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Teletraan-1 (Cyberverse)

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The name or term "Teletraan" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Teletraan (disambiguation).
Teletraan-1 is a computer from the Cyberverse continuity family.
"They're all dead. Everybody's dead, Davimus Prime."

Teletraan-1 is the computer that assists the Autobots in operating the Ark.



Cyberverse cartoon

Voice actor: Tony Daniels (English), Mario Scarabelli (Italian), Bernd Egger (German first voice), Christoph Banken (German second voice), Antonio Fernández Muñoz (Castilian Spanish), Óscar Garibay (Latin-American Spanish), Tiaggo Guimarães (Brazilian Portuguese), Jean-Marc Amé (French)

Teletraan-1 was the main computer aboard the Ark. Its primary directive was to assist in the search for the AllSpark, Sabotage but scanning for energon deposits to refuel the Autobots was also a function of the computer. When the crew went into stasis due to energon shortages, Teletraan-1 was left to operate the ship autonomously. The Journey

When the Ark was damaged and re-entering Earth's atmosphere, Teletraan-1 re-activated Grimlock in an attempt to salvage the situation; when he was blown overboard through a hull breach, Teletraan-1 activated one of its emergency data backup drones, Teletraan-X, to preserve the ship's data stores and to provide assistance to any crew who survived the crash. After informing the drone of its mission, Teletraan-1 ejected it from the crashing ship. King of the Dinosaurs Teletraan-1 was drained of power and deactivated, allowing Teletraan-X to take his place as the Ark computer. Eruption


  • Cyberverse is inconsistent on the name's pronunciation; some characters rhyme the last syllable with "can" while others rhyme it with "khan".

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Teletraan-1 (テレトラン1 Teretoran Wan)
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