
Elderly Man (Fear)

This elderly man is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead.


Location Unknown

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 8


This elderly man, suffering from an injured arm, stumbles across the settlement at the Emissary Suites hotel and is welcomed to join the community. He is given a tour of the settlement by Victor, Frank, and Klaus, to which he is astonished by all of the food and also questions why everyone speaks German, not realizing they were once tourists who found themselves trapped in the United States after the apocalypse began. That evening, the elderly man and the other residents are rounded up by Troy Otto's group at gunpoint and held hostage until Daniel Salazar and the other PADRE residents arrive to liberate the captured survivors. The elderly man and the other hotel survivors are evacuated to PADRE for refuge.

"The Road Ahead"

Though unseen, this elderly man is among the residents to escape PADRE after a horde was lured to the island by Troy's group. Several days later, this man boards a tractor trailer with the rest of the hotel refugees and heads off for re-settlement.

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims this man has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


Fear the Walking Dead

Season 8


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