Insincerity (徒口, Adaguchi) is the fourth chapter of the light novel Tokyo Ghoul: Past.
- Akira Mado
- Seidou Takizawa
- Kureo Mado
- Kasuka Mado (Mentioned)
- Eto Yoshimura (Mentioned)
- Shuu Tsukiyama (Mentioned)
- Touka Kirishima (Mentioned)
- Ayato Kirishima (Mentioned)
- Yukinori Shinohara
- Yanagi
- Tada
- Shouta
- Shouta's father (Mentioned)
- Tsubasa (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Futamaru member
- Koutarou Amon (Mentioned)
The story takes place during Akira's days at the Academy, when she meets a young boy that wants revenge for a Ghoul killing his father.