Curtis Barnes is a minor antagonist in season two of Dexter, only appearing in the episode "See Through".
He was portrayed by John Marshall Jones.
At some point in his life, Curtis Barnes married a woman named Alisha and joined the military where he served in Somalia and Afghanistan with his friend James Doakes in Ranger RRD (Regimental Reconnaissance Detachment). While serving and like most soldiers of war, Curtis suffered from PTSD up to when he eventually returned home in Miami, Florida.
For several years, he would have nightmares from his time in the army and would usually wake up yelling in a panic. Alisha insisted that Curtis receive counseling and therapy for his PTSD, but Curtis believed that nobody would be able to help him. This continues until Alisha couldn't handle him anymore and one day, she told Curtis that she was leaving him since he wasn't willing to let anyone help him. Feeling betrayed, he used his military training to "triple-tap" her with his pistol, shooting her twice in the chest and once in the head in less than a second.
See Through
Quickly realizing what he had done, Curtis grabbed some of his things and drives to his boat to try and escape Miami. After investigating Curtis' crime scene and Dexter Morgan tells him how Alisha died, Doakes realized only Curtis could have killed her in such a manner, so he rushed over to him. Doakes pull a gun on Curtis and he desperately tries asking Curtis to give himself up but having nothing else to live for, Curtis decides to commit suicide by cop by drawing his pistol at Doakes, forcing him to shoot Curtis twice in the chest and kill him.
- Alisha Barnes - Shot three times in less than a second in the chest and head by Curtis Barnes.
- Total - 1
- Curtis' boat is named the ""S.S. FUBAR". FUBAR is a military term that stands for "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair" or "Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition".
External Link
- Curtis Barnes - Dexter Wiki