Abnormal Defense Force, abbreviated as ADF are the main antagonists of the 2018 American-Canadian science fiction thriller film, Freaks. Their main purpose is to kill anyone who is an "Abnormal", someone who has super powers, which the public degradingly refers to as "Freaks".
The ADF is responsible for the mass extermination of people who are "abnormals", in which case they bring anyone who has powers to Modac Mountain in an underground facility to be terminated. The agents can distinguish if someone is an Abnormal by seeing their eyes bleed, something that happens after Abnormals using their powers. They also have UV lights to tell if their eyes bled even if they are wiped clean.
While the agency thrives to terminate them, they also seek to recruit the children to use them as weapons. (as noted, Abnormals' powers get stronger from generation to generation.)
However, if the situation is called dire, they will deploy a drone strike on wipe them out, even if at the expense of the people who are not "abnormals". They are responsible for the destruction of Dallas due to the complications of the children running loose in the city.