Section 1201 Exemptions to Prohibition Against Circumvention of Technological Measures Protecting Copyrighted Works: Round 2 Comments (Opposition Comments)

Comments from parties opposing the adoption of a proposed exemption were due on February 12, 2018.

Class Commenter

Class 1: Audiovisual works – criticism and comment

  1. Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  2. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA)
  3. Joint Creators

Class 2: Audiovisual works – accessibility

  1. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  2. Joint Creators

Class 3: Audiovisual works – space-shifting

  1. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  2. Joint Creators

Class 4: Audiovisual works – HDCP/HDMI

  1. Digital Content Protection, L.L.C (DCP)
  2. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  3. Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
  4. Joint Creators

Class 5: Computer programs — unlocking

  1. N/A

Class 6: Computer programs — jailbreaking

  1. App Association
  2. Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
  3. Joint Creators

Class 7: Computer programs — repair

  1. Auto Alliance
  2. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  3. Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
  4. Harman
  5. Joint Creators

Class 8: Computer programs — video game preservation

  1. Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
  2. Joint Creators

Class 9: Computer programs — software preservation

  1. App Association
  2. Joint Creators
  3. Entertainment Software Association (ESA)
  4. Software and Information Industry Assocation (SIIA)
  5. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  6. The Software Alliance (BSA)

Class 10: Computer programs — security research

  1. App Association
  2. Auto Alliance
  3. The Software Alliance (BSA)
  4. DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) & Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA)
  5. Election System Providers
  6. Joint Creators
  7. National Association of Secretaries of State
  8. North Dakota Secretary of State
  9. Software and Information Industry Assocation (SIIA)

Class 11: Computer programs — avionics

  1. N/A

Class 12: Computer programs — 3D printing

  1. Stratasys
admin 7
Association 16