
Wander Over Yonder was an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken. It premiered September 13th, 2013 on Disney Channel, and ended June 27th, 2016 on Disney XD. There are 79 episodes and 11 shorts across 2 seasons, with a third and final season in early planning stages before the show was canceled.

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We've completed 89,470 edits on 924 articles since April 1st, 2013.

About the Show
Wander Over Yonder was an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken. The series follows Wander and his best friend Sylvia as they travel across the galaxy, helping folks while crossing paths with the evil duo of Lord Hater and Commander Peepers. It premiered September 13th, 2013 on Disney Channel, and prematurely ended June 27th, 2016 on Disney XD.

Featured Article
Wander Early Drawing
Wander Over Yonder's artists created concept art before and during the development of Season 1 and Season 2. They were important for exploring new ideas, or drafting designs for characters and settings. Some of the material was heavily altered or scrapped entirely, while others were changed very little before their debut in the show. See more >

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:List of songs
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