
For general help on how to upload files, see Help:Uploading files.

Uploads to the Tokyo Ghoul Wiki must comply with the following image guidelines. Files failing to abide by policy are subject to deletion without prior warning. Violations may result in a warning or ban, dependent upon the severity. If in doubt, please ask for help, beforehand if possible.

General images are used in articles and will remain permanently. Comment images are temporary and are used in comments, e.g., article or user talk pages. Note that not all guidelines for general images apply to comment images.

Guidelines for general images

Images must:

  • Be official. Fanart or doctored images are prohibited.
  • Be used in articles or templates.
  • Have a meaningful name. 'Maxresdefault.jpg', 'Nishiki manga.png', and '03-tokyoghoul.png' are not meaningful names.
  • Have the appropriate file and license information on their file pages. In the dropdown, please choose the correct license. This is required.

Fill in the summary field as follows:

  • Description → A short description of what is being depicted in the image. This field is required.
  • Source → The original source of the image. This field is required.
For images from any of the manga, novels, or anime, please use the {{file series source}} template. It outputs the standard source format and properly categorizes the image according to source. It formats game, social media, and other sources as well.
To use this template correctly, please read the template's documentation here. If the source is unavailable, please categorize the image correctly, as it would have to be done manually, see Help:Category.
  • Portion → Specifies what portion of the source was used. The full image? A single panel from the manga? This field is optional.
  • Purpose → The intended use of the image. An article? A template? This field is required.
  • Other information → Any other notable information. This field is optional.

Copy into the summary field:

{{File information
|description = 
|source = 
|portion = 
|purpose = 
|other information = 

Guidelines for comment images

The Tokyo Ghoul Wiki does not put any special restrictions on the content of these images. Note:

  • The image must still be in compliance with Wikia's Terms of Use.
  • Comment images are only temporary. It will be deleted by staff a few days or weeks after upload.
If you want the image to be permanent, please consider linking to the source directly.

Copy into the summary field:

{{comment image}}

Existing images

Check if the image already exists before you upload the image. Duplicate images should be avoided.

If the image already exists and you have a higher quality version, use "upload a new version of this file" on the old image's file page. Remember to update the source and licensing information if necessary. Do not use "upload a new version of this file" if you intend to upload a different image.

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