Benedictus qui venit
General Information
Second part of the Sanctus of the Mass. (Source: Matthew 21: 9) To view Sanctus and Benedictus text together see Sanctus.
There are other chants with the same beginning:
- The Gradual ("…nomini Domini: Deus Dominus et illuxit nobis") for Christmas Dawn
- The Offertory ("Benedictus qui…benediximus…") for Saturday following Easter (now assigned to Baptism of the Lord)
- The Alleluia verse ("…nomini Domini: Deus Dominus et illuxit nobis") for the Feast of the Lord's Baptism (in 1974 books, apparently neo-gregorian).
- The Responsory ("…Deus Dominus…") from Lauds of Christmas.
Other settings possibly not included in the manual list above
- Frank Adlam — Office of Holy Communion
- Edward Bairstow — Service for the Office of Holy Communion for voices in unison
- Joseph Barnby — Blessed be He that cometh
- Anton Bruckner — Messe für den Gründonnerstag, WAB 9
- Antoine Brumel — Benedictus 'fuga ex una'
- Antonio Caldara — Benedictus
- Gabriel Fauré — Benedictus
- Charles Gounod — Benedictus, CG 56b1
- Alexandre Guilmant — Benedictus
- Alexandre Guilmant — Benedictus for Advent and Lent
- Adam Gumpelzhaimer — Benedictus
- Jacob Handl — Benedictus
- Orlando di Lasso — Benedictus
- Rudolph di Lasso — Benedictus
- Alonso Lobo — Benedictus qui venit
- Juan Montes — Benedictus
- Lorenzo Perosi — Benedictus
- Philippe Rogier — Benedictus qui venit
- Philippe Rogier — Benedictus qui venit II
- Francisco Manuel da Silva — Hallelujah for Holy Saturday
- Charles Villiers Stanford — Benedictus and Agnus Dei in B flat
- Charles Villiers Stanford — Benedictus and Agnus Dei in F
- August Söderman — Benedictus (No. 5 from 'Andliga sånger')
- José de Torres — Benedictus qui venit
- Francisco Valls — Benedictus qui venit
- André Vierendeels — Benedictus
- Franciszek Walczyński — Benedictus in A a3
- Franciszek Walczyński — Benedictus in B Flat a3
Latin text
Benedictus qui venit
in nomine Domini.
Hosanna in excelsis.
English translation Blessed is he who comes 奉主名而來的,當受讚美。 Béni soit celui qui vient 주님의 이름으로 오시는 분, |
Tagalog translation Pinagpala ang naparirito Bendito o que vem Bendito el que viene Chúc tụng Đấng ngự đến |
Dutch translation Gezegend Hij, Gelobet sei der da kommt Velsignet være han, |
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