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The Cool Extra issue 2

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Transformers Animated:
The Cool
Extra #2
Publisher Kadokawa
Published in Kerokero Ace #40
First published February 26, 2011
Cover date April 2011
Manga by Naoto Tsushima

Team Athenia takes on a Rock Lord, unaware that they're being observed.



Guarding an asteroid-based space bridge, Rodimus and Team Athenia find themselves under attack from a Rock Lord. As Rodimus attempts to formulate a plan to reason with the rampaging beast, Ironhide throws all chances of diplomacy out the window by punching it. Shocked, Rodimus discovers that the Rock Lord's shell is so strong, not even Ironhide is a match for it.

Scanning the creature, Red Alert discovers that its impenetrable shell can be weakened with intense heat, though their firepower is still insufficient for the temperature without a point of entry. Rodimus, however, sees a soft spot at the base of the Rock Lord's neck and decides to exploit it. Charging into battle, Rodimus orders Hot Shot and Brawn to concentrate all their firepower (flamethrowers and, uh, rocks) at the pale spot on the back of the creature's neck. Rodimus joins in with his bow and the strategy works, as it slows the behemoth down.

Alas, Red Alert laments that Rodimus didn't let her finish. It isn't enough to simply weaken the shell; they'd need something to break it, too. Rodimus has that covered, as he orders Ironhide into battle. Ironhide puts his silver shields up and drop-slams both fists into the Rock Lord's shell, cracking it. Rodimus then goes in with his bow and blasts the unprotected flesh, killing the creature.

Walking away from the smoke, Rodimus announces that while their individual skills were what chipped the Rock Lord down to size, it was their teamwork that made them victorious.

Elsewhere, Cyclonus and Team Chaar watch the entire ordeal through binoculars. Cyclonus feels he's seen enough of Team Athenia to know how to deal with them, deducing that "the red bowman" is the biggest threat. With the strategy in place, Cyclonus announces that the hunt may begin...

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


  • This issue is a "prologue" of sorts to "TransWarped, Part I", taking place shortly before Team Chaar launch their attack on Team Athenia, first testing the waters by sending a Rock Lord in to get a feel for their strength level.
  • Rodimus references Energon gum as a potential means of becoming friends with the Rock Lord.
  • Cyclonus here seems to be the leader of Team Chaar instead of Strika.
  • Despite being one of the smallest Autobots, Brawn is portrayed as the largest of the group here.

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