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Speeder is an Autobot Micromaster from the Zone portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.

Speeder (スピーダー Supīdā) is the Micromaster partner and son to the Autobot Dai Atlas, and helps him fend off the Nine Great Demon Generals.



Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

Zone story pages

During a crash course on all the things that made Dai Atlas awesome, Speeder was introduced as his son. Zone Part 8

Later, when the specifications of Big Powered were on display, Speeder was shown as getting to sit in the pilot's seat. Nepotism at work, kids. Zone Part 10


When Star Saber learned of Lio Convoy's son Lio Junior, he remarked that his good friend Dai Atlas had a son as well, referring to Speeder. Robotmasters Story #7

Legends comic

When the Powered Masters' bodies possessed by Violengiguar attacked Zone, Speeder was seen operating a Micro Trailer in defense of his world. LG-EX Big Powered Prologue Part One He was later seen with Sonic and Drillbuster as their fathers defended Zone against the arrival of Star Giant. Sonic Bomber Chapter They looked on as the power of many Zodiac fragments was used to restore the damage done to Zone by the single fragment wielded by Star Giant. Roadfire Chapter

Generations Selects Special Comic

Speeder was present on Planet Z when it was invaded by the Golden Age of the Precursor World. Abominus comic 2

2019 IDW continuity

EscapePartFour Speeder.jpg

Speeder was an old associate of Dai Atlas, fighting by his side in the battle that felled Abominus. Escape Part Three When Atlas later went immersant, Speeder took custody of his friend's sword.

Following the Decepticon takeover of the Senate, Speeder heard that Atlas had emerged and brought his old friend his sword back. Though Atlas initially refused the blade, he changed his mind when the Insecticon clones advanced on them. Escape Part Four Speeder fought alongside the Great General once again until the Insecticons destroyed most of their forces by eating through an Ark. With Straxxus having taken another Ark, Speeder questioned what was to be done with the only operational ship that remained in Darkmount. Escape Part Five


Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

So white, it can't be right. (Slightly yellowed sample shown.)
  • Dai Atlas (Powered Master, 1990)
  • ID number: C-348
Zone Speeder transforms into a Corvette Indy (or CERV III?) concept car.
He was only available with his larger partner Dai Atlas, who has numerous gimmicks intended for Speeder and other Micromasters.

  • Big Powered (Multi-pack, 1990)
  • ID number: C-353
All three Powered Masters (Dai Atlas, Sonic Bomber, and Road Fire) as well as their Micromaster partners (Speeder, Sonic, and Drillbuster) were also available in a great big gift set. All of the toys in this set are identical to their individual releases.
This set is particularly expensive on the secondary market today, being pretty late-run (thanks to Roadfire's late release) at a time when Transformers had already seriously started to wane in sales and popularity.


Transformers Gum

  • Roadfire (2012)
  • Accessories: Cannon, Z Powered Cutter, Speeder
Released as part of the sixth wave of Kabaya's 2009 series of Transformers Gum standard model kits, Speeder is a very tiny non-transforming car molded in a single piece and is included with the larger Roadfire kit. He can interact with the base modes of the concurrently-released Big Powered Kabaya kits.


  • Speeder has basically no deco whatsoever. While all three Powered Master partners have no paint applications, Speeder is the only one to not even get a crummy windshield decal.
  • When Dai Atlas was redecoed as the "Gōryū" mechanoid in Takara's 1993 Brave Express Might Gaine toyline, Speeder was included as well. However, Speeder only appeared in the anime as a non-transforming car, which the pilot used to control Gōryū.
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