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Twin Cast (TR)

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The name or term "Twincast" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Twincast (disambiguation).
Twin Cast is an Autobot Titan Master from the Titans Return portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
Tasty beats.

Twin Cast is the Titan Master partner to Blaster. A walking cipher, he has the most advanced cryptography programming in the universe.[1]



Titans Return marketing material

As Blaster's head, Twin Cast chased after Decepticons on Caminus who were attempting to abscond with stolen codes. The duo was later present on Cybertron to defend against a Decepticon assault led by Soundwave. The Power of the Titan Masters


Titans Return

Blaster calls him "Mini-Me".
  • Twin Cast & Autobot Blaster (Leader Class, 2016)
Part of the first wave of Titans Return Leader Class figures, Twin Cast is a Titan Master, a tiny robot that transforms into a head that can attach to any Titans Return-style Deluxe, Voyager, or Leader Class figure. They also feature ports in their feet that allow them to peg onto a wide variety of Titans Return figures and accessories.
Since he's nominally meant to form the head of a Leader Class toy, his head-mode face takes up a considerably larger portion of real estate, with a much smaller top-of-the-skull area. This is so the built-in helmets of Leader-class toys can fit around him and give the big robot more properly-proportioned noggin.
He was only available packaged with Blaster, who he is obviously modeled after.
Twin Cast was redecoed to make Legends Twincast, and was retooled into Titans Return Soundblaster, Legends Soundblaster, and Bumblebee Doombox.



  1. Titans Return Twin Cast/Blaster packaging bio
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