I'm you... only a little more bizarre.Bizarro to Clark in "Phantom".
Bizarro, also known as Bizarro Clark and The Phantom, is a supporting antagonist appearing in the WB/CW television show Smallville.
He was portrayed by Tom Welling, who also portrayed Kal, Kal-El, and Clark Luthor in the same series, and Marcus Pierce in Lucifer.
The being that would become Bizarro was created in a laboratory on the planet Krypton as part of an experiment, but was sent to the Phantom Zone when he proved to be dangerous and unstable to the population. For twenty years, he remained imprisoned in the Phantom Zone until he was accidentally freed along with a few others by Clark Kent when he opened a portal to Earth.
He escaped from the Zone using the House of El gateway, (who had earlier been sent to the Phantom Zone by Zod). A phantom wraith and the last of the Zoners who had escaped with Clark from the Phantom Zone, took Clark's DNA to regain a body having super-powers. The Phantom quickly discovered that it couldn't survive for long outside of the Phantom Zone, but it managed to survive by possessing human hosts. Unfortunately, a human host could only contain it for about 24 hours, before the host was destroyed and he had to find a new body.
Bizarro first encountered Clark Kent at Reeves Dam. The wraith left a boy's body when Clark tried using the Crystal of El, but it doesn't work. The wraith charges, shattering the crystal, and hits Clark head-on. Once he created a physical body by copying Clark's DNA, Bizarro and Clark fought inside of the dam, eventually destroying it. Lionel Luthor arrived just in time and attacked Bizarro with green Kryptonite. But this process only seemed to make him stronger, absorbing the radiation of the Green K. He then threw Lionel against a grate, knocking him unconscious, pinned under rubble in a rapidly flooding dam.
Clark and Bizarro engage in an intense brawl that shook the structure, then they super-speed towards each other causing the whole dam to rumble as Clark was thrown out of the side and Bizarro flies after him. In flight, Bizarro's face transforms into a chalk-white, steel-like visage by sunlight. He later found Clark in the forest and continued their brawl until Clark managed to briefly incapacitate Bizarro by punching him into a power line.
Bizarro tried to kill Clark, but was weakened by the yellow sun and knocked out by Clark. Bizarro had been impaled on an electrical pylon by the force of Clark's punch. He frees himself and as a passerby encounters him, Bizarro simply killed the man with heat vision. Bizarro then went to the Kent Farm to heal himself with green Kryptonite.
Bizarro then encountered Lois Lane at the Luthor Mansion who thought he was Clark. She became unnerved at his flirting advances and friskiness letting him down gently at first. After feeling her up, Bizarro is slapped by a confused Lois and leaves. Bizarro found Lex Luthor in police custody, breaks open the jail wall and kills his lawyer Keating. Lex realizes that the Phantom has taken over Clark's body, but Bizarro informs him that he is, in fact, a copy and demands Lex help him find more meteor rocks. He later forced Lex to show him his stocks of green kryptonite to strengthen himself again.
Lex took Bizarro to the dam and pulled out a large gun on him, but Bizarro simply overpowered Lex and knocked him across the room unconscious. Bizarro then absorbs the kryptonite radiation when Clark arrives. After knocking Lex out, Bizarro fought with Clark again. Clark goes after Bizarro, but is easily knocked back.
Clark landed under a hole in the wall, directly underneath a beam of sunlight. Bizarro thinks he won and starts to leave, but the sun heals Clark and he gets up and called Bizarro back. Clark punched him upward into the sky from where he was taken away by the Martian Manhunter. Manhunter then trapped Clark's doppelgänger on Mars.
Bizarro later returned after escaping Mars and had taken over Clark's life while Clark was absent. He escaped indirectly by Zor-El after he eclipsed the sun in the solar system allowing Bizarro a brief window to escape and fly back to Earth. After returning to Smallville, he found Clark was gone, as well as devised a plan take over Clark's life and managed to avoid suspicion from most of Clark's friends.
When Bizarro told Lana Lang that he wanted to help take Lex down, Lana revealed to him her lab at the Isis Foundation where she was attempting to care for Casey Brock, who had been poisoned by Brainiac. Bizarro recognized that Brock was speaking Kryptonian and sought out Chloe Sullivan's help to translate it, coincidentally saving her and Jimmy Olsen from an explosive device. Together, they learned that Brainiac was attempting to reboot itself.
As an experimental Phantom, Bizarro appeared to have no moral qualms. He was completely obsessed with finding a Kryptonian to give him a body by copying their DNA and killed countless people, hosts and others without remorse to find him. He was also very sadistic, taking pleasure in slaughtering others who posed no threat to him. After copying Clark's DNA, Bizarro decided upon himself to take over Clark's life.
Oddly, due to his genetic template, Bizarro eventually stopped murdering innocent people, became more intent on simply living Clark's life and had genuine feelings for both Lana Lang and Lois Lane, Clark's love interests. He was even shown to be a far more affectionate and helpful boyfriend than Clark had ever been.
He also exhibited genuine heartbreak when Lana decided to betray him for Clark and killed him with Blue Kryptonite. However, he was still a vile individual, groping Lois and killing countless civilians to survive. He was also far more confident than Clark in his abilities, even being able to fly (though he already had that skill as a Phantom).
Unlike his counterpart, who wore a blue shirt with a red jacket, Bizarro wears a dark maroon shirt with a navy blue jacket. This is one of the ways that Bizarro is the opposite of Clark. He appeared identical to Clark until exposed to direct sunlight, in which case his skin shifts into gray, geometric fragments.