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Star Destroyer

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Star Destroyers are starships used by the Empire in Star Wars.
"The ship is too big. If I walk, the movie will be over!"

Star Destroyers are monstrously imposing warships used by the Empire. These vessels possess a fearsome array of weaponry, hangars chock full of TIE Fighters, and entire legions of Stormtroopers all ready to enact the will of the Empire. If these ships were not powerful enough, one such Star Destroyer can be transformed into a titanic Darth Vader robot via the power of the dark side of the force.



Star Wars Transformers

Shortly after making their famed completion of the Kessel Run in just under twelve parsecs, Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca are discovered by an Imperial Star Destroyer which immediately began pursuing them. Determined not to be captured so easily, Han and Chewie use one of the more recent modifications to the Falcon. Now able to split into not one, but two heavily armed attack robots, They released a barrage of missiles upon the Star Destroyer, likely destroying or crippling it.[1]

Anakin Skywalker possessed a large mech which could transform into an enormous Jedi Cruiser. When Anakin was seduced by the Dark Side and converted into a Sith Lord, his mech's alternate mode was reconfigured into a Star Destroyer.[2]


Star Wars Transformers

Crossovers-toy AnakinVader.jpg
  • Darth Vader to Star Destroyer (2011)
    • Accessories: 2 blue lightsabers, red lightsaber, 2 missiles, 2 hull halves
The sole 'Class III' toy released in the 2011 revival of Star Wars Transformers, The figure can change between Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader personas via a rotating assembly in his abdomen. The ship can transform into both a Star Destroyer or a Republic Attack Cruiser (called a Jedi Cruiser on the box), however the toy is both a heavy shellformer AND a partformer as large chunks of one ship's shell need to be detached and reattached elsewhere to form the other.
The Star Destroyer mode features buttons on top that activate lights and various sound effects. The Star Destroyer mode is supported by a structure that is the bridge of the Republic Attack Cruiser mode and therefore can launch projectiles from the very bottom of its base.


  • Within the Star Wars universe, this Star Destroyer model is known as an Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The "Republic Attack Cruiser" is also a type of Star Destroyer called a Venator-class Star Destroyer, and serves as a predecessor to the Imperial-class Star Destroyer.


  1. Star Wars Transformers Millennium Falcon packaging bio
  2. Transformers Crossovers Anakin/Vader Class III figure packaging bio

External links

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