Ach, wann kommt (Alexander Ertl)

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  • (Posted 2009-12-31)  CPDL #20724:     
Editor: Alexander Ertl (submitted 2009-12-31).   Score information: A4 (landscape), 1 page, 20 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Ach, wann kommt
Composer: Alexander Ertl
Lyricist: Angelus Silesius

Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Unison
Genre: SacredCarol

Language: German
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 2009
Description: Carol for first Sunday of Advent. Composed in 2009. If you want the accompaniment of the carol please contact me.

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Original text and translations

German.png German text

Ach, wann kommt die Zeit heran,
daß ich werde schauen an
meinen liebsten Jesum Christ,
der mein Lieb und Leben ist?

Allzeit weißt du, daß ich mich
nicht erhalten kann ohn dich,
weil du, liebster Jesu Christ,
meines Lebens Leben bist.

Drum so komm doch bald zu mir
und erfreue mich mit dir,
schließ mich in die Arme ein,
die für mich verwundet sein.

English.png English translation

Ah, when will come the time
That I behold face to face
My beloved Jesus Christ,
Who is my Love and Life?

You have ever known that I
Cannot survive without you;
For You, dearest Jesus Christ,
Are my very Life of life.

So then come right soon to me
And let me rejoice with You,
Fold me in your arms,
Which were wounded for me.