Kuri Taronara is a Legendary Demon from Makai. She is a recurrent Character in a series of touhou modifications named Vampire Hearts, as well the main antagonist of Vampire Hearts 1. She wants to merge the exterior (real world) with the world of fantasy to make Monsters to be able to get human meat more easy. For this, she seals the entirety of the world of fantasy, making both worlds go berserk.
Kuri Taronara have the appearance of a precious teenager girl with short wide red hair with green eyes, and a mole in her right cheek. She wears a dark school uniform conformed by a dark blueish shirt, with a dark red bow and a dark red pants, she also wears a dark blueish witch hat.
In some portraits she appears with two dark red demon wings unleashed in her behind.
During the Events of Vampire Hearts 1, She decides to merge the real world with the world of fantasy to make human victims more accessible to demons, monsters and yokai
Kuri Taronara is an hypocrite and acts very falsely with most people, if not, everyone, for a few exceptions like his brother, Bleberge Taronara. She have zero heart towards most species, including her own species.