calls himself Firebolt. The present day Autobot leader is yours truly, though I believe Emirate Xaaron likes to think he rules on Cybertron. Flame's face was the ghostly image on issue 166's cover.

Dear Grimlock,
I would like to congratulate you on your excellent Action Force story. The Dumb Stubbies have really been outdoing themselves of late. Right, could you answer me some Action Force questions? 1) In The Battle of Springfield (pt.3), did Zap get out of the tunnel before it exploded? 2) When will wee see some new Action Force personnel, like Low-Light, Lifeline, and Tunnel Rat? 3) What is Low-Light's file name?
Trevor Charlie,
Milton Keynes.

Right, it's the return of Warrant Officer Grimlock. Zap – in common with the rest of the Cobra operatives present at Springfield when Action Force invaded – made it safely to Cobra Island. Low-Light (file name: MacBridge, Cooper G.), Lifeline and Tunnel Rat will all be appearing in due course, either here in Transformers or over in Action Force Monthly. Okay, it's back to civilian life for me...

Dear Grimlock,
I live in New Zealand, and would like to point out to other readers of Transformers that characters such as Blaster, Perceptor and the Predacons are available in toy form over here, as well as in America!
Nigel Steele,
Orewa HBC,
New Zealand.

Wonderful! Hear that kids? Now, if you can't get to America, you need only pop over to New Zealand (a mere 10,000 miles or so!!). Sheesh!

Dear Grimlock,
I'm writing to complain about the answer you gave to John Butcher's letter on issue 167's Grim Grams page. Instead of telling him when the Headmasters video was set (it is set after Transformers: The Movie as a matter of fact), you just criticised the cartoon series, which I think is really good. I think that there should be more episodes of the Transformers cartoon series on video, preferably ones set after the movie.
Omar Rahman,
London N4.

There had to be one I suppose!

Issue 177

Dear Grimlock,
When, back in February, I heard that Action Force was coming to its 50th and final issue, I was – to say the least – disappointed. But, when I saw that it was joining Transformers, I was overjoyed. I hadn't read Transformers since issue 74, and lot had changed in the intervening issues. For issues 153 – 156 I read the Action Force story first. But then the Headmasters story started hotting up and Optimus Prime and Megatron made their reappearance (two familiar faces from the past). Soon I was reading the excellent Transformers story first, then turning to the less excellent Action Force strip!
Anthony Foody,

That'll teach ya to stop reading Transformers. I hate to tell you this, but you missed some pretty incredible stories between issues 74 and 153. No matter, you can make up for this normally unforgivable lapse by spreading the word about how good Transformers is to your friends. Welcome back, kid!

Dear Grimlock,
After reading issue 167's story (Legion Of The Lost, pt 2), I thought I'd ask you some questions. Near the end of the story, Impactor speaks. Was this Flame's computer speaking, or had Impactor broken his zombie state and spoken as a living robot? If it was the latter, does this mean Impactor will live again? I've just had a thought. When the Earth-based Autobots meet the Headmasters, will they get them to use Nebulans to control dead Transformers?
Robert Bartlett,

Impactor did manage to reassert some of his personality, though I imagine it can't have been very pleasant for him. As you will by now have seen, Impactor gave his life a second time to save the Autobots and Cybertron. What a bloke! To be honest, kid, I reckon any Transformer who binary bonds with a Nebulan is already dead – from the neck up!

Dear Grimlock,
This is the third time I've written to you. I wrote once when that walking tape recorder was in charge of the letters page, and onec soon after you took over. The reason I'm writing to you this time is to find out if you and other readers saw Coronation Street on Monday, May 23rd. When Emily Bishop was talking to Rita and Mavis in the paper shop, a certain comic was taking pride of place behind Emily's head. You guessed it – it was Transformers! I think I must ask you to promote the Dumb Stubbies to just Stubbies for their work on the Legacy Of Unicron story. I especially liked the artwork and colouring in parts 1 & 2. I like the idea of Transformers joining up with Action Force, but have so far been unable to find a copy of Action Force Monthly.
John Williams,
London NW9.

Transformers on Coronation Street, eh? I'm not sure this is exactly an honour, but – as they say – any publicity is good publicity. Your powers of vigilance do you credit, kid. Mind you, I suppose there's not a lot else to occupy your mind while watching Coronation Street. This call to promote the people who work on Transformers from Dumb Stubbies to just Stubbies is being completely ignored. Just thought I'd mention that, so you kids can save your breath. By now, issue 2 and maybe 3 of Action Force Monthly should be on sale. You must be looking in the wrong places, kid.

