The PHLSD is a secure, online, comprehensive data repository housing information on laboratory testing, major equipment inventory, laboratory information management systems, document control systems, and other operational infrastructure related to APHL-member laboratories. The database was developed to provide a resource for member laboratories to support surge testing and shared services, COOP planning, testing personnel training, and knowledge sharing. Users can readily view what specific testing capabilities exist in participating laboratories, what types of equipment are used by laboratories, software used for document control and workflow management, accreditations and certifications, contact information, and various other data associated with individual laboratories. Other aggregated (non-identifiable) data related to laboratory workforce, budget resources/distributions, and building construction are also available to users. 

Currently, the PHLSD includes laboratory testing modules for clinical, environmental, human and animal food, animal/insect testing, and forensics and toxicology tests. Newborn screening tests performed by APHL-member laboratories are not included in the PHLSD; however, such information may be obtained at the APHL NewSTEPs website.  Only APHL-member laboratories that voluntarily agree to share their data are included in the PHLSD. Individual member laboratories have control over what data related to their laboratory are included in the database. Please note that only participating laboratory directors and their designees are provided access to the database. 

Access the database
*Version 2 of the PHLSD is active as of 2/29/2024 and requires resetting permissions. If you have difficulties accessing the database, please contact*


  • ​Tests: Easily maintain a standardized list of the tests your laboratory offers
  • Equipment: Simply manage all your major laboratory equipment in a central inventory
  • Data Management: Browse what LIMS and document control systems are in use
  • Accreditations and Certifications: Access what active accreditations and certifications are in use 
  • Reports and Dashboards: Quickly retrieve data from your own and other member-laboratories in user-friendly formats​

Bec​​ome a Parti​cipa​ting Laboratory

To sign up or to get more information about how to participate, please contact APHL at