Fasciculus myrrhae (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
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- Editor: Allen Garvin (submitted 2020-06-24). Score information: Letter, 3 pages, 80 kB Copyright: CC BY NC
- Edition notes: In original high clefs. Transposition instructions are in the source, or feel free to email me a request.
- (Posted 2019-06-30) CPDL #54656:
- Editor: Pothárn Imre (submitted 2019-06-30). Score information: A4, 3 pages, 83 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Note values halved. Updated version of Edition #2006.
- Editor: James Gibb (submitted 2017-08-11). Score information: A4, 3 pages, 61 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Reformatting of #2006, with musica ficta absorbed into staves. Original pitch.
- (Posted 2016-05-18) CPDL #39686:
- Editor: Gerd Eichler (submitted 2019-11-01). Score information: A4, 4 pages, 68 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: Transcribed from original print (based on 1587 edition), Mensurstrich layout, original key signature and note values, musica ficta clearly marked.
- Editor: Sabine Cassola (submitted 2008-06-15). Score information: A4, 3 pages, 64 kB Copyright: CPDL
- Edition notes: File Sizes: MIDI: 7 KB, Finale 2006: 27 KB.
General Information
Title: Fasciculus myrrhae
Composer: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Source of text: Song of Solomon 1:12-14 (Vulgate)
Number of voices: 5vv Voicing: SATTB
Genre: Sacred, Motet
Language: Latin
Instruments: A cappella
First published: 1584 in Canticum Canticorum, no. 7
Description: From ’Song of Songs / Songs of Solomon' - Chapter 1 - Verses 13 through 15.
The use of musica ficta in this piece (just as in many of Palestrina's works, and unlike e.g. in Lasso's pieces) is far from straightforward. Among the recordings of this piece rather differing realisations of musica ficta can be found.
External websites:
Original text and translations
Song of Solomon 1:13–15
Latin text Fasciculus myrrhae dilectus meus mihi, |
English translation A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, |
German translation Ein Myrrhenbüschel ist mein Geliebter mir, |
Hungarian translation Az én szerelmesem mirrhabokréta nekem, |
Dutch translation
Wat knap ben je toch, mijn liefste en wat bekoorlijk.
Ons bed is het bloemenveld,
de balken van onze vertrekken zijn ceders,
de plafonds zijn cipressen.
Ik ben een weidebloem en een lelietje van dalen.
- Translation by Anton Hendriks, Ben Terstegge & Hanneke Pot
- Allen Garvin editions
- Pothárn Imre editions
- James Gibb editions
- Gerd Eichler editions
- Sabine Cassola editions
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina compositions
- 5-part choral music
- Sacred music
- Motets
- Works in Latin
- A cappella
- 1584 works
- Texts
- Latin texts
- Translations
- English translations
- German translations
- Hungarian translations
- Dutch translations
- Translations with attribution
- Anton Hendriks, Ben Terstegge & Hanneke Pot translations
- Sheet music
- Renaissance music