Easter morning (Dudley Buck)

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  • (Posted 2004-07-04)  CPDL #07512:      (Sibelius 2)
Editor: Douglas Walczak (submitted 2004-07-04).   Score information: A4, 3 pages, 88 kB   Copyright: Personal
Edition notes:

General Information

Title: Easter Morning
Composer: Dudley Buck

Number of voices: 1v   Voicing: Unison
Genre: SacredHymn

Language: English
Instruments: Organ

First published:

External websites:

Original text and translations

English.png English text

Ere yet the gray
Of Easter Day
Had tinged the night of weeping,
With eager heed
The women speed
Where their dear Lord was sheeping;
With perfumes sweet and spices rare
and sweeter balm of tears and pray’r
To shroud His rest with tender care.

What glad surprise
the clear sunrise
Is with its radiance bringing!
The tomb was bright
With holy night
And shining angels singing;
The Lord is ris’n! Be not afraid!
The Lord has ris’n as He hath said!
Behold the place where He was laid.

The tears of night
Are dewdrops bright,
The sunlit fields adorning;
And passion days
In songs of praise
Shall end on Easter morning;
And doubts, and fears, and griefs and pain,
Dissolve like clouds in gentle rain
To make the springtide bloom again.

With heart and voice
Let men rejoice
In Christ, the King all glorious!
He lights the gloom of ev’ry tomb
Who rose from dath victorious;
For all He broke its cruel sway
And rolled the heavy stone away
From ev’ry grave, on Easter Day.

Now raise again
A joyful stain,
The risen Lord adorning;
Glad homage bring
To Christ the King,
His mercy sweet imploring!
Go forth with song your Lord to greet;
Bow down and worship all at His feet,
With Alleluias, Alleluias loud and sweet.