The Seven Great Demon Lords (also known as the 7 Great Demon Lords) are the main antagonistic faction of the Digimon franchise. They resemble the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Greed, Sloth, and Wrath and their names are based on following demons: Lucifer, Belphegor, Mammon, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Satan. However, there is an eighth secret member called Ogudomon among them who symbolizes atonement. They are also called Mao Digimon.
The Seven Great Demon Lords (七大魔王 "Nana Dai Maō") is a collective term for the strongest Demon-type Digimon. Usually, they don't interfere with each other, neither cooperate or become hostile with each other regardless of their interests or disagreements. However, other works in the Digimon franchise have them manipulate each other to fulfill their individual goals.
They were once high-ranking Angel Digimon, especially among beings of goodness. However, they each committed a deadly sin and fell. When Lucemon instigated a rebellion against God, alongside other Angel Digimon that fell, they were deleted to the Dark Area by the Digital World's system (or perhaps the very human that created the Digital World), continuing to exist as a deadly sin, a desire that they each pursue, subsequently becoming Demon Lords.
Currently, the Seven Great Demon Lords are the chief nobility of the Dark Area, residing within the heart of that world, the den of demons, and each member has command over the "Nightmare Soldiers".
Among the Seven Great Demon Lords, Lucemon is said to be the strongest. However, the group has a mysterious eighth secret member called Ogudomon who personifies the ability to atone for all the sins in the Digital World.
Known Seven Great Demon Lords
Unofficial Members
- Ogudomon.
Code Keys
Each one of the seven Demon Lords represent a certain sin and each one has a Code Key:
- Lucemon: Pride.
- Creepymon: Wrath.
- Beelzemon: Gluttony.
- Lilithmon: Lust.
- Barbamon: Greed.
- Belphemon: Sloth.
- Leviamon: Envy.