"Triple-Tongued" Demaro Black, also known as Fake Luffy and later Fake Kid, is a minor antagonist in One Piece. A pirate captain that impersonated Luffy, he serves as the main antagonist of the Return to Sabaody Archipelago Arc. He has a bounty worth 26,000,000 berries. He later impersonated Eustass Kid but soon was arrested by the Marines again.
He is voiced by Hiroaki Hirata in the Japanese version of the anime, and Eric Vale in the English version, both of them also voiced Sanji.
Demaro Black is a cruel, selfish and ruthless man who will sacrifice his loyal crew to get what he wants. He only cared to use the name of Monkey D. Luffy to spread fear to the people on Sabaody Archipelago. Black shows his pleasure in inflicting pain on others such as when she shot two civilians for no reason and murdered a pirate who wished to join him due to his low bounty count just to spread fear over his fake reputation. He also wants to use Eustass Kid's name to make people fear of him but no avails.
He only did this because he wanted a powerful crew to assist him in his adventures through the New World. Black is very arrogant and believes that he can do as he please since he fooled dozens of people into thinking he was the infamous Monkey D. Luffy. When he was confronted by the real Straw Hat Pirates, he did not know they were the actual crew.
When he was confronted by the Sentomaru and the Marines, Black was afraid for his life and tried to escape by all means. It was revealed by Sentomaru that he was nothing but a pathetic liar.
Black is a masterful con artist. He was capable of fooling dozens of people that he was Monkey D. Luffy (though Sentomaru believes that this more on part of the pirates' idiocy). He has some endurance, as he got back up moments after getting zapped by Nami's lightning. Despite his intimidating appearance and height, Black lacks any skills that would provide a challenge to powerful enemies like Monkey D. Luffy or Sentomaru and was defeated easily.
Pirate Crew
- Drip (Fake Sanji)
- Mounblutain (Fake Sogeking)
- Manjaro (Fake Zoro)
- Turco (Fake Franky)
- Chocalot (Fake Nami)
- Cocoa (Fake Robin)
- Nora Gitsune the Fox (Fake Chopper)
- Demaro is blatantly an imbecile, with bad eyesight and a hair trigger temper.
- He doesn't recognize the real Nami, Luffy and Chopper.
- He shoots a couple who look like Usopp and Nami, just slightly, without bothering to make sure; all because of a fight he picked.
- Nami turned down drinking with him, which led to Usopp using a pop green plant to attack.
- Luffy accidentally bumped into him with a large bag, and APOLOGIZED for it; Demaro was stupid enough to pick a fight over that.
- He attempted to use a Navy officer as a shield to deter a fight, but forgot why Caribou is so infamous; the lunatic instead shot the navy officer and sparked an all out brawl.
- He tried to avoid a fight by using Luffy's reputation, only for Sentomaru to whack him on the head.
- Ironically his recruitment drive foreshadows the Straw Hat Grand Fleet being founded at the end of the Dressrosa arc.
- The difference being Luffy didn't want that, but the crews settled on being his allies.
- It's worth noting he never bother looking for the Thousand Sunny while on Sabaody, so he could steal it to reinforce his lies; though it's possible he did but didn't want to deal with Bartholomew Kuma or Duval, both of whom were guarding it.
External Links
- Demaro Black on the One Piece Wiki