Assembly Required is a short by Sarah Sobole that aired alongside four other shorts on April 27, 2017.[1]
The Bears attempt to assemble some furniture they purchased at Okia.
The Bears bring a box home from Okia, excited at the idea of having purchased a new couch, but soon find themselves in over their heads upon discovering that it has to be assembled. Ice Bear brings his own tools for the job, but Grizzly kept insisting that they didn't need those on account that the kit came with its own tool... a tiny L-shaped hex key... and they got right to work, only to assemble it all wrong in verious, comical ways. It wasn't until they found the directions, and Panda (Noticing they were written in another language) translated them on an app on his phone, that they finally got it right, only to discover that they didn't purchase a couch, but a bookshelf instead. They tried to use it as a couch anyway, but that didn't exactly work out.
Cultural References
- The store featured in the beginning of the short, OKIA, is a parody of the multinational furniture retailer store, IKEA.
- The second time Ice Bear tries to build the couch when the Bears take turns trying to build it themselves, is actually the Impossible Cube/Irrational Cube, which is an "impossible object" first invented by the Dutch graphic artist, M.C. Escher.