Category:All Saints

From ChoralWiki

A category for music proper for the Feast of All Saints (November 1, often transferred to a nearby Sunday). The gospel of the beatitudes from Matt. 5 is unchanged in the three-year Roman Catholic lectionary, but in the Revised Common Lectionary and lectionaries derived from it, Years B and C have different gospel readings.

Proper Liber usualis Gregorian Missal (1990)
Introit: Gaudeamus omnes
Gradual: Timete Dominum
Alleluia verse: Alleluia. Venite ad me
Sequence: Omnes Sancti
Offertory: Justorum animae
Communion: Beati mundo corde
Antiphons for Vespers are Vidi turbam magnam, Et omnes Angeli, Redemisti nos, Benedicite Dominum, Hymnus omnibus, Angeli, archangeli, and, at 2nd Vespers, O quam gloriosum.
See also Requiem for texts proper to All Souls (November 2) as well as funerals.

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