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The Commander's Birthday

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Transformers Go! Go!
print issue 10
web issue 9
collected issue 15
Go!Go! ep9.jpg
"The Commander's Birthday"
(Shireikan no Otanjōbi)
Publisher Kodansha
Published in TV Magazine
First published December 25, 2021
Cover date February/March 2022
Manga Haruka Oda
Editor Minoko

It's Optimus Prime's birthday!



It's Optimus Prime’s birthday, but Bumblebee doesn’t know what kind of gift he’d like! Bumblebee nearly gets devoured by Wheeljack’s carnivorous plant, Grimlock’s appetite gets the better of him and he winds up eating his own energon cube, and Jazz suggests writing a song. Ratchet provides some sensible advice—it’s the thought behind the gift that really counts. Although Bumblebee doesn’t go with Ratchet’s suggestion of “nutrition juice”, he does wind up baking an enormous, Optimus Prime-shaped cake for all of the Autobots to enjoy.

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(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


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