Benedictus qui venit

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General Information

Second part of the Sanctus of the Mass. (Source: Matthew 21: 9) To view Sanctus and Benedictus text together see Sanctus.

There are other chants with the same beginning:

  • The Gradual ("…nomini Domini: Deus Dominus et illuxit nobis") for Christmas Dawn
  • The Offertory ("Benedictus qui…benediximus…") for Saturday following Easter (now assigned to Baptism of the Lord)
  • The Alleluia verse ("…nomini Domini: Deus Dominus et illuxit nobis") for the Feast of the Lord's Baptism (in 1974 books, apparently neo-gregorian).
  • The Responsory ("…Deus Dominus…") from Lauds of Christmas.


Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above


Latin.png Latin text

Benedictus qui venit
in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.


English.png English translation

Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

Chinese.png Chinese translation


French.png French translation

Béni soit celui qui vient
au nom du Seigneur.
Hosanna au plus haut des cieux!

Korean.png Korean translation

주님의 이름으로 오시는 분,
찬미 받으소서.
높은 데서 호산나.

Tagalog.png Tagalog translation

Pinagpala ang naparirito
sa ngalan ng Panginoon
Osana sa kaitaasan.

Portuguese.png Portuguese translation

Bendito o que vem
Em nome do Senhor.
Hosana nas alturas.

Spanish.png Spanish translation

Bendito el que viene
en nombre del Señor
Hosanna en las alturas.

Vietnamese.png Vietnamese translation

Chúc tụng Đấng ngự đến
nhân danh Chúa.
Hoan hô Chúa trên các tầng trời.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Gezegend Hij,
die komt in de naam des Heren.
Hosanna in de hoge.

German.png German translation

Gelobet sei der da kommt
im Namen des Herrn,
Hosianna in der Höhe.

Danish.png Danish translation

Velsignet være han,
som kommer i Herrens navn.
Hosianna i det høje.

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