Issue 178

A bizarrely mean-spirited column in Transformation this issue marks the departure of designer John Tomlinson and the incoming redesign of the comic by quoting Grimlock, who "doesn't know exactly who Tomlinson was. According to him, "Stubbie Tomlinson got the work done, but I can't say I really remember what he looked like.""

Dear Grimlock,
Could you tell me if Sunstreaker is going to return when all the other old Transformers do? They said in the 86/87 Annual that there was little chance of survival! Also, are Blaster's cassettes going to feature in the comic?
Regan Kirby,

Blaster's cassettes – Steeljaw, Rewind, Eject and Ramhorn – make their debut appearance in Transformers in issue 183. Sunstreaker did make a reappearance in issue 174. Trouble is, he was injured in issue 175. Them's the breaks, I suppose.

Dear Grimlock,
My dumb brother gets The Real Ghostbusters comic, and it's just as well as he does. If he didn't, I wouldn't have noticed this disgusting fact. A boy named Ben Blackwell wrote in to The Real Ghostbusters saying that – in addition to this comic – he also got Transformers, and that Transformers is a real 'pool of ecto-slime' compared to The Real Ghostbusters. I think you should have a word with Ben Blackwell!
Marc Wilson,

To be honest, I don't think one word will suffice. As it is, I'm warming up the Variable Voltage Harness! A pool of ecto-slime indeed!

Dear Grimlock,
Can you clear up a bit of confusion over your co-feature, Action Force, for me? In a comics catalogue I noticed that there was a new UK distributed comic called GI Joe European Missions. Is this just another name for Action Force Monthly?
Andrew Dornan,

GI Joe European Missions is just the American name for Action Force Monthly. Same comic, different name.

Dear Grimlock,
Don't think you can just get away with this! I'm talking about the Inhumanoids. It was the best back-up strip you've ever had and you just stopped it dead. Why? Mind you, since you stopped Inhumanoids, I've managed to get the Inhumanoids video. It was great to see the rest of the story in video form, but I'd still like to see the conclusion to the comic strip version. From the end of the video, it seems likely there's going to be Inhumanoids II. Is this the case?
Hashim Yilmaz,

As we mentioned at the time – over a year ago now (you kids really know how to bear a grudge, don't you) – the decision to abruptly terminate the Inhumanoids story was not taken by us. The strip was produced in the U.S and just printed in Transformers. When they stopped producing it (without warning, I might add), we had to stop printing it. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to see the conclusion in video form. I don't know if there are any plans to release a sequel. If I find out there are, I'll let you know.

Issue 179

Dear Grimlock,
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Grim Grams, Happy Birthday to you! Did you know that issue 174 was Grim Grams' hundredth Birthday? Just think, you've been employed for a hundred weeks! Isn't that great? A week or so ago I want to a friend's house and he gave me two old issues of Transformers (issue 2 and issue 54). In issue 54's Your Choice feature, it mentioned 'Best Calendar', and in issue 2 it had a Databank. Will you be doing these features again?
David Milford,

Actually, kid, issue 174 did not mark Grim Grams' hundredth Birthday, as – over the last couple of years – there have been one or two issues that were (unforgivably) Grim Gramless. However, by the time this sees print, we will have clocked up the magic hundred! So ta for the Birthday message, kid. A hundred issues, eh? Might well be time to pass the letter answering mantle onto someone else!! Data Base is unlikely to return (having been succeeded by bigger and better things), and as for Calendars... well, what do you other readers think? Monthly Transformers calendars for 1989? Let me know.

Dear Grimlock,
Warning! Warning! Warning! A mistake in issue 168! On page four you clearly see Flame has an Autobot insignia on his chest, but – on page 10, boxes 4 and 6 – the insignia has vanished. Apart from this little mistake, I think Meltdown is Ace and Brill!
M. Thaung,

Hmmm... time to introduce Stubbie Smith to the Variable Voltage Harness, I think.

Dear Grimlock,
I am glad to say that your comic is the best! Until issue 168 I never really looked at the Action Force story. But then, as I was flicking through to get to next week's story outline, I saw some brill pictures and decided to read the story. I thought it was very good and am now hooked on both parts of your great comic. Keep up the good work in both stories.
Christopher Jones,

In common with many other readers, you have discovered what I knew all along. If we didn't think our back-up strip was (almost) as good as our lead strip, we wouldn't put it in Transformers. We have your best interests at heart, y'know!

Dear Grimlock,
I am a big fan of Tranformers and have just read – and enjoyed immensely – Legion Of The Lost. I'd definitley have fought back. In issue 166 you said Optimus Prime was coming back as a Headmaster. Will he be coming back now, or in the future?
Filippo Fava,

We never said Optimus Prime would be coming back as a Headmaster, kid, we just said he'd have a Nebulan companion. As you will have seen, Prime is (unfortunately) back, but as a Powermaster. The City Of Fear, Legion Of The Lost and Meltdown storyline proved to be one of the most popular among recent stories. Glad to see you enjoyed it too.

