Evening Hymn (Elisha West)

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  • (Posted 2014-02-24)  CPDL #31368:        (Sibelius 7)
Editor: Edmund Gooch (submitted 2014-02-24).   Score information: A4, 2 pages, 48 kB   Copyright: Public Domain
Edition notes: This edition is based on the setting published in the second edition of The Musical Concert, Northampton [MA]: 1807. The alto part is printed in the alto clef in the source. The original time signature is retorted time. The soprano note on the last quaver of bar in bar 9, given here as a B, is printed in the source as the C a tone higher. Only the first verse of the text given here is given in the source: the two subsequent verses have been added editorially.

General Information

Title: Evening Hymn
First Line: Our moments fly apace
Composer: Elisha West
Lyricist: Isaac Watts

Number of voices: 4vv   Voicing: SATB
Genre: SacredPsalm-tune   Meter: 66. 86 (S.M.)

Language: English
Instruments: A cappella

First published: 1802 in The Musical Concert, Edition 1
    2nd published: 1807 in The Musical Concert, Edition 2
Description: This setting of verses from Isaac Watts' Short Meter paraphrase of Psalm 90 was first published in the first edition of Elisha West's The Musical Concert (Northampton [MA]: 1802). It was republished, with the same text, in the second edition of the same work, in 1807. Hymn Tune Index tune number 9240. The tune was reused with the text 'The day is past and gone' by Jeremiah Ingalls in The Christian Harmony (1805). The tune was reused with the text And must this body die by Japheth C. Washburn in the 4th edition of The Northern Harmony (1816), the 1st edition of The Temple Harmony (1818), and the 2nd edition of The Temple Harmony (1820).

External websites:

Original text and translations

Original text and translations may be found at Psalm 90.