Reference Genome sequence annotation (Retired)
(Redirected from Reference Genome sequence annotation)
The Reference Genome initiative will foster SO compliant annotations. The sequences will be available using the file format GFF3.
For discussion on standardizing URLs for accessing this information please see the GMOD wiki page Standard URL
Nota bene
- The human and zebrafish Ensembl data is in GTF (not GFF3)
- The rat Ensembl data (link provided) is also in GTF format
- The pombe files are not (yet) valid GFF3. The known problems are:
- extra column 10 "Name"
- extra column 11 "orf_classification"
- extra column 12 "gene"
- extra column 13 "chr"
- the mandatory "phase" column isn't filled in.
- and the attributes" column may not be formatted correctly.
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