Section 1201 Exemptions to Prohibition Against Circumvention of Technological Measures Protecting Copyrighted Works: Round 1 Comments

Comments in response to the October 26, 2017 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking were due on December 18, 2017.

Class Commenter

Class 1: Audiovisual works – criticism and comment

  1. Authors Alliance et al.
  2. Brigham Young University
  3. Electronic Frontier Foundation
  4. Film Independent, the International Documentary Association, and Kartemquin Films
  5. Free Software Foundation
  6. Joint Educators
  7. Joint Filmmakers
  8. The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Class 2: Audiovisual works – accessibility

  1. Association of Transcribers and Speech-to-Text Providers et al.
  2. Free Software Foundation

Class 3: Audiovisual works – space-shifting

  1. Consumers Union
  2. Free Software Foundation
  3. OmniQ

Class 4: Audiovisual works – HDCP/HDMI

  1. Free Software Foundation
  2. Andrew “bunnie” Huang

Class 5: Computer programs — unlocking

  1. Consumers Union
  2. Free Software Foundation
  3. Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc.

Class 6: Computer programs — jailbreaking

  1. Consumers Union
  2. Electronic Frontier Foundation, Owners Rights Initiative, and the Association of Service and Computer Dealers International
  3. Free Software Foundation

Class 7: Computer programs — repair

  1. American Farm Bureau Federation, National Corn Growers Association, and National Farmers Union
  2. Auto Care Association
  3. Consumers Union
  4. Consumer Technology Association
  5. Electronic Frontier Foundation, Owners’ Rights Initiative, and Association of Service and Computer Dealers International
  6. Free Software Foundation
  7. Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
  8. Daniel Willhelm

Class 8: Computer programs — video game preservation

  1. Imran Akhtar
  2. Anonymous
  3. Andrew Borman
  4. Kristian Brucaj
  5. Stephen Burkett
  6. Consumers Union
  7. Christian David
  8. Michael Dobbs
  9. John Dolph
  10. Frank Randall "Randy" Farmer
  11. Free Software Foundation
  12. Brendan Giddens
  13. Drew Littrell
  14. The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment
  15. Taylor Nodell
  16. Craig Patterson
  17. Public Knowledge
  18. Brian Sears
  19. Elijah Smith
  20. Johnny van Heteren
  21. John Williams

Class 9: Computer programs — software preservation

  1. Free Software Foundation
  2. Software Preservation Network and Library Copyright Alliance

Class 10: Computer programs — security research

  1. Center for Democracy & Technology
  2. Consumers Union
  3. Prof. Ed Felten and Prof. J. Alex Halderman
  4. Free Software Foundation
  5. Prof. Matthew Green
  6. Rapid7 et al.
  7. U.S. Public Policy Council of the Association for Computing Machinery

Class 11: Computer programs — avionics

  1. Air Informatics LLC
  2. Free Software Foundation
  3. Public Knowledge

Class 12: Computer programs — 3D printing

  1. Free Software Foundation
  2. Michael Weinberg
Association 10