I am the best wrestler! I am the best talker! I am the best technician! I am the best brawler! And I don't say these things from a place of insecurity - and I apologize for your lack of self-confidence - but I say it because I am it!CM Punk about his wrestling ability.
Wrestlers are skilled in traditional wrestling or modified versions of the sport; this can also include sumo wrestlers, professional wrestlers, underground wrestlers and cage fighters.
Special Note
Real-Life Wrestlers in the WWE can never be Pure Evil. Additionally, they can NOT be Karma Houdinis either for the same reasons given. Unlike Fictional Characters who are also Wrestlers and can be Pure Evil (e.g. Drago Bludvist, Cell, Red Death Mask), these Wrestlers never go beyond villainy outside of Wrestling even while in-character as well. Their villainous acts are 100% scripted and therefore not real, and furthermore, they are always On & Off.