
Jason (Comic Series)

Jason is a zombified character in Image Comics' The Walking Dead and The Secret Diary of a Walker.


Location Unknown

Nothing is known about Jason's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


At some point during the outbreak, Jason died and later reanimated. During this time, he dated another walker for a few weeks, but she broke up with him.

We Find Ourselves

Issue 89/Issue 4

Jason meets up with his ex on the way to Alexandria, but they are soon ambushed by Rick Grimes and Abraham Ford, who proceed to kill them both.


Killed By
  • Unknown Cause (Alive)

Jason dies of unknown causes and reanimates.

Jason is axed in the head by Abraham, who then proceeds to bash the remains of his head in with his gun.

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims Jason has killed:

  • Possibly a few unnamed people (Infected)


Comic Series

We Find Ourselves

The Official Magazine

The Secret Diary of a Walker


  • Jason is the last named character to be killed by Abraham, albeit zombified.
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