Charmer, hear a faithful lover (Thomas Billington)

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Editor: Christopher Shaw (submitted 2022-11-05).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 149 kB   Copyright: CC BY SA
Edition notes: Please click on the link for preview/playback/PDF download.

General Information

Title: Charmer, hear a faithful lover
Composer: Thomas Billington
Lyricist: Anonymous
Number of voices: 2vv   Voicing: SS
Genre: SecularPartsong

Language: English
Instruments: Keyboard

First published: c.1780 (n/d)

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Original text and translations

English.png English text

Charmer, hear a faithful lover,
Nor disdain to admit his flame;
Cease to slight, your scorn give over,
Constant ever he'll remain.

Charms surround his lovely features,
Tender pity grant your slave:
Turn, and be so kind a creature;
Haste, and heal the wounds you gave.