Gustavus Vasa's Folly. Intended to be a prestige flagship ship-of-war of King Gustavus Vasa of Sweden, who thought himslef as a successor of the Roman Emperors, he brought Dutch shipwrights to Stockholm to build the Vasa, but his constant interference with the design of the ship resulted in an unstable and over-gunned ship. As a result, on her maiden voyage in 1638, the 800 ton Vasa, watched by the King and the Stockhom residents as she departed the harbour, capsized in a gust of wind as water poured into the open gun ports of the lower deck. The alkaline waters of the Baltic, which the Toredo Worm does not like, meant that she was preserved in the mud on the harbour floor until raised in the 20th Century and preserved in a marvellous purpose built museum. The photo is a model! 6/10.
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