Nutcracker is an antagonist in the manga/anime series Tokyo Ghoul:re. She is a sadistic ghoul who crushed men's testicles and drank the fluids from them. She was mainly tasked to kidnap humans and bring them to the Gourmet society till she was killed by Ginshi Shirazu and was turned into a quinque.
She was voiced by Nozomi Mikajiri in the Japanese version, and Emily Neves in the English version of the anime.
Nutcracker has long black hair with light red eyes. She always wore darker clothing and seemed to expose her body a lot while fighting in combat.
Nutcracker is extremely sadistic as she tortures men by cracking their nuts (given her name) and ate their genitals along with drinking the fluids. She is also very ruthless as she seems to not show any mercy towards her victims, especially men and takes her sweet time in making them suffer immensely. Nutcracker has an obssession with money as she use to live in absolute poverty while growing up. She is also not very bright as her lack of situational awareness eventually got her killed by Ginshi Shirazu.