

"Twolegs put these trees here. They cut them down with foul-smelling creatures, which spew enough fumes to make a kit go blind. Then they take the fallen trees to the Treecut place that lies near here."

Tigerclaw about Tallpines

Tallpines, also known as the Chelford Forest or the Treecut place is a pine tree sawmill located in the southern reaches of ThunderClan's territory in the old forest.[3] The Treecut place, also known as the Chelford Mill, is where Twolegs process the pine trees.[1]


The trees beyond were pine. They grew tall and straight, row after row. It was easy to walk silently here. The ground was thick with layers of dead needles, which prickled against Firepaw's pads but felt spongy underneath. There was no undergrowth here to hide in, and Firepaw sensed tension in the other cats as they stalked unprotected between the tree trunks.

Firepaw's thoughts about the Tallpines

Tallpines is located on the boundary line of Twolegplace in ThunderClan's forest territory, separated by a Twoleg path with sharp stones.[1] It is a controlled forest, grown for the purpose of milling for Twolegs. Located within the pines is Treecut place, where Twolegs operate the tree-eater monster, of which the growls can be heard around the surrounding area.[1][4] The monsters left deep and wide tracks in the soil,[5] and they can fill with rainwater, with the scent of the Treecut monsters lingering.[2] The Treecut place remains dormant until greenleaf.[1] Eventually, the entire Tallpines became enclosed in a large fence.[6]
The thin[5] pine trees in the area are planted on flat ground and in straight lines.[2] Stacks of wood line the area.[4] The area is covered in soft pine needles[7] and lacks undergrowth to hide in.[2][5] This makes it hard for cats to hide, but, makes for easier hunting as prey cannot hide either.[2] The area can be scarce with certain types of prey,[8] but sometimes birds are plentiful here.[4] The entire forest is shadowy from the brittle branches.[9]

Location history

He led the way up the ravine and through the forest toward Tallpines. Since the fire, most cats had avoided the stretch of territory closest to [Treecut place], where the devastation was worst. The fire had started there, and whole stretches of the forest had been reduced to nothing but gray ash, dotted with tree stumps. Fireheart wondered if there was a chance of prey there yet, but as he and Sandstorm approached the edge of Tallpines he guessed that he was going to be disappointed.

Fireheart's thoughts about the fire

At some point, Tallpines and the Treecut place were built next to SkyClan's territory, limiting SkyClan's expansion for territory.[10] However, during Cloudstar's time, the Treecut place caused SkyClan little trouble.[11] Following SkyClan's depature, kittypets from the Twolegplace ventured across the Tallpines into ThunderClan's territory, causing ThunderClan to retaliate with a night raid.[12] To prepare against Goosefeather's vision about the Great Hunger, Pineheart suggested expanding their territory around the Treecut place.[13]
Seasons later, Tigerclaw explained to Firepaw and Graypaw that Twolegs put their own trees there and that during greenleaf they cut them down with a loud monster.[1] Firepaw was later sent to hunt near Tallpines for an assessment and while there managed to catch a mouse.[2] A large fire originated in the Treecut place, destroying much of the surrounding area, and leaving the pine trees as tapered stumps. Prey became scarce in the area.[14] As a result, Twolegs brought a pack of dogs to guard the area; however, the dogs escaped and caused havoc in ThunderClan's territory.[15]
Seasons later, Cinderpelt suggested catching rabbits only from the far end of their territory, such as near the Treecut place, when WindClan's rabbits became poisoned.[16] Seasons after the Clans left the forest, Fang leads Graystripe towards his Twoleg nest near the Treecut place, which has remained unchanged during the Twolegs' destruction of the forest.[6]

Book mentions

Map art

Official art



  • The Treecut place is sometimes referred to as "Treecutplace"[17][18] and "treecutplace".[4][19][20][6][10][21]
  • In Goosefeather's Curse, Pineheart suggests setting borders around the Treecut place, implying they haven't done so already.[13] However, ThunderClan has already established borders around the Treecut place at this time period.[18][12]


See also

Notes and references

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