„The Monsterican Dream“ — finlandiyalik musiqiy guruh Lordining 2004-yil chiqqan albomi. Albomga quyidagi qoʻshiqlar kiritilgan:

  1. Threatical Trailer – 01:09
  2. Bring It On (The Raging Hounds Return) – 04:35
  3. Blood Red Sandman – 04:03
  4. My Heaven Is Your Hell – 03:41
  5. Pet The Destroyer – 03:50
  6. The Children Of The Night – 03:45
  7. Wake The Snake – 03:46
  8. Shotgun Divorce – 04:42
  9. Forsaken Fashion Dolls – 03:43
  10. Haunted Town – 03:13
  11. Fire In The Hole – 03:27
  12. Magistra Nocte – 01:33
  13. Kalmageddon – 04:33


  • Blood Red Sandman