Category:Gospel motets
Settings of excerpts from the Gospels typically begin with the formula "In illo tempore" ("at that time…"). The Evangelische Motette or Evangelische Spruch was cultivated during the early Reformation in Germany by Melchior Franck, Vulpius and others.
Pages in this category
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- Abeuntes Pharisei (Maistre Jhan)
- Als nun Jesus an dem Galileischen Meer ging (Andreas Raselius)
- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Andreas Raselius)
- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Melchior Franck)
- Also hat Gott geliebt die welt (Ivo de Vento)
- Ambulans Jesus (Maistre Jhan)
- Amen amen dico vobis (Jean Guyot)
- Amen, Amen dico vobis a 6 (Christoph Straus)
- Da antwortet Simon Petrus (Andreas Raselius)
- Da trat zu ihm die Mutter (Andreas Raselius)
- Da traten die Jünger zu Jesu (Melchior Vulpius)
- Das gebiet ich euch (Andreas Raselius)
- Die Starken bedürfen des Arztes nicht (Andreas Raselius)
- Dies ist der Jünger (Andreas Raselius)
- Dieweil du mich gesehen hast (Andreas Raselius)
- Dixit autem Dominus (Jacquet de Mantua)
- Domine nonne bonum semen seminasti (Dominique Phinot)
- Domine si tu es (Giaches de Wert)
- Domine, si tu es (Nicolas Gombert)
- Ductus est Jesus (Francisco Guerrero)
- Ecce ascendimus Hierosolymam (Melchior Vulpius)
- Ego rogabo Patrem (Andrea Gabrieli)
- Ego rogabo Patrem (Giovanni Croce)
- Egressus Jesus (Michael Deiss)
- Erat Jesus (Alonso de Tejeda)
- Erat Jesus (Orazio Vecchi)
- Erat Jesus ejiciens (Manuel Cardoso)
- Es ging ein Sämann aus zu säen, 1679 (Wolfgang Carl Briegel)
- Es ging ein Sämann aus zu säen, SWV 408 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Es gingen zweene Menschen hinauf, SWV 444 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Evangelium in die paschae (Johannes Galliculus)
- Ich bin der Weg (Andreas Raselius)
- Ich bin ein rechter Weinstock, SWV 389 (Heinrich Schütz)
- Ich sage euch, viel werden kommen (Andreas Raselius)
- In diebus illis mulier (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- In illo tempore (Adrian Willaert)
- In illo tempore (Orlando di Lasso)
- In illo tempore ... non turbetur (Jacquet de Mantua)
- In illo tempore accesserunt (Anonymous)
- In illo tempore accesserunt (Jean Mouton)
- In illo tempore assumpsit (Josquin des Prez)
- In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus duodecim (Diego Ortiz)
- In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus Petrum (Francesco Soriano)
- In illo tempore assumpsit Jesus Petrum (Joannes de Latre)
- In illo tempore cum turba plurima (Cristóbal de Morales)
- In illo tempore dixit Jesus… Nolite timere (Cristóbal de Morales)
- In illo tempore egressus Jesus (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- In illo tempore erat Dominus Jesus (I) (Francisco Guerrero)
- In illo tempore erat Dominus Jesus (II) (Francisco Guerrero)
- In illo tempore postquam (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck)
- In illo tempore postquam (Jean Mouton)
- In illo tempore postquam impleti sunt dies purgationis (Costanzo Festa)
- In illo tempore stabant autem (Cristóbal de Morales)
- In illo tempore … Modicum et non videbitis me (Jacquet de Mantua)
- In illo tempore, litigabant (Sampson I)
- In illo tempore, loquente Jesu (Nicolas Gombert)
- In illo tempore… quis ex vobis (Estêvão de Brito)
- Intravit Jesus (Giaches de Wert)