ChoralWiki:February 2007 scores
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February 2007 scores (most recent listed first)
Total pages with new scores added in the month: 42
- (Creation date) Page with new edition(s)
28 February
- (01 Jan 2008) Polovetsian Dances (Alexander Borodin)
25 February
- (26 Feb 2007) Boy at the window (Huub de Lange)
- (25 Feb 2007) Facta cogitatum (Johann Kaspar Aiblinger)
- (26 Feb 2007) Kimbolton (We are a garden) (Anonymous)
- (26 Feb 2007) Margretes Vuggesang (Edvard Grieg)
24 February
- (25 Feb 2007) Begräbnisgesang (Johannes Brahms)
- (24 Feb 2007) Communion Service, Op. 18 in E Major (Horatio W. Parker)
23 February
- (24 Aug 2005) Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 (Gabriel Fauré)
- (24 Aug 2005) Come, ye Sons of Art, Z 323 (Henry Purcell)
- (24 Feb 2007) Te Deum laudamus in E (Horatio W. Parker)
21 February
- (21 Feb 2007) How calmly the evening (Edward Elgar)
- (21 Feb 2007) The Shower, Op. 71, No. 1 (Edward Elgar)
20 February
- (20 Feb 2007) Adieu mes amours (Josquin des Prez)
- (18 Aug 2005) Requiem in D minor, Op. 48 (Gabriel Fauré)
19 February
- (19 Feb 2007) Nun bin ich einmal frey (Jacob Regnart)
18 February
- (31 Jul 2007) Dilectus meus descendit (Pierre Bonhomme)
- (18 Feb 2007) In silentio et spe (Caspar Othmayr)
- (18 Feb 2007) Laudate Dominum (Ps. 147) a 15 (Leonhard Lechner)
- (19 Feb 2007) Requiem für Mignon (Robert Schumann)
15 February
- (15 Feb 2007) Factus est (Johann Kaspar Aiblinger)
- (16 Feb 2007) O fly not, O take some pity (Thomas Morley)
- (15 Feb 2007) Parce Domine with Psalm 51 (Charles H. Giffen)
14 February
- (15 Feb 2007) Requiem (Giuseppe Verdi)
13 February
- (13 Feb 2007) Barechu (Salamone Rossi)
- (13 Feb 2007) Der Gondelfahrer (Franz Schubert)
- (14 Feb 2007) Tu en un pesebre (Francisco Valls)
12 February
- (12 Feb 2007) Missa Nasce la gioja mia (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
- (13 Feb 2007) Schicksalslied, Op. 54 (Johannes Brahms)
11 February
- (11 Feb 2007) Adieu m'amour II (Alexander Agricola)
- (11 Feb 2007) Et qui la dira (Alexander Agricola)
10 February
8 February
- (08 Feb 2007) ¿Qué es lo que me niega Amor? (Francisco Valls)
7 February
- (07 Feb 2007) Miserere mei Deus, quoniam (Johann Kaspar Aiblinger)
4 February
3 February
- (05 Feb 2007) Almoster (Constantí Sotelo i Paradela)
- (03 Feb 2007) To God, our never-failing strength (John Wall Callcott)
2 February
- (03 Feb 2007) Morning Light 7 6. 7 6. D (George J. Webb)
- (02 Feb 2007) Ode to Saint Thomas Aquinas (Francisco Valls)
- (03 Feb 2007) Stand up, stand up for Jesus (George J. Webb)
1 February
- (01 Feb 2007) Missa in Es (Ondřej Horník)
- (01 Feb 2007) Praeter rerum seriem (Anonymous)
- (02 Feb 2007) Todo es ya mansedumbres (Juan del Vado)
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