Issue 180

Dear Grimlock,
Your comic is absolutely brill! But there's one thing wrong with it. There's not enough of it. 24-pages a week only leaves me wanting more. I've got a question for you. Who is going to command the future Decepticons now that Shockwave is dead and Cyclonus and Scourge are stranded on present day Earth? I reckon it's going to be Soundwave. Am I right?
Joel Fine,
London W13.

You can find out in issue 184, in part three of our latest, greatest future shocker, Space Pirates. You'll hate yourself if you miss an episode of this one!

Dear Grimlock,
Whilst reading the Action Force story, Snap Decisions, in issue 170, I spotted a mistake. When Cobra Commander was shaking Xamot, Xamot said – 'I'm Xamot, Cobra Commander... Tomax is the one without the scar.' Then, in the top left hand corner picture on the next page, it said – 'Tomax to seige sniper teams...' and Tomax had a scar. Can you explain?
Robert Debbage,

Evidently Tomax and Xamot (little scamps that they are) were seeking to confuse Cobra Commander. I think they managed to confuse just about everyone else (themselves included) as well.

Dear Grimlock,
I would just like to say issue 170 was terrible! I don't mind about the price increase, I don't even mind that we haven't seen you kill Blaster yet, but what really gets me is the picture of the new Optimus Prime's head on the TransFormation page!I know he's going to become a Headmaster, or whatever, but those bits on the side make him look ridiculous. It almost makes him look as stupid as you!
Nicholas Porter,

This is evidently the recurring fate of the letter answerer. Somebody's not happy about something over which he has no control, and who gets bad-mouthed? He does! Sigh...

Dear Grimlock,
I was reading an article in The Sun newspaper about racism in childrens' comics and found this statement – 'the committee also sees Masters Of The Universe, Transformers and Gobots as symbols of white male domination.' I mean, I can't find a speck of white on you, and Arcee's a woman, isn't she? Do something about this before it all gets out of hand, please. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Jason Hotchkin,

Don't fret, kid. The quote was probably from the same type of people who have branded the children's nursery rhyme, Baa Baa Black sheep, as being racist. Some humans, it seems, look for a cause to champion in the weirdest places!

Issue 181

Dear Grimlock,
I have been collecting Transformers since issue 47. I bought Collected Comics 6 (the Wrath of Guardian/Grimlock storyline) because I did not have it in comic form, and wanted to see the stories I'd missed before issue 47. But then I noticed that the next Collected Comics reprinted Dinobot Hunt, from issues 47-50. So what happened to the stories inbetween? I was looking forward to seeing the saga of Jetfire and the Constructicons, and Shockwave taking Optimus Prime's head. Will these stories ever see print. By the way, where's Geoff Senior's artwork gone to these days?
John Swinney,
Rowlands Gill.

The Collected Comics series tends to reprint selected stories, rather than the whole lot. The Stubbies try and select the very best stories for the Specials. But who knows, it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that the stories you mention – and others we missed out – will eventually see print. Stubbie Senior is busy on Dragon's Claws. You can see his artwork therein every month.

Dear Grimlock,
I have just started collecting Transformers at issue 165. It is a brill comic, and I'm glad I gave up The Real Ghostbusters comic to collect it. I have finally found a copy or Action Force Monthly. That too is a good comic. Can you tell me if Sky Lynx is a Dinobot and if Metroplex will be appearing in the comic.
Conor O'Neill,

No sacrifice is too great when the reward is a weekly dose of Transformers action and excitement. Well done, kid – I'm proud of you. Sky Lynx is most certainly NOT a Dinobot! The very thought! Metroplex makes his debut appearance in issue 186.

Dear Grimlock,
Wow! Issues 160 upwards have been brilliant! Salvage was great. I loved Oppy's cameo appearance. Pretender To The Throne introduced the excellent new Pretender characters, but where did the volunteers come from? They weren't on Nebulos during the Headmasters story. The Flame versus the rest of Cybertron trilogy started with the okay City Of Fear, improved with Legion of The Lost, and ended brilliantly with Meltdown. A couple of questions: 1) Is the Return Of Optimus Prime video set in the future or the present day? 2) Will Op's Powermaster incarnation appear in his future or present day return story. By the way, kill the Spacehikers will you?
Mark Clapham.

The Return Of Optimus Prime is set in the future, but his new Powermaster version makes its first appearance in this year. I guess all these Transformers that kept popping up to volunteer for this process or that process must have been in hiding all this time (sheesh!). Kill the Spacehikers? Nothing would give me greater pleasure!

