
Buraz 8 (Dead City)

Everybody Wins a PrizeThis man to the Croat.

This Buraz is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Dead City. He is a member of the Burazi.


Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Manhattan, New York

At some point in the apocalypse, this man somehow came into contact with "the Croat" and his group named "the Burazi", which he subsequently joined. Upon joining the Burazi, this man, like most of the members, was given or modified his own biker helmet covered in spikes and blades to headbutt walkers, as well as a sharpened street sign spear.

This man aided his group in the turf war against the remaining survivors of Lower Manhattan, raiding their camps and slaughtering innocent people. He and his group would also terrorize the communities around the area into subjugating to the Croat's will, where their victims would be forced to give half their supplies in exchange for not being murdered.

Season 1

"Everybody Wins a Prize"

As part of their plan to eliminate the Manhattan Tribespeople, the Burazi head into the garage before the timer reaches zero, excitedly rushing past the Croat. While the Burazi climb into various vehicles, this man heads for a cab. Unbeknownst to the man, Negan, having gotten into the cab before the Burazi arrived, quickly exits the vehicle just in time as this man takes the cab for himself. Waiting for the Croat, this man asks if he's heading out with them. Knowing that Negan is in the stadium, the Croat tells this man to go on without him and that he'll catch up with him later. In response, this man nods and drives off with the remaining Burazi, leaving the Croat and his bodyguards behind.

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims this man has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


Dead City

Season 1


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