Category:CPDL 773xy
This (hidden) category lists those score pages containing CPDL edition numbers of the form CPDL #773xy: sorted on "xy" with headings grouped on the tens digit "x". A listing of these pages by their CPDL edtion numbers is at ChoralWiki:CPDL 773xy.
Pages in this category
The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total.
- By the hearth-stone (Jennifer Bastable)
- When twilight dews are falling soft (William Mason (1829-1908))
- Sweet Content (Clara Angela Macirone)
- Who is Sylvia? (Clara Angela Macirone)
- The wounded Cupid (Clara Angela Macirone)
- O yes, O yes, O yes (Clara Angela Macirone)
- Eins bitte ich vom Herrn - BuxWV 24 (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- Salve Regina (Hotinet Barra)
- Creavit Deus hominem (David Palladius)
- It is this (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- Creavit Deus hominem (Jacobus Clemens non Papa)
- How I love the festive boy, Op.8, no.2 (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- Cognoscimus Domine (Thomas Crecquillon)
- Autumn, Op.8, no.3 (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- When spring begems the dewy scene, Op.8, no.4 (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- The day of love, Op.8, no.5 (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- A Franklyn’s dogge leped over a style (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- The stars are with the voyager, Op.8, no.7 (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- The evening star (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- The singers (Alexander Campbell Mackenzie)
- Ist es recht dass man dem Kaiser - BuxWV 54 (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- From the lone Shieling (Malcolm Maclean)
- There's nae luck about the house (Charles Macpherson)
- Come to me darling (Hubert Platt Main)
- Rockaby, lullaby (Hubert Platt Main)
- The sweet voice (Hubert Platt Main)
- Music! (Jacob Mainzer)
- Pastime with good company (Henry VIII)
- Though some saith (Henry VIII)
- De mon triste et desplaisir (Jean Richafort)
- Ye little birds that sit and sing (Richard Mann)
- To Sadie (Purcell James Mansfield)
- Love is a sickness full of woes (Arthur William Marchant)
- The Traction Engine (Stanley Marchant)
- Behold! the twilight deepens (James Christopher Marks)
- Sleep, baby! (James Christopher Marks)
- Blow, ye balmy breezes, blow (James Christopher Marks)
- Good morrow to my love (Morris Marks)
- Behold the Sun in gold descending (Florence Ashton Marshall)
- Rest hath come (Florence Ashton Marshall)
- To sea! the calm is o'er (Florence Ashton Marshall)
- Evening (George Clement Martin)
- Sleep, darling, sleep (George Clement Martin)
- Bonny Boat (S. Wesley Martin)
- Music Everywhere (S. Wesley Martin)
- Song of the Skaters (S. Wesley Martin)
- Slumber Song (S. Wesley Martin)
- Coming of Spring (S. Wesley Martin)
- The Fay’s Song (Francis William Massi Hardman)
- Come, follow me (Oliver May)
- Mentre voi Donna miro (Scipione Dentice)
- Neapolitan Nonsense (Carlotta Ferrari)
- Children (Thomas Willert Beale)
- Veni Creator Spiritus (Guillaume Dufay)
- The Hemlock Tree (Thomas Willert Beale)
- Lo! The peaceful shades of evening (Thomas Willert Beale)
- Violet (Thomas Willert Beale)
- Barney Buntline (Anonymous)
- Quanta gioia (Philippe de Monte)
- Dol-orous Ditty (Anonymous)
- The Monkey’s Wedding (Anonymous)
- Charm me asleep (John Blackwood McEwen)
- Let me the canakin clink (John Blackwood McEwen)
- The links o’ love (John Blackwood McEwen)
- Weep no more (John Blackwood McEwen)
- The Bells of Eventide (Hugh Henry McGranahan)
- Chime again (Hugh Henry McGranahan)
- Fair Katie (Hugh Henry McGranahan)
- Mother’s Choice (James McGranahan)
- The hour of singing (James McGranahan)
- The last leaf (James McGranahan)
- Long, long the Night (Daniel Gregory Mason)
- The Fox and the Grapes (Lowell Mason)
- Laura (Lowell Mason)
- The evening sail (Lowell Mason)
- Io! the snow! (Lowell Mason)
- Gondolier’s Serenade (William Mason (1829-1908))
- Sleighing Song (William Mason (1829-1908))
- Spring (William Mason (1829-1908))
- Adieu, sweet flowers! (William McKendrick)
- All that’s true (William McKendrick)
- I seek for Thee in every Flower (William McKendrick)
- The Music of the Maytime (William McKendrick)
- The South Wind (William McKendrick)
- Sparkle on, lovely star! (William McKendrick)
- Old King Coal (Edward Parks McMurray)
- All is still (Matthew Lindsay McPhail)
- Donna, voi vi credete (Scipione Dentice)
- Perche fuggirmi, ahi lasso (Scipione Dentice)
- Fuerunt mihi lachrimae (Jacobus Clemens non Papa)
- Lunge da gli occhi vostri (Scipione Dentice)
- Nimm von uns Herr - BuxWV 78 (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- Heu mihi Domine (Alfonso Ferrabosco I)
- Ye Singers all (Gustav Mehner)
- There came three merry men (George Merritt)
- Loughton tree (George Merritt)
- The Muleteer (Augustus Meves)
- When ships put out to sea (William Otto Miessner)