Eran Ninfe e Pastori (Alessandro Striggio)

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  • (Posted 2018-11-15)  CPDL #52071:     
Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2018-11-15).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 85 kB   Copyright: CC BY NC
Edition notes:
  • (Posted 2018-02-02)  CPDL #48644:         
Editor: Wim Looyestijn (submitted 2018-02-02).   Score information: A4, 7 pages, 91 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: This madrigal is part 18 from "Il Trionfo di Dori", a series of 29 madrigals by various composers and poets, all ending with the exclamation "Viva la bella Dori". English translation adopted from Tactus. Dutch translation by editor.
  • (Posted 2006-01-15)  CPDL #10774:      (Finale 2000)   (Finale 2006)
Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2006-01-15).   Score information: Letter, 4 pages, 113 kB   Copyright: CPDL
Edition notes: Eran Ninfe e Pastori - alla quinta bassa - Alessandro Striggio (1535-1595) Il Trionfo di Dori descritto e posto in musica, da altrettanto autori a sei voci

General Information

Title: Eran Ninfe e Pastori
Composer: Alessandro Striggio
Lyricist: Mutio Manfredi

Number of voices: 6vv   Voicing: SSATTB
Genre: SecularMadrigal

Language: Italian
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1592 in Il Trionfo di Dori, no. 18
    2nd published: 1605 in Nervi d'Orfeo, no. 83

External websites:

Original text and translations

Italian.png Italian text

Eran Ninfe e Pastori uniti
Contra le Grazi’ e con gl’Amori
E di suon’e di canti
facean tal armonia
Che si fermav’il sol, l’herba fioria;
Poi di ros’e d’acanti
Tessevano ghirlande d’amaranti
E nei versi dicean cogliend’i fiori:
Viva, viva la bella Dori!

English.png English translation

Nymphs and shepherds,
united with the graces and the gods of love
and with music and songs,
produced such harmony
that the sun stood still and the grass flowered.
Then from roses, acanthus,
and amaranth they wove garlands
and, in their verses, gathering flowers, they said:
“Long live fair Dori!”.

Dutch.png Dutch translation

Nimfen en herders, tesamen
met de gratiën en de liefdesgoden,
maakten met muziek en liederen,
zo'n harmonieus geluid
dat de zon stil stond, en het gras bloeide.
Toen weefden zij slingers van rozen,
bereklauwen en kattestaarten,
en, bloemen rapend, zongen zij:
"Leve de schone Dori!"