Issue 182

Handkerchiefs at the ready, kids. THIS IS THE LAST GRIM GRAMS! Please, please – no untoward expressions of grief, this is not a sad occasion. After a hundred or more Grim Grams pages I'm more than ready to hand over the letter answering chores to another Transformer. You can't believe how difficult it's been getting the Dumb Stubbies to forward your letters to the moon (where – through no fault of my own – I'm currently based). I'll be back on Earth next week to officially hand over the page. Who's taking over? You can find out in seven days' time. Seeya kids, I'd like to say it's been fun, but why end on a lie? (Just kiddin').

Dear Grimlock,
I am writing to say how well your comic is put together. The pairing with Action Force is great. They are both full of action. I collect Transformers, Thundercats and Visionaries. Of course, my favourite is Transformers. You may think your Dumb Stubbies are bad, but in Thundercats they once told us that Thunder Chat was on one page, and it was actually on another. It's nice to know that your Stubbies aren't alone in the world. I'll say it once again – Transformers is the best comic in history.
David Harvey,

I won't dispute that, kid. And if you're a fan of Visionaries, our choice of new back-up strip should meet with your approval. Stubbies are the same the comic world wide. Some – mentioning no names – are just worse than others.

Dear Grimlock,
As a regular Transformers reader, I could not miss your advertisements for the upcoming Dragon's Teeth comic. I decided to try it out and couldn't find a copy anywhere. My Mum finally managed to find a copy, but – instead of Dragon's Teeth, it was called DRAGON'S CLAWS. Inside were the same characters (Dragon, Steel, Mercy, Digit and Scavenger) and the same creative team (Simon Furman, writer, Geoff Senior, artist, Steve White, colourist). I was even more puzzled when I saw that the mini-comic published in Transformers was named Dragon's Claws. Please, please explain.
Peter Oxley,

The Teeth/Claws last minute switch seems to have confused a few kids. The fact is, the comic was originally going to be called Dragon's Teeth. Circumstances beyond the Stubbies' control meant that it had to be changed to Dragon's Claws at the last minute. Rest assured, the comic is every bit as wonderful as Dragon's Claws as it was as Dragon's Teeth (it says here).

Dear Grimlock,
I was reading The Real Ghostbusters comic the other day and I saw an advertisement for the Powermasters. Please can you tell me which planet they come from, and is the mini figure (which transforms into the Powermaster's engine) a human or a robot? When will they be in the comic?
Jason Kennedy,

You'll have already met the Powermasters (the Autobots; Getaway, Slapdash and Joyride, and the Decepticons; Darkwing and Dreadwind) in issues 176 & 177. All your questions, therefore, should have been answered. Odd coincidence that you should mention the Powermasters, what with a change of letter answerer in the offing...!

Issue 183

With the comic undergoing a facelift, the Transformation section proudly touted all its new-look features, ending with:

There's even – shock, horror – a new Transformer answering your letters. More on this below!

This directed readers to the following column:

When we last saw the letters page change hands (when Soundwave passed the job less than graciously to Grimlock and Soundwaves became Grim Grams – back in issue 74) we showed the change-over in a special Robo-Capers story. This time is no exception. There's a one-page Robo-Capers to be found on page 16 of this issue. Who is the new letter answerer? You can find out by turning to that page. Then, may we suggest you check out page 23 for more details on the new letters page and the address to send your letters to. A new era of Transformers greatness has begun. Make sure you don't miss an issue by palcing a regular order. There's an order coupon on page 15. Oh yeah, just enough space to mention that our latest, greatest Transformer story, Space Pirates, continues on the very next page. The Quintessons begin their war with the Transformers – and how!

The full-page Robo-Capers strip, titled "The Wind of Change!" depicted Dreadwind's takeover as host from Grimlock. The comic ended with Dreadwind collapsed in a pile of Grimlock's suitcases, with the comic encouraging readers to flip to the inside back cover to find out their contents. The following appeared alongside Dreadwind and Hi-Test's new letters page masthead:


It's all right, humans – this doesn't entail bad news! Quite the opposite, in fact. I'm Dreadwind, Decepticon Powermaster and all-round bad guy. I'm taking over from that oaf Grimlock on the letters page, so at last you'll get some decent answers to your questions. Those suitcases Grimlock left behind him were full of your letters! He was going to leave me with nothing to answer for the first few weeks! Anyway, forget about that prehistoric plodder for now (even though I'll be answering letters addressed to him for the first few Dread Tidings pages). Helping me out with the letter answering chores will be my Nebulan companion, Hi-Test. That's him holding up the envelope, with our address on it. Send your letters in now. We're both waiting to hear from you!

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