Can he? (Chris Inglis)

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  • (Posted 2004-07-09)  CPDL #07558:   
Editor: Chris Inglis (submitted 2004-07-09).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 788 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes: please notify composer, he would like to hear responses.

General Information

Title: Can He?
Composer: Chris Inglis

Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Soprano solo
Genre: SacredSacred song

Language: English
Instruments: Piano

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Can he help me? Can he heal me?
If anyone ever can, he can help me.
I believe it.
If anyone ever could, he could help me.
Why would he help me after the life I’ve led?
How could he heal me after the years I’ve bled?
Just get near him! If I touch him…
If I can get through this crowd,
just get near him…
If I touch him, can get near to him,
I know that he can change me if I touch him.

Why believe in him?
All the fine words he spoke,
what power could there be in the fringe of a man’s cloak?

I will touch him. I’ll just touch him…

Ha asked us who touched him.
I told him I touched him.
He smiled and said,
“Dear one, your faith has made you whole.”