
Giles (Clementine Series)

Chapter Five (Book Two)Giles offering Clementine some tea. (Translated from French)

Giles is a survivor of the outbreak in Skybound Comet's Clementine. He is a resident of the Magdalen Islands community.


Magdalen Islands, Canada

Not much is known about Giles' life prior to or as the outbreak started, except he was married to Ginette. He and his wife lived on the Magdalen Islands their whole lives.


At some point into the outbreak, Giles and Ginette adopted Mercy.

Book Two

"Chapter Two"

Giles is first seen taking care of Mercy when Clementine wakes up from her coma and meets all the residents of the Magdalen Islands.

"Chapter Four"

Giles is seen playing with Mercy at the dinner table, when Amir comes in the room and tells everyone that Emi and Olivia are missing.

"Chapter Five"

As Clementine sits on the beach saddened after an argument with Ricca, Giles comes to offer her tea and brings her over to Ginette, where Clementine cries into her lap.

"Chapter Seven"

As the island is overrun by the undead, Clementine and Olivia make a run to the house where the rest of the survivors are. As they do, they discover the corpse of Mercy, Giles, and Ginette being devoured by walkers.


Killed By

While attempting to kill zombies from the backlogs faster, John made the hole containing them bigger so more would come through, however they overwhelmed him and were unleashed onto the island.

While coming over for dinner with the rest of community, Mercy, Giles, and Ginette were caught off guard by the walkers and were devoured.

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims Giles has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies





Book Two

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Clementine Lives
Book One
Book Two 👁 👁
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

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