Galacticmon (Ragnamon in Japanese) is a Mega Level Digimon who debuted in 2002. It serves as a major antagonist of Digimon World 3.
Digimon Encyclopedia's Profile
A Mega Digimon that is the largest size of any Android Digimon. Having assimilated the data of an artificial satellite, Galacticmon possesses a variety of weaponry sufficient to destroy vast areas of the Digital World from ultra-high orbit. It requires a great deal of resources to move, however, necessitating the support of elite hackers. As such, there are few records of Galacticmon engaging in battle.
Its special moves are Gimlet Gun, a piercing tail strike; Space Laser, in which an enormous laser beam is fired from its head; and Shuttle Scissors, a technique where in Galacticmon seizes and bisects its enemies. Galacticmon can also use the gun barrels on its shoulders to lock on to and attack faraway enemies with Satellite Buster, or unleash its most devastating move, Ragnarok Cannon, from its chest. It can also analyze attacks it receives in order to utilize those attacks for itself.
Digimon World 3
Snatchmon had been created by Lord Megadeath by fusing four Vemmon, intended to be the strongest Digimon and help him conquer the world. However, Snatchmon refuses to obey Lord Megadeath, attacking him and absorbing his data, all while Junior, the main character, watches the entire scene. Snatchmon tells Junior that he will digivolve to Galacticmon after fusing with the Gunslinger, and after that he will fuse with the entire planet Earth to digivolve into Gaiamon. Since this would mean the end of all life in Earth, Junior decides to stop Snatchmon, who challenges Junior for a battle, teleporting him and his Digimon partners to the outside, and then fusing with the Gunslinger, digivolving into Galacticmon. After a fierce battle, Junior defeats the colossal Digimon, who falls into Earth's atmosphere and breaks apart.
Digimon Liberator
Galacticmon is the Mega-digivolved form of Vemmon, the partner Digimon of Zenith.
In Chapter 0 from Digimon Liberator webcomic, Zenith digivolves Vemmon to Galacticmon in order to win the Digimon Card Game World Championship against Owen Dreadnought and his WarGreymon and defeats them successfully.