Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures, usually referred to as Tiny Toon Adventures, is an American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. In this series, a new generation of characters study at Acme Acres Looniversity under the instruction of the classic Looney Tunes characters. The leading characters are Buster and Babs Bunny (no relation) who, with their classmates, have a variety of adventures that are a mix of original stories, film and TV parodies and modern remakes of classic WB shorts.
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*Please sign in and create a user name and join in the fun with the Tiny Toons community. No profanity or vulgar images allowed at Acme Acres, but have (looney and wacky) fun exploring this great country, including Wackyland, Acme Looniversity and the rest of Acme Acres. Enjoy your stay at Acme Acres and don't forget to get to know the lovable and looney citizens.* |
Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures, usually referred to as Tiny Toon Adventures, is an American animated television series created by Tom Ruegger and produced by Amblin Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation. In this series, a new generation of characters study at Acme Acres Looniversity under the instruction of the classic Looney Tunes characters. The leading characters are Buster and Babs Bunny (no relation) who, with their classmates, have a variety of adventures that are a mix of original stories, film and TV parodies and modern remakes of classic WB shorts.
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