About the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office

About the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office

01/08/2025: (D-SNPs page)

CMS released the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Enrollment Scenarios for § 422.514(h) to prepare for implementation of the provisions beginning in CY 2027, as well as the State Medicaid Agency Contracts Submission Requirements for Contract Year 2026 & a revised Integration Status for Contract Year 2025 D-SNPs.

12/02/2024: (D-SNPs page)

CMS released the 2025 Coverage Decision Letter & accompanying Memo for Applicable Integrated Plans on 07/26/2024. Plans must begin using these models 01/01/2025.

11/22/2024: (D-SNPs page)

CMS released the updated Addendum to the Parts C & D Enrollee Grievances, Organization/Coverage Determinations, and Appeals Guidance (effective 01/01/2025), & accompanying Memo, for Applicable Integrated Plans.

11/18/2024: (RIC page)

CMS has compiled a set of resources and tools from the Resources for Integrated Care website that were created to support providers and payors.

10/24/2024: (D-SNPs page)

CMS released the 2024 Beneficiary Experience Research Results for the Dual Eligible Terms and Experience (DETE) Study (Minnesota and Arizona)

10/17/2024: (D-SNPs page)

CMS released the New SEPs for Dually Eligible and LIS Individuals.


Advancing Care for People with Medicaid and Medicare

The Federal Coordinated Health Care Office (Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office) serves people who are dually enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid, also known as dually eligible individuals or Medicare-Medicaid enrollees.  Our goal is to make sure dually eligible individuals have full access to seamless, high quality health care and to make the system as cost-effective as possible.

The Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office works with the Medicaid and Medicare programs, across federal agencies, states, and stakeholders to align and coordinate benefits between the two programs effectively and efficiently. We partner with states to develop new care models and improve the way dually eligible individuals receive health care.


The goals of the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office are:

1. Providing dual eligible individuals full access to the benefits to which such individuals are entitled to under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 

2. Simplifying the processes for dual eligible individuals to access the items and services they are entitled to under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 

3. Improving the quality of health care and long-term services for dual eligible individuals. 

4. Increasing dual eligible individuals' understanding of and satisfaction with coverage under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 

5. Eliminating regulatory conflicts between rules under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 

6. Improving care continuity and ensuring safe and effective care transitions for dual eligible individuals. 

7. Eliminating cost-shifting between the Medicare and Medicaid program and among related health care providers. 

8. Improving the quality of performance of providers of services and suppliers under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. 

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Page Last Modified:
01/08/2025 04:17 PM