Veterinární medicína, 2009 (vol. 54), issue 7

Residual pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aquatic environment - status, toxicity and kinetics: a review

Z.H. Li, T. Randak

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):295-314 | DOI: 10.17221/97/2009-VETMED  

Awareness of residual pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aquatic ecosystems is growing as research into these pollutants increases and analytical detection techniques improve. For most pharmaceuticals analyzed, the effects on aquatic organisms have usually been investigated by toxic assays in the laboratory. However, little is known about integral analysis of pharmacokinetics in aquatic organisms and specific relations between pharmacokinetic parameters and influence factors. Moreover, the influence of the organisms involved and numerous other external factors complicates development of standard tests for environmental evaluation. Current...

Changes in the content of neuropeptides in intestinal lymph nodes of pigs suffering from experimental Brachyspira hyodysenteriae infection

M. Lakomy, A. Winnicka, K. Wasowicz, J. Zmudzki, J. Kaleczyc, W. Sienkiewicz, P. Podlasz

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):315-323 | DOI: 10.17221/98/2009-VETMED  

The studies were performed in order to investigate the mutual interrelationship of the peripheral nervous system and particular types and sub-types of lymphocytes located in the intestinal lymph nodes of the pig. Using the ELISA method and the flow cytometry the tissue concentration of VIP, SP, GAL and SOM, as well as the number of lymphocytes containing antigens CD2, CD21, CD4, CD5, CD8 and TCRgamma/delta were determined. As compared to 4-months old pigs of the control group, in 4-months old pigs in which experimental enteritis was induced with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae infection, a statistically significant increase in SP and GAL concentration...

Effect of a long-term peroral supplementation with sodium selenite and selenium lactate-protein complex on selenium status in goats and their kids

L. Misurova, L. Pavlata, A. Pechova, R. Dvorak

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):324-332 | DOI: 10.17221/107/2009-VETMED  

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a long-term peroral selenium supplementation in the form of sodium selenite and selenium lactate-protein complex by comparing selenium concentrations and glutathione peroxidase activity in blood of goats and their kids as well as comparing selenium concentrations in goat colostrums. For the study, a total of 27 clinically healthy pregnant white shorthair goats were used. They were divided to three groups, i.e., the control group (C) without any selenium supplementation, sodium selenite group (E1) and selenium lactate-protein complex group (E2). For four months, experimental goats received 0.43 mg...

The dissemination of pelvic limb nerves originating from the lumbosacral plexus in the porcupine (Hystrix cristata)

A. Aydin

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):333-339 | DOI: 10.17221/95/2009-VETMED  

In this study the nerves originating from the plexus lumbosacrales of porcupines (Hystrix cristata) were investigated. Four porcupines (two males and two females) were used. The plexus lumbosacrales of animals were appropriately dissected and dissemination of pelvic limb nerves originating from the plexus lumbosacrales was examined. The nerves originated from the plexus lumbosacrales of porcupines (Hystrix cristata): iliohypogastric nerve from T15, ilioinguinal nerve (on the left side of only one animal) genitofemoral and lateral femoral cutaneous nerves from T15 and L1, the femoral and obturator nerves from T15, L1, L2 and L3. The femoral...

Generalized AA amyloidosis and fibrino-hemorrhagic pancreatitis in a Gazelle subgutturosa: a case report

A.O. Ceribasi, Y. Eroksuz, S. Ceribasi, H. Ozer

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):340-349 | DOI: 10.17221/96/2009-VETMED  

Generalized AA Amyloidosis and fibrino-hemorrhagic pancreatitis were diagnosed in a 6-year-old, male Gazelle subgutturosa submitted for necropsy from a Wild Animal Production Station in Malatya, a province from eastern Turkey. Adhesions between the visceral surfaces of abdominal organs including the liver, pancreas, diaphragma and spleen were observed in the necropsy. Microscopically, the mass consisted of fibrino-hemorrhagic pancreatic tissue. Chronic inflammatory reactions characterized by mononuclear cell infiltration and fibrous connective tissue proliferation were found on the serosal surface in the liver. Amyloid depositions were detected...

Multiple pathologies of the feline uterus: a case report

R.A. Sapierzynski, I. Dolka, A. Cywinska

Vet Med - Czech, 2009, 54(7):345-350 | DOI: 10.17221/101/2009-VETMED  

Uterine tumors are rare in cats, the most common clinical signs observed include presence of abdominal mass, weight loss, anorexia, pain, and vaginal bleeding in some cases. On the other hand, the most commonly diagnosed and thus the most important disease of feline uterus is cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra complex (CEH-P). A 12-year-old, sexually intact, female domestic shorthaired cat was presented due to mild weight loss and recurring vaginal discharge. Data obtained during clinical examination, ultrasonography and basic blood tests suggested the presence of cystic endometrial hyperplasia with aseptic fluid accumulation in the uterine lumen....