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Erich von Stroheim (1885-1957) was one of the giants in American film history. Stubborn, arrogant, and colorful, he saw himself as a cinema artist, which led to conflicts with producers and studio executives who complained about the inflated budgets and extraordinary length of his films. Stroheim achieved great notoriety and success, but he was so uncompromising that he turned his triumph into failure. He was banned from ever directing again and spent his remaining years as an actor.

Stroheim's life has been wreathed in myths, many of his own devising. Arthur Lennig scoured European and American archives for details concerning the life of the actor and director, and he counters several long-accepted claims. Stroheim's tales of military experience are almost completely fictitious; the "von" in his name was an affectation adopted at Ellis Island in 1909; and, counter to his own claim, he did not participate in the production of The Birth of a Nation in 1914. Wherever Stroheim lived, he was an outsider: a Jew in Vienna, an Austrian in southern California, an American in France. This contributed to an almost pathological need to embellish and obscure his past; yet, it also may have been the key to his genius both behind and in front of the camera. As an actor,

Stroheim threw himself into his portrayals of evil men, relishing his epithet, ""The Man You Love to Hate."" As a director, he immersed himself in every facet of production, including script writing and costume design. In 1923 he created his masterpiece Greed, infamous for its eight-hour running time. Stroheim returned to acting, saving some of his finest performances for La Grande Illusion (1937) and Billy Wilder's Sunset Boulevard (1950), a role he hated, probably because it was too similar to the story of his own life.

Biographie de l'auteur

Arthur Lennig, emeritus professor of cinema at the University of Albany, is the author of The Immortal Count and several other books on silent film.

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    • John McElwee
      5,0 sur 5 étoilesAchat vérifié
      The Definitive Stroheim Biography Is Here
      Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 25 février 2000
      Few Hollywood notables have been the object of more distorted,misinformed,or outright fabricated profiles than Erich Von Stroheim.Now that Arthur Lennig has come forward with his long-awaited biography,we are finally given the amazing truth of a maverick star/director who...Afficher plus
      Few Hollywood notables have been the object of more distorted,misinformed,or outright fabricated profiles than Erich Von Stroheim.Now that Arthur Lennig has come forward with his long-awaited biography,we are finally given the amazing truth of a maverick star/director who bit every hand that tried to feed him.Lennig has made a serious study of Stroheim for over fifty years---he restored "Foolish Wives" back in the sixties---he traveled to Austria to uncover the real story of Stroheim's humble beginnings---in short,Lennig,who prevously gave us the first and still best of the Bela Lugosi bios,has done it again with "Stroheim"---in fact,he has surpassed himself,and that's saying plenty considering the fact that Arthur Lennig is one of the most well-informed and reliable of all the pioneer film historians.Has there ever been a more fascinating(and ultimatly tragic) figure in the whole history of Hollywood than Erich Von Stroheim?Here's a guy that took on every front office in town---gambled it all for creative control that he invariably lost---but kept returning to the Hollywood arena again and again until they finally broke him.Yes,he took on the system and the system won---or did it?Stroheim's incredible films,even in their truncated latter-day forms,are here to give evidence that this was a director generations ahead of his time---already it's 2000 and we still haven't caught up with him.Read this book and get the dope on how "Greed","The Wedding March",and all the rest came to be. It's riveting.They should give AFI awards for books this good----it's from University Of Kentucky Press,so I don't know how big the print run is,but I suspect it would be a good idea to grab a copy(or two)quick,because this one's going to end up being a collector's item.
      Few Hollywood notables have been the object of more distorted,misinformed,or outright fabricated profiles than Erich Von Stroheim.Now that Arthur Lennig has come forward with his long-awaited biography,we are finally given the amazing truth of a maverick star/director who bit every hand that tried to feed him.Lennig has made a serious study of Stroheim for over fifty years---he restored "Foolish Wives" back in the sixties---he traveled to Austria to uncover the real story of Stroheim's humble beginnings---in short,Lennig,who prevously gave us the first and still best of the Bela Lugosi bios,has done it again with "Stroheim"---in fact,he has surpassed himself,and that's saying plenty considering the fact that Arthur Lennig is one of the most well-informed and reliable of all the pioneer film historians.Has there ever been a more fascinating(and ultimatly tragic) figure in the whole history of Hollywood than Erich Von Stroheim?Here's a guy that took on every front office in town---gambled it all for creative control that he invariably lost---but kept returning to the Hollywood arena again and again until they finally broke him.Yes,he took on the system and the system won---or did it?Stroheim's incredible films,even in their truncated latter-day forms,are here to give evidence that this was a director generations ahead of his time---already it's 2000 and we still haven't caught up with him.Read this book and get the dope on how "Greed","The Wedding March",and all the rest came to be. It's riveting.They should give AFI awards for books this good----it's from University Of Kentucky Press,so I don't know how big the print run is,but I suspect it would be a good idea to grab a copy(or two)quick,because this one's going to end up being a collector's item.

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    • nhbunion
      5,0 sur 5 étoilesAchat vérifié
      The Truth About Von Stroheim
      Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 20 octobre 2016
      This book, written by Arthur Lennig, is a masterwork of the character who named himself "Von Stroheim" when he arrived on American shores from Europe. The author cites many solid sources which dispel many long-held beliefs about Erich Von Stroheim's life, &...Afficher plus
      This book, written by Arthur Lennig, is a masterwork of the character who named himself "Von Stroheim" when he arrived on American shores from Europe. The author cites many solid sources which dispel many long-held beliefs about Erich Von Stroheim's life, & paints a detailed picture of a cinematic genius of his time. I was fascinated reading of the customary Stroheim devices, used in most of his pictures. His life makes for wonderful reading, but sadly he never enjoyed the level of respect his talents deserved, in this country, from our motion picture industry.
      This book, written by Arthur Lennig, is a masterwork of the character who named himself "Von Stroheim" when he arrived on American shores from Europe. The author cites many solid sources which dispel many long-held beliefs about Erich Von Stroheim's life, & paints a detailed picture of a cinematic genius of his time. I was fascinated reading of the customary Stroheim devices, used in most of his pictures. His life makes for wonderful reading, but sadly he never enjoyed the level of respect his talents deserved, in this country, from our motion picture industry.

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    • Thomas Barnes
      4,0 sur 5 étoilesAchat vérifié
      Four Stars
      Avis laissé aux États-Unis le 3 juin 2018
      Excellent, very thorough bio of one of the greatest film artists of all time. Highly recommended!
      Excellent, very thorough bio of one of the greatest film artists of all time. Highly recommended!

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